Editorial board

E. Cheng - Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA
(Discrete Optimization, Theoretical Computer Science, Graphs and Networks)
S.-Y. Hsieh - Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, R.O.C
(Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Graph Algorithms)
D. Kahrobaei - University Dean for Research, The City University of New York, CUNY Central, Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, Queens College, CUNY, Doctoral Faculty, PhD Program in Computer Science, CUNY Graduate Center, USA
(Cryptography, Data Science, Applied Algebra)

Associate Editors:

J.-F. Biasse - University of South Florida, USA (Computational Number Theory, Cryptology, Quantum Algorithms)
C. Carlet - University of Bergen, Norway, and University of Paris 8, France (Boolean functions for information protection (coding, cryptography))
G. Di Crescenzo - Perspecta Labs and New York University, USA (Cryptography, Machine Learning, Number Theory)
S. de Vries - University of Trier, Germany (Integer Programming, Linear Programming, Game Theory)
H. Fernau - Universität Trier, Germany (Formal Languages, Grammatical Inference, Graph Algorithms, Parameterized Complexity)
R. Flores - Universidad de Sevilla, Spain (Computational Aspects of Combinatorics and Graph Algorithmics, Computational Mathematics, Networks)
J. Gryak - Queens College, The City University of New York, CUNY, USA (Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Analytics, Applied Computational Algebra)
R.-X. Hao - Beijing Jiaotong University, China (Graph Theory, Network Analysis, Parallel and Distributed Computing)
R. M. Haralick - City University of New York, USA
P. Ji - City University of New York, USA
G. Y. Katona - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and MTA-ELTE Numerical Analysis and Large Networks Research Group, Hungary (Graphs, Hypergraphs, Complexity)
B. Khan - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (Networks, the Internet, Data Science and Analytics, the Big Data Phenomenom)
R. Klasing - CNRS, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux, France (Design and analysis of algorithms, distributed and approximation algorithms, combinatorial and graph algorithms)
Y. Mao - Qinghai Normal University, China (Graph Theory, Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithms)
L. Perret - Sorbonne University, France
E. Rodaro - Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Automata theory, Formal languages theory, Combinatorial inverse semigroups)
S. Mesnager - University of Paris VIII, France (Computational Mathematics, Coding Theory, Symmetric Cryptography)
D. Savchuk - University of South Florida, USA (Automata, Formal Languages, p-adic Dynamics)
Yuh-Min Tseng - National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan (Cryptography, Computer Security)
M. I. Vasco - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain (Mathematical Cryptography, Provable Security, Applied Computational Algebra)
V. Vedral - University of Oxford, UK (Quantum Physics, Quantum Information, Quantum Computation)
C. Xing - Nanyang University, Singapore (Cryptography, Coding Theory and Number Theory)
S. Zhou - Fujian Normal University, China (Diagnosability and Reliability, Graph and Network, Social Network Analytics)

Communications Editor:
Christopher Battarbee -
University of York, UK