Publication Cover
Journal of Neurotherapy
Investigations in Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback and Applied Neuroscience
Volume 17, 2013 - Issue 4
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Brain Inconspicuous Effect by Local Sinusoidal Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Exposure Based on Wavelet Packet Analysis: Innovation in Online Passive Neurofeedback Therapy by the Neuro-LSELF System

, &
Pages 226-247 | Received 28 May 2013, Accepted 03 Sep 2013, Published online: 04 Dec 2013


Neurofeedback (NF) is a training approach that aims to reinforce brain activity by using the information of human electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms as a feedback. In addition, some studies have reported Extremely Low Frequency (0–300 Hz, intensity < 500 µT) Magnetic Field (ELF MF) effects upon the EEG and its rhythms. The purpose of this study is to determine if an approach that combines the effects of Local Sinusoidal Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields (LSELF MF) with NF yields higher performance on desired NF goals. The NF protocol used in this study consisted of enhancement of the beta rhythm and inhibition of theta and high beta rhythms in exposed and sham groups for the purpose of improving attention. Twenty-four healthy subjects of at least average intelligence attended 10 sessions of NF training. Sixteen of them were exposed to 45 Hz sinusoidal ELF (360 µT) at F3 to lead to the desired LSELF MF effects on Cz. Wavelet packet analysis was used for the detection of changes in EEG rhythms. Results suggest that, compared to sham exposure, LSELF magnetic waves can significantly affect and modulate brainwaves according to this new neurofeedback approach. In comparison to sham exposure, improved ability to attend (as measured by a decrease in the theta-to-beta ratio) was observed when LSELF MF was combined with NF (p < .05). The hypothesis that LSELF MF can affect the theta-to-beta ratio was confirmed. These effects occurred after approximately 10 min of each NF procedure. This study aimed to pilot a new NF system known as the Neuro-ELF system, a method that may allow for more effective control of brainwave activity. However, we suggest that the effects of LSELF-NF require further research.


We are grateful to Biomedical Engineering Laboratory and Atieh Comprehensive Centre for Nerve and Psych Disorders, Tehran, Iran. We acknowledge helpful comments provided by the anonymous reviewers and referees. We are thankful to Dr. Ali Sheikhani, Dr. S. M. A. Pishbin, Dr. S. A. Shafiei Darabi, Mrs. Amirfallah, Mr. Beikzand, Mr. Hosseinzade, Mrs. Mercedeh Jahanseir, Mrs. Nasrin Shourie, and Mrs. Shankaiee. Special thanks go to the volunteers and Thought Technology Ltd. and Inside Sales and Marketing Managers, Didier Combatalade, and Helen Mavros for helpful information and comments.


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