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Prospect for application of radial distribution function in coal carbonisation research

This article refers to:
Prospect for application of radial distribution function in coal carbonisation research

Authors: Shang, X., Wang, M., Li, Z., Chang, L., & Shen, Y.

Journal: Philosophical Magazine Letters

Bibliometrics: Volume 102, Numbers 11–12, pages 435–446

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500839.2022.2155721

When the article was first published online and in print, the and were mixed up.

Figure 2. Sketch of a self-developing small furnace for coal carbonization with a maximum temperature of 1000°C and a maximum angle (2θ) of 140°.

Figure 2. Sketch of a self-developing small furnace for coal carbonization with a maximum temperature of 1000°C and a maximum angle (2θ) of 140°.

Figure 3. Sketch of in-situ study on coal carbonization by RDF at synchrotron radiation platform.

Figure 3. Sketch of in-situ study on coal carbonization by RDF at synchrotron radiation platform.

The correct figures with appropriate captions are as follows:

This article is available both online and in print. The online version has been corrected.