Editorial board

Efraim Karsh - King’s College, London - biography

Book Reviews Editor:
David Rodman

Editorial Board:
Glenda Abramson, Oxford University
Michael Brecher, McGill University
Eliot Cohen, SAIS
Liah Greenfeld, Boston University
Dvora Hacohen, Bar-Ilan University
Rusi Jaspal, University of Brighton
Martin Kramer, Shalem College
P R Kumaraswamy, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Michael Mandelbaum, John's Hopkins University
Daniel Pipes, Middle East Forum
Assaf Razin, Tel Aviv University
Bernard Reich, Georgetown University
Jehuda Reinharz, Brandeis University
Donna Robinson Divine, Smith College
Howard Sachar, Georgetown University
Jonathan Sarna, Brandeis University
Anthony Smith, London School of Economics
Michael Walzer, Princeton University

Manuscripts and Editorial correspondence should be sent to:
Professor Efraim Karsh - Emeritus Professor, King's College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom; email [email protected]

Book reviews for consideration should be sent to:
David Rodman; email [email protected]

Updated 27-06-2023