Society information

About the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA)

Founded in 1987, the Voice and Speech Trainers Association is an international organization whose mission is to advance the art, research, and visibility of the voice and speech profession. VASTA serves the needs of voice and speech specialists, teachers, scholars, practitioners, coaches, and artists by supporting and empowering those who work and study in the voice field.

A multidisciplinary organization, VASTA aims to broaden public understanding of the nature and importance of voice and speech use and training, and VASTA creates opportunities for ongoing education and exchange among the varying voice communities: performing arts, theatre, music, communication, business coaching, linguistics, health, speech science, and others.

VASTA offers a variety of resources to those in the voice discipline including, but not limited to, a scholarly journal, a quarterly newsletter, an annual world-wide conference, organizational grants and scholarships, teaching and learning resources, advancement support, and networking and leadership opportunities.

For more information about VASTA and to join the association, visit