Editorial board

Editor: Emily Taylor, Associate Fellow, Chatham House

Co-Editor: Joyce Hakmeh, Chatham House

Associate Editors:

Amrit Swali, Chatham House

Julia Cournoyer, Chatham House

Chair of the Editorial Board: Dr Patricia Lewis, Chatham House

Editorial Board:

Dr Rasha Abdulla, Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, The American University in Cairo (Egypt)
Pablo Bello, Director of Public Policy for Latin America at WhatsApp (Brazil)
Subimal Bhattacharjee, Independent Consultant on Cyber Security and Defence, New Delhi (India)
Professor Richard Dasher, Director of the US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University (US)
Dr Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Deputy for Research and Teaching at the Center for Security Studies (CSS); Senior Lecturer for Security Politics at ETH Zurich. (Switzerland)
Anriette Esterhuysen, Chair, United Nations Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group; Senior advisor global and regional internet governance, Association for Progressive Communications (South Africa)
Dorothy K. Gordon, Technology and Development Specialist (Ghana)
Professor Phillip N. Howard, Director, Oxford Internet Institute, Professor of Internet Studies, Balliol College, University of Oxford (UK)
Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis, Policy Fellow, Brave New Software Foundation (Geneva)
Alexandra Kulikova, CISO IT & Security Regulatory Watch Manager with Euroclear (Belgium)
Dr Cathy Mulligan, Honorary Senior Researcher at UCL, member of IET Digital Panel (UK)
Professor Sir David Omand GCB, Visiting Professor War Studies Department, King’s College London (UK)
Dr Sarah Roberts, Associate Professor, UCLA; Co-Director, UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry (US)
Douglas Taylor, Senior Research Analyst, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UK)
Professor Motohiro Tsuchiya, Dean and Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University (Japan)