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Research Article

Reward estimation with scheduled knowledge distillation for dialogue policy learning

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Article: 2174078 | Received 09 Oct 2022, Accepted 24 Jan 2023, Published online: 07 Feb 2023


Formulating dialogue policy as a reinforcement learning (RL) task enables a dialogue system to act optimally by interacting with humans. However, typical RL-based methods normally suffer from challenges such as sparse and delayed reward problems. Besides, with user goal unavailable in real scenarios, the reward estimator is unable to generate reward reflecting action validity and task completion. Those issues may slow down and degrade the policy learning significantly. In this paper, we present a novel scheduled knowledge distillation framework for dialogue policy learning, which trains a compact student reward estimator by distilling the prior knowledge of user goals from a large teacher model. To further improve the stability of dialogue policy learning, we propose to leverage self-paced learning to arrange meaningful training order for the student reward estimator. Comprehensive experiments on Microsoft Dialogue Challenge and MultiWOZ datasets indicate that our approach significantly accelerates the learning speed, and the task-completion success rate can be improved from 0.47%∼9.01% compared with several strong baselines.

1. Introduction

Task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems are designed to assist users to accomplish specific goals (e.g. booking flight tickets or querying the weather) with a natural interaction. It has been widely used to build commercial virtual voice assistants, such as Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Echo. As one of the key components of TOD, dialogue policy determines the next action that agents should take under the dialogue context at each turn (Zhang et al., Citation2021; Zhao, Zhu et al., Citation2021).

Traditional researches on dialogue policy learning (DPL) mainly focus on non-statistical methods with expensive expert handcrafted rule-making, which is non-extensible and highly complex in nature (Chen et al., Citation2017; Zhao, Zhu et al., Citation2021). Applying machine learning approaches, especially supervised learning (SL), enables dialogue systems to optimise policy statistically (Hosseini-Asl et al., Citation2020; Li et al., Citation2017Citation2020). However, the fixed training corpus does not necessarily present all optimal strategies, thus the system can be biased by the annotations (Jeon & Lee, Citation2022). Recently, DPL is formulated as a reinforcement learning (RL) problem, where the agent learns dialogue policy by interacting with users so as to maximise expected cumulative discounted reward (Diakoloukas et al., Citation2020; Tian et al., Citation2022; Zhang et al., Citation2021; Zhao, Zhu et al., Citation2021; Zhou et al., Citation2022). Thus, the performance of dialogue system depends much on the designing of reward functions.

Typical reward functions merely provide rewards at the end of conversation depending on whether the task is successfully accomplished. Such a scheme does not reflect the validity of system action at intermediate turns, which may lead to insufficient exploration in large action space and slow down DPL considerably. Some researchers proposed to get intrinsic reward after each action and learn to optimise its action choices in time (Peng et al., Citation2018a; Su, Li et al., Citation2018; Zhang et al., Citation2021). For example, (Peng et al., Citation2018a; Su, Li et al., Citation2018) employed a discriminator to distinguish responses from agents and users, and used its output as the intrinsic reward. (Su, Gašić et al., Citation2018; Zhang et al., Citation2021; Zhao et al., Citation2020) divided predefined user goals into multiple subgoals and generate intrinsic reward by estimating subgoals completion. However, most of them ignored the fact that user goals have a crucial impact on evaluating task success, and they can not deal with shifty user goals, as exemplified by dialogue example in Table 

Table 1. An dialogue example with different user goals and the evaluation results.

Knowledge distillation can transfer privileged information encoded in a complex model (i.e. the teacher) to a compact one (i.e. the student) (Gou et al., Citation2021; Hinton et al., Citation2015). Considering that user goals are unavailable in real-life conversations, we regard them as auxiliary information and incorporate them into a teacher reward estimator at the training stage. The teacher is then used to guide the training of a compact student reward estimator. Instead of generating rewards based on predefined user goals, the proposed method can dynamically adjust its strategy of rewarding by learning prior distributions of user goals. As a result, it requires fewer human interactions to make the policy satisfactory and can deal with shifty user goals more intelligently.

The standard training approach based on randomly sample shuffling, might suffer from local optima, data noise and unstable problems (Wang, Chen et al., Citation2021; Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021). Curriculum learning, which trains models from easy samples to hard ones, can improve the generality and convergence rate of models in dialogue policy optimisation (Liu et al., Citation2021; Zhao et al., Citation2022; Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021). Hence, we incorporate it into the knowledge distillation process, and design a complexity measurer and training scheduler to arrange reasonable training order for the student reward estimator.

To sum up, we propose a scheduled knowledge distillation framework (SKD), which distills user goals to automatically generate proper reward for efficient DPL. It is mainly composed of two processes: knowledge distillation transferring the internal knowledge of user goals from the teacher reward estimator to the student, and curriculum learning scheduling the order of sampled data throughout the training process of the student. Specifically, we leverage BERT (Devlin et al., Citation2018) to construct a teacher reward estimator, which is accessible to user goals, and pre-train it via deep Q-learning (Mnih et al., Citation2015). Besides, we also devise an annotator to generate turn-level supervised reward label based on sub-goals completion for the teacher and train it by weakly supervised learning. Then we train the student reward estimator to mimic outputs of the teacher. Since the teacher is trained with access to user goals, we assume that the student can anticipate user goals while assigning rewards. The self-paced learning, a typical kind of curriculum learning, arranges scheduled learning process for the student reward estimator. The basic idea is to gradually increase the difficulty of knowledge transferred to the student reward estimator. It mainly consists of two components: (1) Complexity measurer that evaluates the difficulty of a conversation by distinguishing outputs of the teacher and student reward estimator. The conversation is deemed complicated if it indicates large divergence between them, and vice versa. (2) Training scheduler controlling the knowledge distillation process based on the conversation complexity given by the complexity measurer.

Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly improves the efficiency and effectiveness of dialogue policy learning by combining knowledge distillation and curriculum learning. Moreover, our method can be easily applied to value-based reinforcement learning algorithms, e.g. deep Q-network (DQN) and deep dyna-Q (DDQ) (Peng et al., Citation2018b). To conclude, our contributions can be summarised as follows:

  • We propose a novel scheduled knowledge distillation (SKD) framework that incorporates user goals information to automatically generate immediate rewards and learn dialogue policy efficiently. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to leverage knowledge distillation of user goals for turn-level reward prediction.

  • We introduce a new curriculum learning method that combines knowledge distillation to automatically schedule the learning process of the student reward estimator. As far as we know, we are the first to apply curriculum learning to learn a reward estimator for efficient DPL.

  • We conduct comprehensive experiments by constructing a dialogue agent for the movie-ticket booking task. The results indicate that our method accelerates the learning speed of dialogue policy and improves performance significantly.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we introduce existing works that are mostly related to this paper. In Section 3, we briefly present the background of DQN and DDQ algorithms. In Section 4, we depict the detailed architecture of our proposed method. The performance evaluation is given in Section 5, and the conclusion and future work are presented in Section 6.

2. Related work

In this section, we will introduce existing works that are closely related to this paper, including RL-based dialogue policy in 2.1, knowledge distillation in Section 2.2 and curriculum learning in Section 2.3. The related works are summarised in Table .

Table 2. Summarisation of related work.

2.1. RL-based dialogue policy

Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely used to optimise dialogue policy due to its ability to automatically fine-tune dialogue strategy based on user feedback (Geishauser et al., Citation2022; Wu et al., Citation2021; Zhao et al., Citation2022; Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021). These methods regard real users as the environment and the agent learns its policy by interacting with them. How to improve the efficiency of DPL to reduce human-machine interactions remains to be the biggest challenge.

A feasible solution is to employ user simulators as substitution of real users. Technically, the simulator can generate infinite dialogue experience without any real-world cost. Unfortunately, the quality of dialogue policy can not be guaranteed due to the discrepancy between real and simulated users (Peng et al., Citation2018b). Thus, (Peng et al., Citation2018b) proposed a Deep Dyna-Q (DDQ) framework that introduced an trainable environment call world model to mimic real user behaviours. Based on DDQ, some researchers attempted to improve the quality of simulated experience by using GANs (Creswell et al., Citation2018) or employing Gaussian process based model (Wu et al., Citation2021). Despite the outstanding achievements of these methods, the reward function that governs the learning process is normally designed as providing reward signals at the end of a conversation, which suffers from the reward sparsity issue and decreases the efficiency of DPL significantly.

Another line of research proposed to improve the training efficiency by constructing dense reward functions (Zhang et al., Citation2021; Zhao et al., Citation2020). For example, (Peng et al., Citation2018a; Su, Li et al., Citation2018) applied adversarial training by employing a discriminator to distinguish responses generated by agents from those by users, and using its output as the intrinsic reward (Peng et al., Citation2018a). However, the notorious instability of adversarial training suffers badly from non-convergence and highly sensitive to the hyperparameters selection (Wu et al., Citation2021). (Khandelwal, Citation2021; Peng et al., Citation2018a) leveraged human dialogues or domain text as prior knowledge to pre-train the reward estimator, which requires extra high-quality annotated data to pre-train the reward functions.

Furthermore, existing approaches have proved that randomly sampling user goals for dialogue agent to train on may lead to the learned policy inefficient and unstable (Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021). To address that issue, many researchers proposed to incorporate curriculum learning into DPL. For example, (Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021; Zhu et al., Citation2021) replaced random user goal sampling with a teacher model to arrange meaningful training order for the policy. Similarly, (Liu et al., Citation2021) evaluated user goal complexity based on the dialogue state differential space that the agent can explore for current training samples. (Zhao et al., Citation2022) leveraged the learning experiences of dialogue policy and skip-level selection according to the learning needs to maximise the efficiency.

However, all these methods ignored the crucial impact of user goals on evaluating task success and could not deal with shifty user goals. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that incorporates user goal to generate dynamic and accurate reward for efficient DPL. Our method has three attractive features that combines the advantages of the aforementioned three approaches: (1) It can be easily applied to value-based approaches, including DQN and DDQ; (2) It provides accurate reward after each action to explore the action space more efficiently; (3) It arranges meaningful learning schedule for the reward estimator and policy that improves stability of dialogue policy learning.

2.2. Knowledge distillation

Knowledge distillation (KD) was first proposed by (Hinton et al., Citation2015) to compress the knowledge in a cumbersome model into a small one. It is generally composed of a teacher model, a student model and a distillation approach: the teacher model holds rich knowledge from annotated data or prescient extra inputs, while the student model learns to match with it. The distillation approach aims to transfer the knowledge from teacher to the student. It is widely used in computer vision (Greco et al., Citation2021; Ren et al., Citation2021; Wang et al., Citation2020), natural language processing (Haidar & Rezagholizadeh, Citation2019; Li et al., Citation2021; Liu et al., Citation2019) and other applications (Ren et al., Citation2021; Shen et al., Citation2020).

Moreover, KD can be also used to enhance the student model when the teacher is equipped with privileged information (Tian et al., Citation2020; Wu et al., Citation2019). As stated before, the user goal is a crucial factor to build a reliable reward estimator, while it is unavailable when communicating with real users. To this end, we construct a teacher-student framework to transfer goal-anticipated information from the teacher reward estimator, employing large-scaled language model and pre-trained with user goals, to the student. This framework enables the reward estimator to keep user goals in mind when generating rewards during inference.

2.3. Curriculum learning

Curriculum learning (Bengio et al., Citation2009) (CL) is a strategy that trains a machine learning model by learning from easy samples and gradually increasing the complexity. It normally consists of two components, i.e. a difficulty measurer (DM) that evaluates the complexity of each data and a training scheduler (TS), which selects data with desired complexity degree for the model to train on. Generally, all training data is sorted by the DM and passed to the TS, which samples relatively simple examples and sends them to the model for training. The TS also decides when to sample harder examples as the training progresses until the whole dataset is included for training. A plenty of researches have exploited its power in a wide range of application scopes, such as supervised learning tasks (El-Bouri et al., Citation2020; Guo et al., Citation2018; Platanios et al., Citation2019), reinforcement learning tasks (Narvekar & Stone, Citation2019; Qu et al., Citation2018) and graph learning tasks (Chu et al., Citation2021; Dong et al., Citation2021; Wang, Wang et al., Citation2021). Recent works employed curriculum learning to arrange reasonable schedule for efficient DPL (Liu et al., Citation2021; Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021; Zhu et al., Citation2021). In this paper, we incorporate a special kind of curriculum learning, self-paced learning, into distillation process to train the student reward estimator more stable and efficiently.

3. Background

Before we describe our method in detail, we briefly introduce the background of two RL-based dialogue policy learning strategies, i.e. deep Q-network in Section 3.1 and deep dyna-Q in Section 3.2.

3.1. Deep Q-network

Dialogue policy determines which action the agent should take at next turn and is normally formulated as a Markov Decision Process. It is normally optimised by applying reinforcement learning algorithms, consisting of an agent, a user and a reward function, as shown in Figure (a). The agent is defined as a deep Q-network (DQN) (Mnih et al., Citation2015) Q(st,at;θQ) parameterised by θQ. It is initialised on human conversational data via imitation learning, and optimised by interacting with the user, which is referred to as direct reinforcement learning. Particularly, at each turn t, The agent observes the dialogue state st, selects an action at from the action set A in a ϵgreedy way, i.e. randomly selecting an action with a small probability ϵ or according to at=argmaxaAQ(st,a;θQ). The the reward function assigns a reward rt for the agent and the user updates the dialogue states to st+1. The generated experience (st,at,st+1,rt) is stored to a replay buffer called the real experience pool (Du) during direct reinforcement learning. The objective for DQN optimisation is defined as: (1) L=Est,at,st+1,rt[(Q(st,at;θQ)y)2](1) (2) y=rt+γmaxat+1AQ(st+1,at+1;θQ)(2) where γ[0,1] is a discount factor, Q(s,a;θQ) is the target work that is updated with the Q-network parameters θQ periodically and fixed between individual iterations (Mnih et al., Citation2015).

Figure 1. Different strategies of learning dialogue policy. (a) DQN (b) DDQ.

Figure 1. Different strategies of learning dialogue policy. (a) DQN (b) DDQ.

3.2. Deep dyna-Q

Despite the effectiveness of learning dialogue policy via DQN, it is requisite to interact with real users for policy optimisation, which is expensive to train dialogue agents from scratch. Previous researches proposed to build simulators as substitutions of real users (Li et al., Citation2016), which can generate unlimited simulated experiences and does not cost any human forces. However, user simulators have difficulties in modelling the conversational complexity of human interlocutors (Peng et al., Citation2018b). (Dhingra et al., Citation2017) pointed out that dialogue agents trained with user simulators exhibit significant discrepancy compared with those trained with real users. To tackle these problems, deep Dyna-Q (DDQ) (Sutton, Citation1990), a typical RL method, has been introduced to dialogue policy learning (Peng et al., Citation2018b; Su, Li et al., Citation2018; Zhao et al., Citation2020) to bridge the gap between real users and user simulators. It employed a trainable environment called world model to mimic real users. As shown in Figure (b), the world model is implemented by a neural network W(st,at;θW) parameterised by θW. It is initialised on human conversational data via supervised learning, and trained through multi-task learning, referred to as the world model learning. The dialogue policy is optimised by interacting with simulated users, referred to as planning, in most cases, and requires only a small number of real user interactions. The simulated experience (st,at,st+1,rt) generated during planning is stored to another replay buffer called simulated experience pool Ds.

4. Method

In this section, we will introduce the detailed architecture of our proposed method in three subsections, including knowledge distillation in Section 4.1, self-paced learning in Section 4.2 and dialogue policy learning in Section 4.3.

Figure  illustrates the proposed Scheduled Knowledge Distillation (SKD) for Dialogue Policy Learning, which can be divided into two processes: (1) Knowledge distillation. In this process, we designed two reward estimators. One of them serves as the teacher, which has access to user goals and is pre-trained via deep Q-learning and weakly supervised learning. The other one serving as the student is trained to mimic outputs of the teacher. The dialogue policy is optimised and parameters of teacher reward estimator are frozen while training the student model. (2) Self-paced learning. We design two modules to arrange scheduled distillation for the student reward estimator, i.e. complexity measurer and training scheduler. The former one evaluates the difficulty degree of each conversation by calculating the divergence of outputs between the teacher and student reward estimator. The latter one decides whether the current example is too hard for the student to learn at current stage based on the evaluation of the complexity measurer.

Figure 2. Architecture of the proposed scheduled knowledge distillation for dialogue policy learning.

Figure 2. Architecture of the proposed scheduled knowledge distillation for dialogue policy learning.

4.1. Knowledge distillation

Knowledge distillation is applied to transfer user goal anticipated information from the teacher reward estimator to the student model. In this part, we first present the architecture of the teacher and student reward estimators in Section 4.1.1. Then we introduce the pre-training procedure of the teacher model in Section 4.1.2. To the end, we describe the process of transferring knowledge to the student reward estimator in Section 4.1.3

4.1.1. Architecture of teacher and student reward estimators Teacher reward estimator

Note that we expect to generate rewards for each action based on historical dialogue states and user goals. Unfortunately, user goals, which plays a crucial role in reward estimation, are normally unavailable in real-life conversations. Thus, we design a teacher reward estimator to learn prior distribution of user goals.

The teacher reward estimator is presented in Figure (a). It takes as input the dialogue states and user goals, and outputs reward for the agent. Traditional methods represent dialogue states with multi-hot vectors, which are concatenated by several feature categories, including dialogue actions, inform and request slots from users and agents respectively (Peng et al., Citation2018b; Su, Li et al., Citation2018), as shown in Figure (a). However, such mechanism viewing each dialogue state as individual unit can not fully explore the semantic meaning shared across states and actions, e.g. both city and theater convey information regarding locations, which should elicit similar representations. To this end, we propose to map these states into dense embeddings to capture semantic information contained in each token. As illustrated in Figure (b), we designed five types of embeddings to represent the dialogue states including: (1) word embedding Φw converting each token in the states to dense vectors; (2) position embedding Φp indicating sequence order; (3) turn embedding Φt indicating turn order; (4) role embedding Φr identifying the interlocutor, i.e. user and agent; (5) slot embedding Φs describing types of slots, e.g. inform and request. The state representation st is obtained by adding these embeddings. Notably, if there exist more than one slots at one turn, they will be concatenated as a single sequence with a special token sep to separate them.

Figure 3. Architecture of teacher and student reward estimators. (a) Teacher reward estimator (b) Student reward estimator.

Figure 3. Architecture of teacher and student reward estimators. (a) Teacher reward estimator (b) Student reward estimator.

Figure 4. Dialogue state and user goal representations. (a) Multi-hot state representations (b) Embedded state representations (c) Embedded user goal representations.

Figure 4. Dialogue state and user goal representations. (a) Multi-hot state representations (b) Embedded state representations (c) Embedded user goal representations.

The user goal G is the objective of the conversation, which is composed of a set of request slots R and constraint (inform) slots C (Lu et al., Citation2019). Request slots specify the desired information, such as the location and time in movie-tickets booking task. While constraint slots pinpoint the requirements, e.g. a cheap restaurant that servers Chinese food. For example, when a user wants to “book two flight tickets from Shanghai to Beijing tomorrow”, the user goal is formulated as: (3) G=(C=[NumberOfTickets:twoDepartureDate:tomorrowDeparturePlace:ShanghaiDestination:Beijing]R=[DepartureTime])(3) The user goal can be divided into several subgoals, where each subgoal g contains exactly one slot. For example, user goal equation (Equation3) can be divided into five subgoals and two of them can be formulated as: (4) g1=(C=[NumberOfTickets:two])(4) and (5) g2=(R=[DepartureTime])(5) Similar to the dialogue state, each subgoal g is also mapped into dense embedding. It is calculated by adding three types of embeddings, i.e. word embedding, position embedding and slot embedding, the brief illustration is depicted in Figure (c).

After obtaining dialogue state and user goal representations, we design a teacher reward estimator to generate reward for each action. Concretely, we employ a large scale pre-trained language model BERT (Devlin et al., Citation2018) to encode the historical dialogue states {s1,s2,,st}. It first leverages BERT to convert the dialogue state to hidden vectors. In order to get the fixed-size representation, we take the output of BERT corresponding to the first token <cls>, which is a special token added before each sequence following (Devlin et al., Citation2018), hi=BERT(si). Then, these vectors are fed into Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) (Chung et al., Citation2014, December) to capture semantic dependencies across turns, c=GRU([h1,h2,,ht]).

Similarly, the embedded sub-goals are separately converted into fixed-size vectors by BERT, uj=BERT(gj). The dialogue state and user goals are then aggregated by computing attention distributions between them. αi=exp(cui)j=1texp(cuj)e=i=1tαiui

Finally, the aggregation representation is fed into a feedforward neural network to generate reward for each action: (6) ptea=sigmoid(eW+b)(6) (7) rtea=Raptea(7) where WRdm×|A| and bR|A| are trainable parameters (dm represents the number of hidden nodes), Ra is a hyper-parameter referred to as the anchor reward. ptea and rtea are |A|-dimensional vectors, where each dimension i represents the probability of the ith action deemed effective and the reward of taking the ith action respectively. Student reward estimator

The architecture of student reward estimator is depicted in Figure (b). It differs from the teacher model in two aspects: (1) It utilises GRU instead of BERT to encode the dialogue states to compress the model size and reduce the cost of computing resources during inference; (2) It generates rewards merely depending on the historical dialogue states without access to user goals, which conforms to the real-world situations.

4.1.2. Pre-training of teacher reward estimator

The teacher reward estimator is pre-trained on two parts. The first part is deep Q-learning, which is stated in Section 3.1 and defined as follows: (8) LQtea=Est,at,st+1,rt[(Q(st,at;θQ)y)2](8) (9) y=r+ritea+γmaxat+1AQ(st+1,at+1;θQ)(9) where ritea indicates the reward of taking the ith action in the action set A generated by the teacher reward estimator,Footnote1 at is the action selected from action set A at turn t, which is converted to action representations through an action embedding ΦaR|A|×dm. Furthermore, we also introduce weakly supervised learning to train the teacher model more effectively with supervised guidance. To this end, we devise a weak reward annotator in a non-parametric way by checking whether the dialogue action fulfills one of the sub-goals. We assign a reward for each of them in the action set A which constitutes the reward label r={r1,r2,,r|A|}, where ri denotes the reward label of taking the ith action ai. Its value depends on whether the action can successfully complete user sub-goals, i.e. ri={Raif ai completes one user sub-goal0otherwiseFootnote2.

Particularly, one sub-goal is deemed to be satisfied under two circumstances: (1) constraint slots are requested or (2) the information of request slots are informed. For example, querying about the number of tickets and informing the departure time are identified as effective actions which fulfill sub-goals stated in Equations (Equation4) and (Equation5), respectively. The weakly supervised learning loss then capitalises on L2 norm to compute the distance between the reward label r and reward predicted by the teacher rtea. (10) LWS=E(rrtea2)=1|A|i=1|A|(riritea)2(10)

The final loss is defined as the summation of the aforementioned two parts: (11) Ltea=LQtea+LWS(11) The gradient with respect to the parameters of teacher reward estimator θT is (12) θTLtea=Est,at,st+1,rt[2(Q(st,at;θQ)y)θTritea]+1|A|i=1|A|[2(riritea)θTritea](12)

4.1.3. Transferring knowledge to the student reward estimator

Knowledge distillation was proposed to compress knowledge in a cumbersome model, i.e. the teacher, to a compact one, i.e. the student (Hinton et al., Citation2015). In this paper, the knowledge is transferred by training the student network to mimic the soft label generated by the teacher reward estimator. Following (Romero et al., Citation2014), we leverage cross entropy loss to measure the similarity between them. While training the student network, we freeze parameters of the pre-trained teacher. (13) LKD=1Ni=1NH(pitea,pistu)(13) where H indicates the cross entropy loss, N is the number of examples in the training set, i is the index of the ith example.

4.2. Self-paced learning

Self-paced learning, a typical kind of curriculum learning, is designed to control the order of the student learning from the teacher in the distillation process. It consists of two components, including complexity measurer and training scheduler.

4.2.1. Complexity measurer

In order to arrange scheduled learning process for the student reward estimator, we apply adversarial training to measure the conversation complexity. To achieve that, we employ a discriminator D to distinguish outputs of the teacher and student reward estimator. It is defined as the Kullback–Leibler (KL) loss between the rewards predicted by the teacher and student reward estimator, and generates a real value indicating the differentiation between them. (14) scorei=KL(piteapistu)(14) If the discriminator outputs a small scorei, it suggests that the student reward estimator is able to mimic the teacher regarding the current example i, which can be deemed as a simple case and selected as a training instance in the early stage. Otherwise it is a hard one.

4.2.2. Training scheduler

As shown in Equation (Equation13), the student learns from the teacher in all samples equally. To gradually increase the complexity of samples that the student model trained on, we introduce example weights v={v1,v2,,vN}{0,1}N into the knowledge distillation loss stated in Equation (Equation13): (15) LvKD=1Ni=1NviH(pitea,pistu)=1Ni=1Nj=1|A|vi[pi,jtealog(pi,jstu)](15) where N is the number of training samples. We use self-paced learning to estimate v as follows: (16) minvi=1Nviscorei+g(vi;λ)(16) where g(vi;λ) is a SP-regulariser defined as a negative 1 norm (Wang, Chen et al., Citation2021): (17) g(vi;λ)=λvi(17) where λ is a hyperparameter controlling the learning pace. The optima value of v can be calculated by: (18) vi={1scorei<λ0otherwise(18) The solution is intuitive: if scorei is smaller than the threshold λ, then it is a easy example and should be used for knowledge distillation (vi=1 in Equation (Equation15)) at the current step. Otherwise it is not selected as a training example (vi=0). To select examples with desired complexity, we gradually increase λ as the training processes. Concretely, (19) λ(t)=λ0+1λ0Tt(19) where t is the current training step, T is the total training step, λ0[0,1] is a initial value to ensure the easiest examples are selected when the training starts.

4.3. Dialogue policy learning

The dialogue policy network Q(s,a;θQ) is trained by using experience stored in the real or simulated experience buffer,Footnote3 i.e. Du and Ds. To facilitate policy learning, we construct a new action-value function by combing the original Q-function and the student reward estimator F(s,a;θS), Mathematically: (20) LQstu=Est,at,st+1,rt[(Qs(st,at;θQ,θS)y)2](20) (21) y=r+γmaxat+1AQs(st+1,at+1;θQ,θS)(21) where Qs(st,at;θQ,θS)=Q(st,at;θQ)+F(st,at;θS). During interaction, the action is decided by the combined action-value function, i.e. at=argmaxatAQs(st,at;θQ,θS). The policy network Q(s,a;θQ) can be optimised by back-propagation and mini-batch gradient descent with respect to θQ: (22) θQLQstu=Est,at,st+1,rt[2(QS(st,at;θQ,θS)y)θQQ(st,at;θQ)](22) Notably, the parameters of student reward estimator is updated together with the dialogue policy network. The final loss of training the student reward estimator and gradient is calculated by: (23) Lstu=LvKD+LQstu(23) (24) θSLstu=1Ni=1Nj=1|A|vi[pi,jtea1pi,jstuθSpi,jstu]+Est,at,st+1,rt[2(Qs(st,at;θQ,θS)y)θSF(st,at;θS)](24)

5. Experiment

In this section, we will introduce the datasets used in this paper in Section 5.1, baselines in Section 5.2, implementation details in Section 5.3, simulation evaluation in Section 5.4 and human evaluation in Section 5.5.

5.1. Datasets

We conduct experiments on two public dialogue datasets, i.e. Microsoft Dialogue Challenge (MDC) (Li et al., Citation2016Citation2018) and MultiWOZ (Budzianowski et al., Citation2018). Microsoft Dialogue Challenge contains three tasks including movie-ticket booking, restaurant reservation and taxi-ordering. Each task has a built-in user simulator for experimentation purpose. The datasets are collected via Amazon Mechanical Turk (Li et al., Citation2016) and annotated using schema defined by domain experts. MultiWOZ is a task-oriented dialogue dataset with more than 10k dialogues involving 5 domains (restaurant, hotel, attraction, taxi and train). We use rule-based dialogue state tracker and user simulator provided by ConvLab-2 (Zhu et al., Citation2020) for simulated interaction. Agenda-based user simulators (SCHATZMANN & YOUNG, Citation2009), providing stack-like representation of user states, are employed to reduce human intervention. The detailed statistics of three datasets are presented in Table .

Table 3. The statistics of datasets.

5.2. Baselines

To validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we carry out comprehensive experiments and compare with 4 DQN-based agents and 6 DDQ-based agents. Besides, we also add a Rule-based model constructed by manually annotated rules and various forms of logic,Footnote4 and evaluate its performance on MDC dataset.

5.2.1. DQN-based agents

  • The DQN agent (Peng et al., Citation2018b) is learned by standard DQN algorithm with only direct reinforcement learning in each epoch.

  • VACL (Zhao et al., Citation2022) presents a versatile adaptive curriculum learning framework that applies automatic curriculum learning on dialogue policy tasks.

  • The ACL-DQN agent (Zhao, Huang et al., Citation2021) takes user goal sampled by a teacher model for automatic curriculum learning.

  • SDPL (Liu et al., Citation2021) proposes a scheduled dialogue policy learning framework that models dialogue complexity by estimating the dialogue state differential space, and arranges reasonable learning schedule. DQN-SDPL is a DQN agent that incorporates SDPL framework.

  • The DQN-SKD is the method proposed in this paper, which incorporates KD and CL into the DQN agent.

5.2.2. DDQ-based agents

  • The DDQ agent (Peng et al., Citation2018b) are learned by interacting with real users as well as a trainable environment called world model to improve data efficiency.

  • DR-D3Q (Zhao et al., Citation2020) proposes duelling direct reinforcement learning and planning with dynamic reward based on the DDQ framework.

  • ES-DDQ (Zhang et al., Citation2021) incorporates emotional features into DDQ agents.

  • D3Q (Su, Li et al., Citation2018) combines DDQ framework with generative adversarial network (GAN), which incorporates a discriminator into the planning process to control the quality of generated experience.

  • GP-DDQ (Wu et al., Citation2021) designs a novel DDQ-based framework that builds the world model as a Gaussian Process model to generate high-quality simulated experiences.

  • DDQ-SDPL (Liu et al., Citation2021) is a DDQ agent that incorporates SDPL framework.

  • DDQ-SKD is the method proposed in this paper, which incorporates KD and CL into the DDQ agent.

5.3. Implementation details

For all the agents implemented in this paper, the policy networks Q(s,a;θQ) are two-layer MLPs with 80 hidden nodes and tanh activation functions following (Peng et al., Citation2018b). The world model W(s,a;θW) in DDQ-based agents contains two shared hidden layers and three task-specific layers. We use base uncased version of BERT, with 12 layers, 768 hidden nodes and 12 attention heads, to encode dialogue states and user goals in the teacher model. The hidden nodes of GRU in the teacher and student model are set to 768Footnote5 and 80, respectively. ϵgreedy exploration is applied with ϵ=0.05 during training. The buffer size of real and simulated experience pool, i.e. Du and Ds is set to 5000 following (Peng et al., Citation2018b). The batch size is set to 16. The learning rates for optimising the policy and reward estimator are set to 5e−4 and 1e−5, respectively. The maximum length of conversation L is set to 40. Besides, Replay Buffer Spiking (RBS) (Lipton et al., Citation2016), a variant of imitation learning, is employed to generate initial experiences. We apply rule-based agent implemented by (Li et al., Citation2018) and pre-fill Du with 100 dialogues before training. The anchor reward Ra is set to 5, λ0 in Equation (Equation19) is set to 0.2.

5.4. Simulation evaluation

In this setting, the agents are optimised by conversing with rule-based user simulators (or world model trained to mimic real users in DDQ-based agents) following (Peng et al., Citation2018b). Despite the gap between real users and user simulators, it allows us to perform detailed analysis of different agents without much cost and reproduce the experimental results easily.

5.4.1. Main results

The performances of agents at different epochs on the Microsoft Dialogue Challenge and MultiWOZ datasets are presented in Tables  and , respectively. We evaluate the quality of all these agents in terms of success rate, average reward and average turns. Among them, success rate is the main metric indicating the proportion of successful conversations. Particularly, the conversation is deemed as successful when all the requests are filled in and the constraints are satisfied. The final results are averaged over 5 repetitions of experiments. We record the results at training epoch 100, 200 and 300. Normally, better performance at certain epoch means higher efficiency.

Table 4. Experimental results on Microsoft Dialogue Challenge dataset.

Table 5. Experimental results on MultiWOZ dataset.

As shown in Table , it can be clearly observed that the RL-based agent (including DQN and DDQ-based agents) consistently outperforms rule-based ones significantly. Notably, the performance of RL-based agent barely exhibits evident promotion as the training epoch increases. This is because rule-based agent does not learn to optimise its policy from dialogue experiences. The advantage is that it normally achieves better results at the beginning of training when few dialogue experience is available, which is suitable for pre-filling the experience pool Du before training.

When our method is combined with DQN agent, it outperforms the original DQN with a considerable margin in all training epochs in terms of three metrics. The results demonstrate that SKD can provide accurate and prompt rewards for the agent to explore the action space more efficiently. Particularly, when compared with the ACL-DQN and VACL agents, which also applied curriculum learning, DQN-SKD still boosts the success rate significantly. This is because the teacher policy model applied in the ACL-DQN agent is trained from scratch during policy optimisation, which is naive and may arrange immature curriculum for the student policy model in the early training stage. VACL measures user goal difficulty by calculating the average cumulative return (reward) of corresponding sampled trajectories. However, the sparse and delayed reward does not necessarily reflect the user goal's difficulty. Comparatively, our method can address those aforementioned two problems. On the one hand, SKD pre-trains the teacher reward estimator in advance, so that the quality of curriculum arranged for the student model can be guaranteed during the whole training process. On the other hand, the teacher and student reward estimators in SKD, both providing meaningful and dynamic reward, are able to evaluate the dialogue difficulty more accurately and sufficiently.

When combined with DDQ agent, our method still achieves the best or competitive results among the DDQ-based agents. Specifically, DDQ-SKD promotes the final success rate by 5.53% compared with the original DDQ agent. We conclude that our method can improve the learning speed and performance of the dialogue agent with informative reward generated by the student reward estimator. Considering those agents that devise enriched reward function to address reward sparsity issue, e.g. DR-D3Q, ES-DDQ, our method outperforms them with a considerable margin. We attribute it to the knowledge distillation, where the student reward estimator benefits a lot from the teacher model, which is embedded with rich user goal and historical dialogue state information. Moreover, DDQ-SKD outperforms DDQ-SDPL in Movie-Ticket Booking task, which joints curriculum learning and dialogue policy optimisation, by 0.45%, 1.44% and 0.47% at 100, 200 and 300 epochs. This is because DDQ-SDPL sorts all training samples from easy to hard in advance regardless of the learning process of dialogue policy. By contrast, our method defines the complexity of each sample by monitoring the feedback of the student reward estimator, which can adjust the training schedule more flexible and efficient.

Table  presents the main results on MultiWOZ dataset, which is more complicated since it contains more domains and dialogue turns. Experimental results indicate that SKD achieves state-of-the-art performance compared with both DQN and DDQ-based agents. Concretely, DQN-SKD outperforms DQN-SDPL by 2.14% in terms of success rate, which is even higher than the improvement of 0.47% in the Movie-Ticket Booking task. The results proved quantitative evidence that SKD consistently outperforms SDPL when combined with DQN and DDQ agents. Besides, it suggests that our method is superior in arranging more reasonable schedules under complicated situations. On the contrary, for the DDQ-based agents, mostly addressing reward sparsity and hysteresis problems (i.e. DR-D3Q and D3Q), the improvements are generally lower in MultiWOZ than those in MDC dataset. It suggests that the reward estimator works better in simpler conversations.

5.4.2. Ablation study

To evaluate the impact of each module on the final performance and dialogue learning speed, we conduct several ablation experiments by removing each component, respectively.

  • knowledge distillation: train the student reward estimator without knowledge distillation (wo.KD-1). Furthermore, we implement another baseline that employs an auxiliary weakly supervised learning objective to train the student: LWSstu=E(rrstu2) (wo.KD-2).

  • curriculum learning: remove the example weights v in Equation (Equation15), i.e. utilise Equation (Equation13) to transfer knowledge to the student (wo.CL).

  • weak supervision: pre-train the teacher reward estimator without weak supervision (wo.WS).

  • reinforcement learning: pre-train the teacher reward estimator with out reinforcement learning. (wo. RL)

The final results are presented in Table  and Figure . Generally, performance degradation can be observed after removing part of the modules in both DQN and DDQ-based agents. Among them, directly removing the knowledge distillation (wo.KD-1) results in the most severe performance drop with 7.84% and 6.35% success rate degradation compared with DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD, respectively. The results suggest that it is insufficient to properly reward actions without the guidance of teacher reward estimator, which may even misguide the dialogue policy and make it stuck into local optima. When the student model is trained with weakly supervised learning (i.e. wo.KD-2), the performance degradation can be greatly alleviated. This can be explained by the fact that user goal plays an essential role in evaluating the effective of actions and task success. Surprisingly, it performs even better to train the student model on the teacher (i.e. DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD) than directly on the annotated data (wo.KD-2). This is because the teacher model has superiority in learning the internal features contained in the annotated data with the help of BERT and user goal information. And training on the soft labels predicted by the teacher makes learning easier for the student model by focusing the relationships learned by the teacher across all the actions.

Figure 5. Learning curves of agents discarding different components on Movie Ticket Booking dataset. (a) DQN-based agents (b) DDQ-based agents.

Figure 5. Learning curves of agents discarding different components on Movie Ticket Booking dataset. (a) DQN-based agents (b) DDQ-based agents.

Table 6. Success rate of removing the curriculum learning (CL), knowledge distillation (KD), weak supervision (WS) and reinforcement learning (RL) on Movie-Ticket Booking dataset.

When curriculum learning is discarded, the success rate drops 1.99% and 3.86% compared with DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD, respectively. Learning curves depicted in Figure  also shows significant learning speed degradation. Figure  is the boxplots of different agents at 400 training epochs with 5 repetitive experiment results. Obviously, DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD agents are more stable than those trained without curriculum learning. The results demonstrate that curriculum learning used to train the student reward estimator can not only promote the final performance but also enhance the stability of policy learning.

Figure 6. Box plots of DQN and DDQ based agents on Movie-Ticket Booking dataset. The center, bottom and top line of the box show the median, 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The lines that extend from the box represent the expected variation of the data. The shorter the box, the more stable it is. (a) DQN-based agents (b) DDQ-based agents.

Figure 6. Box plots of DQN and DDQ based agents on Movie-Ticket Booking dataset. The center, bottom and top line of the box show the median, 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The lines that extend from the box represent the expected variation of the data. The shorter the box, the more stable it is. (a) DQN-based agents (b) DDQ-based agents.

When the teacher reward estimator is pre-trained without weak supervision, the learning curves depict relatively mild performance decay. This is because the teacher model benefiting from the user goal information, which serves as the input of the teacher model, can easily learn knowledge of task completion and thus make up the absence of weakly supervised guidance. Pre-training teacher reward estimator without RL degrades the final performance by 6.10% and 3.35% on compared to DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD, respectively. We believe that human-machine interactions in RL framework enables the reward estimator to perceive more dialogue actions that are not presented in the annotated data, and thus improves the quality of generated reward.

5.4.3. Different choices of anchor reward

To explore how different choices of the anchor reward Ra influence the final performance and learning speed of the agents, we present learning curves of agents with different anchor rewards in Figure . We observe that weak supervision generally promotes the learning speed at the early training stage as Ra gets larger, as can be observed from the first 50 epochs of DDQ-based agents. However, as the training progresses, agents with extremely large Ra gradually lags behind those with relatively small Ra. For example, DDQ-SKD achieves about 50% success rate with Ra=10 at epoch 100, where it achieves more than 75% with Ra=5. In fact, the performance is gradually improved as Ra increases until Ra=5 and declined as it continues to grow. We conclude those observations as follows: while weak supervision can accelerate the convergence of dialogue policy, the optimal anchor reward Ra should be determined seriously to balance the trade-off between local guidance and global reward. More specifically, When Ra is too small, the weak supervision may have little impact on guiding the teacher model to generate proper reward reflecting the action validity. When Ra is too large, the agent tends to focus on short term reward rather than global optimum (i.e. accomplishing the task). Overemphasis on fitting the weakly annotated data may harm the final performance.

Figure 7. Learning curves of DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD with different anchor reward Ra. (a) DQN-based (b) DDQ-based.

Figure 7. Learning curves of DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD with different anchor reward Ra. (a) DQN-based (b) DDQ-based.

5.4.4. Reward visualisation

In order to demonstrate the strength of our reward estimator in providing proper reward reflecting action validity and task completion, we present Figure  that illustrates the reward provided by the student reward estimator at the end of each agent response. To better show the ability of the reward estimator to evaluate the action, we employ a rule-based agent, which requests information in a fixed order, to interact with the user simulator.

Figure 8. Reward visualisation of a dialogue simulation between a rule based agent and a user simulator. The reward is provided by a trained student reward estimator.

Figure 8. Reward visualisation of a dialogue simulation between a rule based agent and a user simulator. The reward is provided by a trained student reward estimator.

As shown in Figure , it is clear the reward can generally reflect the dialogue state and action validity of the agent. To be specific, the reward estimator is capable of assigning penalty to discouraging duplicated actions at turn 2 of both dialogues, where the agent requests the movie name identified at the last turn by the user. Similar observations can be seen from turn 12 of dialogue (a). Besides, even if the agent takes the same action, the agent is able to provide reward according to the dialogue states and agent actions. For example, when the agent asks for the location at turn 6, the reward estimator assigns a negative reward to this action in dialogue (a), which does not answer the inquiry of the user about start time. In comparison, the reward assigned to the action at turn 6 is positive in dialogue (b), which is reasonable. This is because the reward estimator taking historical dialogue states as input can avoid rewarding duplicated or invalid actions. Another interesting phenomenon can be observed at turn 14, where the agent books tickets for the user in both dialogues. The reward is relatively small (1.25) since it does not meet all requirements of the user in dialogue (a), while it is rather large (4.25) when the agent successfully fulfill the task in dialogue (b). This is attributable to the knowledge distillation that makes the student reward estimator anticipate user goal and task completion information.

5.4.5. Performance of dealing with shifty user goals

To illustrate the superiority of our method in dealing with shifty user goals, we develop a user simulator that randomly changes part of user goals during conversation and let it interact with different agents that are trained with 300 epochs on MultiWOZ dataset. We test them on 100 dialogues for each agent. The results are shown in Figure . Not surprisingly, our method still achieves the best result among all DDQ-based agents. Compared with D3Q and DR-D3Q, which degrade the success rate by 13.34% and 9.49% on shifty user goals, respectively, our method exhibits the mildest performance decay by 2.36%. This is because the teacher reward estimator learns prior distribution of user goal information and thus enables the system to handle user goals more flexible. Another potential reason may be that the system can act more properly when the policy is combined with reward functions during interaction.

Figure 9. Success rate of different agents dealing with shifty user goals on MultiWOZ. The number in each bar represents success rate degradation compared to that in Table  at Epoch=300.

Figure 9. Success rate of different agents dealing with shifty user goals on MultiWOZ. The number in each bar represents success rate degradation compared to that in Table 6 at Epoch=300.

5.4.6. The effect of different complexity measuring strategies

In this section, we further explore the effects of different criterion of complexity measuring for self-paced learning. In addition to the KL loss between the output of teacher and student reward estimator (Stu-Tea) stated in Equation Equation14, we consider other two different metrics to evaluate the dialogue complexity, which is defined as the KL loss between the true label p and (1) the output of teacher ptea (Gold-Tea), (2) the output of the student pstu (Gold-Stu), where p=r/Ra. Besides, we also measure the dialogue difficulty based on the number of slots N contained in the corresponding user goal (Rule). Specifically, score=N/Nmax, Nmax is a constant representing the maximum number of slots of user goal in the dataset. Intuitively, the more slots, the more difficult it is. We conduct experiments on MultiWOZ dataset based on DDQ-SKD agent.

The results are presented in Table . Generally, Stu-Tea outperforms others on most metrics. More concretely, even though the golden labels are involved in complexity measuring, Stu-Tea still shows better performances. The results suggest that evaluating the difference between outputs of teacher and student models can better reflect the student's learning process. Comparatively, Rule achieves the worst results among all complexity measurer variants, while still outperforms wo. CL. We conclude that the number of slots in a user goal can only partially judge the complexity compared with other measurements.

Table 7. Experimental results of DDQ-SKD with different complexity measurer on MultiWOZ dataset.

5.4.7. Case study

Table  presents dialogue examples of simulated user interacting with different agents. It is obvious that the DQN and DDQ agents can accomplish the task more efficiently when they are combined with our method. More specifically, the DQN agent tends to perform like a naive rule-based agent that requests information in predefined order. And it asks for the theater information repeatedly (Which theater would you like?) when the user does not answer it properly, which fails to accomplish the task within the maximum turns. As for the DDQ agent, although it books two tickets for the user, several important information, including date, theater and start time, are neglected. Furthermore, it may request information that has already been identified in the context. For example, the DDQ agent asks the user for the preferred movie at turn 2 and the number of tickets at turn 8, which are both identified when the conversation starts, i.e. at turn 1. Such problems may decrease the efficiency of completing tasks, and even make real users impatient and terminate the conversation early.

Table 8. Dialogue examples of simulated user interacting with different agents trained at 100 epochs.

In comparison, our methods avoid these problems and accomplish the tasks perfectly. We attribute this to the following factors: (1) Reward annotations are capable of preventing the agent from performing redundantly, since the weak reward annotator allocates a negative reward to discourage such reduplicate behaviours by evaluating sub-goals completion. (2) The student reward estimator, learning rich contextual and user goal anticipated information from the teacher model, is able to guide the agent to explore the action space more effectively.

5.5. Human evaluation

We recruit real users to evaluate the performance of four agents, including DQN, DDQ, DQN-SKD and DDQ-SKD, by conversing with them. All evaluated agents are trained with 100 epochs. In each dialogue session, the user is asked to select one of the agents without knowing the identification of the selected agent. At the beginning of each conversation, the user is presented with a user goal randomly sampled from the corpus and interacts with the agent to accomplish the task. The user can choose to abandon the task and terminate the dialogue if the conversation is deemed too duplicated or the user believes the task is unlikely to be completed. Such dialogue sessions are then considered to be failed. The user is required to provide feedback on each conversation regarding task success. We evaluate these agents in 400 dialogues in total.

As shown in Figure , we can observe that the success rate of all the agents are dropped with a significant margin compared with those in simulation experiments. It is not surprising since the real user, who is not as patient as the simulated user, may terminate the conversation within a small number of turns before the task is accomplished. Besides, it is clear that the success rate of DQN and DDQ agents are improved by 9.0% and 8.8% when combined with our method, which accords with the observations in the simulation experiments.

Figure 10. Human evaluation results of DQN, DQN-SKD, DDQ and DDQ-SKD agents. The number of test dialogues are presented in on each bar.

Figure 10. Human evaluation results of DQN, DQN-SKD, DDQ and DDQ-SKD agents. The number of test dialogues are presented in on each bar.

6. Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we propose a novel method called scheduled knowledge distillation (SKD), which learns dynamic reward function by combining knowledge distillation and curriculum learning for efficient dialogue policy learning. In knowledge distillation, we first pre-train a teacher reward estimator that benefits from the deep semantic information contained in BERT and user goal information via deep Q-learning. Besides, we also construct weak annotated data based on the sub-goals completion and train the teacher model by weakly supervised learning. Then, the knowledge is transferred to the student reward estimator by training it to mimic the outputs of the teacher model. In curriculum learning, we leverage the divergence between outputs of the teacher and student reward estimators to evaluate the dialogue complexity, and train the student model from easy to hard samples based on the evaluation results. We conduct experiments on two popular task-oriented datasets and results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our method.

Although our method is combined with DQN and DDQ algorithms, the main contribution of our work SKD can also be easily applied to other value-based approaches, e.g. Q-learning, DDQN, we will explore it in the future. Besides, our method causes extra training cost due to the pre-training of teacher reward estimator, and we will try to reduce the computational complexity in our future work.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Data availability

The Microsoft Dialogue Challenge and MultiWOZ dialogue datasets analysed during the current study are available in E2EDialog and ConvLab-2 repositories, respectively.


1 r = 2T if the dialogue succeeds and r = −T if it fails. T is the maximise number of dialogue turns. In this paper, T = 40. r = −1 if the dialogue is not finished yet.

2 Ra is the same with that in Equation (Equation7)

3 Simulated experience buffer is only used in DDQ-based agents.

4 Readers can refer to the E2Edialog (Li et al., Citation2018) repository for implementation details.

5 The reason for setting the hidden nodes of GRU in teacher model to 768 is to make it compatible with the outputs of BERT model.


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