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What is meant by patient-centredness being value-based?

Pages 188-189 | Received 20 Apr 2012, Accepted 24 Aug 2013, Published online: 28 Oct 2013


Objective. To examine whether it is possible to further specify what is meant when we maintain that patient-centredness as a communication skill is a value-based clinical procedure. Design and main outcome measures. Since a core element in patient-centredness is associated with patients feeling respected, a study regarding encounters where patients felt respected was analysed. Results: Similarities were found between the core elements of patient-centredness in terms of inviting, listening, and summarizing, and patients feeling respected in terms of listening, having their questions answered, and believing in what they tell their GP. Conclusion: Even though what is respected cannot be specified, the authors’ analysis indicates that feeling respected is frequently and strongly associated with encounters reflecting core aspects of patient-centredness. In this sense, patient-centredness might be considered value-based. Future research might shed light on what is actually respected: is it the patient's autonomy, integrity, dignity, or honour?