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Osseointegrated wrist-joint prostheses: A 15-year follow-up with focus on bony fixation

, &
Pages 130-137 | Published online: 08 Jul 2009


Five patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthrosis of the wrist joint were followed up for 15 (14–17) years after wrist-joint arthroplasty with semiconstrained artificial joint mechanisms that had been anchored to bone using the osseointegration principle. They were fixed by one titanium screw introduced into the radius, and two or more titanium screws introduced distally into the metacarpal bones. In four cases a screw was also introduced into the ulna thereby constituting one component in a distal radio-ulnar (DRU) joint mechanism. The titanium screw introduced into the radius and the distal metacarpal screws osseointegrated in all cases. In three cases the mechanism of the wrist joint or parts of it were replaced with new components that could be attached to the screws that were already osseointegrated. We conclude that wrist joint prostheses can be anchored to the surrounding bone using osseointegration and that they remain fixed for at least 15 years. The principle allows replacement of the joint mechanism, if needed, with maintenance of the osseointegrated anchoring elements.

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