Aims and scope

This journal has ceased (2020)

Cogent Physics , part of Taylor & Francis, is a multidisciplinary open access journal that publishes theoretical, experimental and applied research across the breadth of physics. Our aim is to disseminate research and knowledge across various communities through open access publishing.

Included in a number of international indexes, Cogent Physics is led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Rajeev Ahuja, of Uppsala University, Sweden, supported by a highly qualified board of editors. The journal provides authors with fast peer review and publication, and an objective and constructive editorial process. Manuscripts are evaluated based on scientific validity, methodological soundness and research integrity rather than the impact of the outcome. Article-level metrics allow the research to be assessed on its own merit. Cogent Physics is a fully peer-reviewed, open access journal with a mission to help researchers communicate with a global audience and interact with expert scientists from across the physics community and beyond.

Our academic editors, who are all active researchers, take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Submissions are assessed on their scientific soundness and validity and not evaluated based on subjective assessments of importance. A host of post-publication metrics will display the ongoing impact of each individual article.

Cogent Physics
considers theoretical, experimental or applied original research articles and review articles in any of the following branches of physics:

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Atomic & Molecular Physics
  • Biophysics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Interdisciplinary Physics
  • Materials Science
  • Mathematical & Computational Physics
  • Medical Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Optics & Photonics
  • Particle Physics

To submit a manuscript to Cogent Physics please visit our dedicated online submission site.

What can you expect if you publish in Cogent Physics?

  • A straightforward and friendly publishing service
  • Immediate, free access to your article for anyone anywhere in the world
  • Rigorous peer review featuring constructive dialogue with experts
  • Fast publication on a state-of-the-art platform
  • Innovative article-level performance metrics
  • Global marketing and high production values
  • Extensive indexing and archiving of your work
  • Retention of the full copyright in your work