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Original Papers

Linking Theory, Evidence, and Practice in Assessment of Adolescent Inhalant Use

Pages 17-25 | Published online: 12 Jul 2009


Inhalants are often one of the first substances used by young children. Inhalant use is the purposeful inhaling, bagging, sniffing, or huffing of common easily accessible solvents, aerosols, or gases producing mind-altering effects. Long term use leads to neurocognitive changes such as disorientation, inattentiveness, or short-term memory loss. Detoxification for inhalant abuse requires longer treatment time due to the slow excretion of volatile substances. Recovery is complicated by immaturity, potentially permanent cognitive impairment, and prior disruptive family, school, and peer structures. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the middle range theory of Adolescent Vulnerability to Risk Behaviors can be utilized to direct evidence-based assessments of adolescents for risk behaviors such as inhalant use. Adapted from the Neuman Systems Model, this adolescent-specific theory describes the layers of defense and resistance that surround and protect the five inner core variables of the adolescent from external stressors. When the layers fail to protect the adolescent, high risk behaviors can result. To better assess and intervene with adolescents who use inhalants, the clinician can use this theory to understand an adolescent's inner core and the impact of external stressors, developmental assets, role models, peer influence, and parent functioning upon this specific high risk behavior.

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