Aims and scope

This title has ceased (2021).

The Commonwealth Law Bulletin aims to educate and inform readers about legal developments throughout the Commonwealth and serves as a forum for the assessment of emerging issues in the law.

The Commonwealth Law Bulletin, first published in 1974, is the flagship publication of the Rule of Law Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat. A comprehensive periodical of the law and legal affairs, the Bulletin is a refereed journal that provides essential reading for Commonwealth jurists wishing to keep abreast of latest developments and reflexions on legal issues arising in Commonwealth countries. The Bulletin also publishes the outcome of meetings organised by the Rule of Law Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat, which address topical legal issues in Commonwealth jurisdictions. The Bulletin helps foster harmonised approaches to emerging legal issues throughout the Commonwealth.

Forty years after its first issue, the Commonwealth Law Bulletin remains more relevant than ever. It offers a unique forum for jurists sharing a common law background to inform their colleagues of developments in their justice systems.

Submissions of scholarly legal research, as well as comments on recent legislation and judicial decisions, to the Commonwealth Law Bulletin are always welcome. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Legal Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Contributors may contact the Legal Editor at [email protected] for further details.

“I have been reading the Commonwealth Law Bulletin for thirty years. It is an essential part of my continuing legal education.”
Michael Kirby, Former Justice of the High Court, Australia

“The Commonwealth Law Bulletin is a must-read for both the international lawyer and legal researcher. It is extremely informative, factual and accurate on events and recent developments in law throughout the Commonwealth and internationally.”
Jesse Wachanga, Principal Attorney for Legal Research and Documentation, Kenya

“The Commonwealth Law Bulletin enables practitioners of law, legal academics and scholars, as well as students to gain conceptual footholds in a vast array of States where the legal tradition has incorporated British elements and where, without this journal, they might not be able to venture.”
Gregory Tardi, Senior Parliamentary Counsel (Legal), Canada.