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Review Article

Regulating the commercial promotion of food to children: A survey of actions worldwide

, &
Pages 83-94 | Received 17 Dec 2009, Published online: 27 Sep 2010


Objectives. To describe the global regulatory environment around food marketing to children in 2009 and to identify changes in this environment since 2006. Methods. Informants able to provide information on national controls on marketing to children were identified and sent a standardised template for data collection, developed and refined through iterative use with informants. Responses were encouraged by sending draft versions of completed templates to informants for their approval. Results. The policy environment was described in the 27 member states of the European Union, and in a further 32 countries. Of these 59 countries, 26 have made explicit statements on food marketing to children in strategy documents, and 20 have, or are developing, explicit policies in the form of statutory measures, official guidelines or approved forms of self-regulation. These figures reflect a change in the policy environment since 2006. Although there is still resistance to change, there has been significant movement towards greater restriction on promotional marketing to children, achieved through a variety of means. Government-approved forms of self-regulation have been the dominant response, but statutory measures are increasingly being adopted. The nature and degree of the restrictions differ considerably, with significant implications for policy impact. In many cases the policy objectives remain poorly articulated, resulting in difficulty in formulating indicators to monitor and assess impact. Conclusion. To address food marketing to children, governments need to develop clearer statements of the objectives to be achieved, define the indicators that can demonstrate this achievement, and require the relevant stakeholders to account for the progress being made.


The PolMark Consortium consists of the eleven partners in the PolMark (POLicy options for MARKeting food and beverages to children) project, listed at www.polmarkproject.net. The PolMark project has benefited from funding from the European Community Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, the UK National Heart Forum, and the Norwegian Directorate for Health. The authors are responsible for the content of this paper and the funding bodies are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The authors would also like to express their great appreciation of the informants who gave their time generously and made this survey possible.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

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