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Inter Association Task Force Recommendations on Emergency Preparedness andManagement of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in High School andCollege Athletic Programs: A Consensus Statement

, MD, , ATC, PT, NREMT-I, , MD, FACSM, , MD, , MD, FACC & , MD, FACC
Pages 253-271 | Published online: 02 Jul 2009


Objective. To assist high school andcollege athletic programs prepare for andrespond to a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). This consensus statement summarizes our current understanding of SCA in young athletes, defines the necessary elements for emergency preparedness, andestablishes uniform treatment protocols for the management of SCA. Background: Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in young athletes. The increasing presence of andtimely access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) at sporting events provides a means of early defibrillation andthe potential for effective secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. An Inter-Association Task Force was sponsored by the National Athletic Trainers' Association to develop consensus recommendations on emergency preparedness andmanagement of SCA in athletes. Recommendations. Comprehensive emergency planning is needed for high school andcollege athletic programs to ensure an efficient andstructured response to SCA. Essential elements of an emergency action plan include establishing an effective communication system, training of anticipated responders in cardiopulmonary resuscitation andAED use, access to an AED for early defibrillation, acquisition of necessary emergency equipment, coordination, andintegration of on-site responder andAED programs with the local emergency medical services system, andpractice andreview of the response plan. Prompt recognition of SCA, early activation of the emergency medical services system, the presence of a trained rescuer to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation, andaccess to early defibrillation are critical in the management of SCA. In any collapsed andunresponsive athlete, SCA should be suspected andan AED applied as soon as possible for rhythm analysis anddefibrillation if indicated.

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