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A dynamic model for wellbeing

Pages S24-S28 | Published online: 06 Jul 2009


Objective: This paper presents a public health model of mental health which places wellbeing at its centre and illustrates how wellbeing is influenced by the inter-relationship between risk, protective and environmental factors. This model should encourage a more comprehensive approach to wellbeing promotion and will assist in developing appropriate mental health public health initiatives.

Methods: The model considers how different social and individual risk factors impact negatively upon mental health and how these risk factors can be addressed. It explores the need for active development of protective factors in order to increase an individual's resilience to deal with stresses of life and the additional input required to promote resilience in those with existing mental health problems. This approach to wellbeing balances addressing risk factors with promoting protective factors and uses a public mental health approach to wellbeing promotion within particular settings and the wider environment, supported by both local-level and regional policy. It also suggests that considerable economic savings could be achieved by implementing such integrated management programmes.

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