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Web-based parenting program to prevent adolescent alcohol misuse: rationale and development

(Research Fellow) , (Professor) , (Research Assistant) , (Research Fellow) , (Research Assistant) & (Professor)
Pages 339-344 | Published online: 23 Aug 2011


Objectives: Despite substantial evidence demonstrating the important influence that parents have on adolescent drinking, evidence-based preventative interventions that help parents to reduce the risk that their child will develop later alcohol use problems are lacking. Although some face-to-face family-based interventions for adolescent alcohol misuse have been found to be effective, their public health impact is limited by their labour-intensiveness, poor uptake and low adherence. A web-based intervention has the potential to overcome many of these challenges, and was recently recommended by prevention experts as one key way to increase participation rates in preventative interventions. This paper describes the development of www.parentingstrategies.net, a website providing parenting guidelines and a tailored web-based intervention endorsed by longitudinal research evidence and expert consensus.

Conclusions: This website provides the first web-based preventative intervention for parents, and has great potential as a family friendly component in the spectrum of interventions that are critically needed to tackle the issue of adolescent alcohol misuse across the community.


We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Geoff Munro and the Australian Drug Foundation in the development of the Parenting Guidelines. We are also grateful to our parent and adolescent reference group members for their time and contributions.


The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. This research was supported with funding from VicHealth, the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Colonial Foundation, and the Australian Government.

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