Aims and scope

This title has ceased (2019).

Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering (JICEE) is a fully open access journal affiliated with the International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE).

The ICEE consists of four institutions—CSEE (Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering), HKIE (The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers), IEEJ (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan), and KIEE (The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers).

JICEE aims to serve the global electrical engineering community by providing a platform for the dissemination of high-quality, high-impact original research on the latest advancements in science, engineering, and technology.

Topics for submission may include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Power System Engineering
  • Electric Machinery and Power Electronics
  • Materials, Electrophysics & Applications
  • Information and Control Engineering
  • Smart Grid
  • Sustainable Energy and Energy Storage
  • Sensors and Micro Machines

Each article published in JICEE is Open Access, which means that, upon payment of an article publishing charge (APC), the article is freely available in perpetuity on Taylor & Francis Group's online platform There is no additional subscription fee, article pay-to-view fee or any other form of access fee; and no publication embargo is applied.

Peer review policy

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable, for further consideration to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.


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