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Review Articles

Critical evaluation of the human relevance of the mode of action for rodent liver tumor formation by activators of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR)

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Pages 373-394 | Received 15 Mar 2021, Accepted 01 Jun 2021, Published online: 15 Jul 2021

Figures & data

Table 1. Examples of compounds where a CAR activation MOA for mouse and/or rat liver tumor formation has been established.

Table 2. Some MOAs for hepatocellular carcinogenesis.

Table 3. Key and associative events for rodent liver tumor formation by PB and other CAR activators.

Table 4. Effect of some CAR activators on RDS in cultured rodent and human hepatocytes.

Figure 1. Effect of CAR activators in different animal models, namely wild-type mice, CAR KO or CAR KO/PXR KO mice, hCAR/hPXR mice and chimeric mice with human hepatocytes. Pathways which do not operate are shown in grey. Thus while Cyp2b enzyme induction and increased cell proliferation are observed in wild-type and hCAR/hPXR mice, these effects are abolished in CAR KO and CAR KO/PXR KO mice due to the absence of the receptor(s). In chimeric mice with human hepatocytes, the human receptors operate through human signaling pathways to produce an induction of CYP2B enzymes but not of cell proliferation.

Figure 1. Effect of CAR activators in different animal models, namely wild-type mice, CAR KO or CAR KO/PXR KO mice, hCAR/hPXR mice and chimeric mice with human hepatocytes. Pathways which do not operate are shown in grey. Thus while Cyp2b enzyme induction and increased cell proliferation are observed in wild-type and hCAR/hPXR mice, these effects are abolished in CAR KO and CAR KO/PXR KO mice due to the absence of the receptor(s). In chimeric mice with human hepatocytes, the human receptors operate through human signaling pathways to produce an induction of CYP2B enzymes but not of cell proliferation.