Aims and scope

The International Journal of Women's Health is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on all aspects of women's healthcare.

Meta-analyses will no longer be considered for publication.

Specific topics covered by the journal include:

  • Health conditions pertaining to Obstetrics & Gynecology, Orthopedics, Surgery, Cardiology, Hematology, Oncology, and other fields of science and medicine.
  • Early diagnosis, screening, prevention, and treatment of health conditions including chronic conditions such as pain, migraine, headaches, arthritis, osteoporosis.
  • Sexual and reproductive health including fertility patterns and emerging technologies to address infertility.
  • Infectious disease with chronic sequelae including HIV/AIDS, HPV, PID, and other STDs.
  • Psychological and psychosocial conditions - depression across the life span, substance abuse, domestic violence.
  • Physical and emotional wellbeing.
  • Health maintenance among aging females - factors affecting the quality of life including physical, social, and mental issues.
  • Male vs female incidence comparisons for conditions that affect both genders.
  • Avenues for health promotion and disease prevention across the life span.

The journal is characterized by the rapid reporting of original research, clinical studies, reports, editorials, reviews, and commentaries.