Aims and scope

The New Educator is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by The School of Education of The City College of New York ( and The Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) ( It is published by Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Focusing on the knowledge created through practice and the challenges of building and sustaining professional community in the education of new educators, The New Educator serves as a forum on issues that teacher educators, teacher education programs, and school systems encounter in the preparation, recruitment, induction, retention, and ongoing support of educators new to the field. Defining "educator" broadly to include classroom teachers, administrators, counselors, support staff, teacher educators, and those who educate outside of school settings, the journal is particularly interested in work that links theory with practice, is generated through practice, is useful and accessible to the field, and reflects the needs and perspectives of the diverse communities served by educational institutions in this new century.

The New Educator features research articles, essays, commentaries, reports, program descriptions, reflective narratives, humor, interviews, photos, and book reviews. Themes addressed in ongoing issues include: Preparing educators for the 21st century - meeting the challenges; standards, assessment, and accountability for educators; responding to the challenges of diversity in our schools; lessons from effective classrooms in PreK-12 schools as well as teacher education programs; education educators for democratic practice; leadership for learning; the first year of teaching; educating educators for diverse settings - after-school programs, museums, juvenile detention centers, etc. Past issues have featured the work of Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Linda Darling-Hammond, Karen Hammerness, Jamila Lyiscott, Ernest Morrell, Marianna Souto-Manning and other well-known as well as emerging scholars.

Manuscripts can be submitted for review electronically to

Peer Review Policy: All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening, anonymous refereeing, and the evaluation of two of the journal's editors.

Reviewer General Criterion:
The subject is fresh, important, and current.
The purpose of the manuscript is clear.
The content aligns with The New Educator’s aims.
The organization, language, and style of the writing communicates the content clearly.
The major points are evident, supported, and substantiated with evidence from research and/or practice.
The design of the manuscript is coherent.
The manuscript is interesting and engaging.

Additional reviewer criteria for research manuscripts:
Literature and theory is robust and current.
Explicit framing and implementation of a research methodology.
Analysis and conclusions connect with the article’s purpose.

Additional reviewer criteria for conceptual manuscripts:
The ideas presented are grounded in deep understandings of the field.
The piece invites or generates dialogue and additional questioning that helps clarify or deepen an existing position on the issues involved.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, LLC, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.