Aims and scope

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review publishes both theoretical and practical papers relevant to technical, economic, and environmental issues in the handling, processing, and utilization of minerals. In addition to regular issues, special issues focusing on subjects of regional and topical significance will be published when the Editor feels there is sufficient interest among readers.

Five types of papers will be published:

1) Review papers on particular topics in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy including: ore genesis; mineral properties and utilization; extraction, separation, and purification of minerals and metals; and post-treatment of effluents and tailings including solid waste valorization.

(2) Research topics relevant to sustainability, circular-economy, and process intensification as well as the processing of advanced materials (critical and strategic) through pyro-, hydro-, and solvo-metallurgical routes.

(3) Broadly significant research papers that are of general interest in the field. Research papers that are too narrowly focused or are based on only a small number of experiments will not be accepted.

(4) Short Communications on recent trends including new discoveries, climate change, global warming, technical notes to be published quickly, or discussion on a published paper.

(5) Contributions that deal with new developments or new directions for future research in plants or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are promoted, including financial and economic analyses, uncertainty and sensitivity analyses, and computer-based studies.

Submissions will first be pre-reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. Those that do not meet editorial standards for grammar, clarity, quality of figures, and relevance to the mission of the journal will be returned without further review. papers that do meet editorial standards will be examined by 2-4 peer reviewers who are selected by the Editor-in-Chief as having relevant expertise. The reviewers will be allowed 3 weeks to complete their reviews. The Editor will then select papers for publication or revision based on the recommendations of the reviewers. Authors will receive copies of the reviewers' comments for use in making necessary revisions to their submissions.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.