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Influence of Iothalamate on Renal Medullary Perfusion and Oxygenation in the Rat

, , , &
Pages 823-829 | Accepted 25 Aug 2005, Published online: 09 Jul 2009


Purpose: To evaluate controversial results regarding the effect of the contrast medium (CM) iothalamate on renal medullary blood flow by applying two different methods simultaneously.

Material and Methods: The outer medullary blood flow (OMBF) response was estimated using laser-Doppler flowmetry and hydrogen gas wash-out (microelectrodes) simultaneously. Outer medullary oxygen tension (PO2) was measured using Clark type microelectrodes. Iothalamate was injected i.v. at 1600 mg I/kg body weight for 2 min.

Results: CM induced a transient 28% decrease in OMBF as measured with the laser Doppler. The hydrogen gas wash-out rate was reduced by 50%, indicating a reduced perfusion. CM induced a transient 60% reduction in PO2, while renal fluid and electrolyte excretion increased several fold.

Conclusion: The CM iothalamate reduces outer medullary perfusion as estimated by two different techniques applied simultaneously. The PO2 in the same region was also reduced. Previous controversies regarding the effect of iothalamate on OMBF can be explained by extreme dosage and injection rates greatly exceeding clinical relevance.

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