Aims and scope

The full statement of purpose drafted by the founding co-editors is printed in the first issue of the Journal and contributors are invited to consult it. In summary it announces a scholarly journal receptive to innovative theoretical work that can shed fresh light on contemporary economic problems and to encourage evolving analysis and empirical study to contest the mainstream orthodoxy that suffuses the major economic journals. While the editors expect submissions that reflect Keynes’s method and theoretical approach, the term post Keynesian is broadly interpreted to include the investigation of new problems, theoretical perspectives and policy proposals consistent with Keynes’s vision of the open-ended nature of economic study and reflecting the work of Classical and Marxian economists as well as Robinson, Weintraub, Kaldor, Kahn, Eichner, Heilbroner, Graziani, Sylos Labini, Sraffa, Godley, Galbraith, Minsky, Boulding and others who have contributed to the evolution of the post Keynesian tradition.