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Research Article

Vietnam’s Current Perceptions and Policies Regarding Its Relations with China



Despite having same political ideologies, Vietnam and China share mutual suspicion and contradictions in their bilateral interactions. Since the normalization of Sino-Vietnamese relations in 1991, In the post-Cold War era, Vietnam-China relations could be called as a mature asymmetry. These have affected strategic considerations in Vietnam’s policy towards China. I argue that Vietnam’s cooperation strategy with China encompasses ‘both cooperation and struggle’. In other words, unlike conditions of mature asymmetry, where both countries attempt to maintain peaceful relations, in the case of Vietnam and China, the responsibility has been placed more in the former rather than the latter. In addition, I argue that though the relations are perceived to be driven by ideological affinity and growing economic interdependence, the ‘trust deficit’ is a determining factor that obstructs the development of the two countries’ relations.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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Notes on contributors

Van Huy Duong

Van Huy Duong is an Associate Professor, and Director at the Centre for Insular SEA Countries Studies, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Vietnam.

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