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NACCT Abstract

Keyword index to NACCT abstracts

Pages 656-661 | Published online: 07 Oct 2008


Abuse 64, 199, 233

Accessibility 121

Accidental 104

Acetadote 164

Acetaminophen 1, 2, 12, 41, 51, 71, 105, 118, 170, 176, 185

Acetaminophen toxicity 164

Acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity 38

Acetaminophen-induced renal failure 38

Acetaminophen-protein adducts 1

Acetaminphen-induced renal failure 145

Acrodynia 44

Acticoat 57

Activated charcoal 41

Acute agitation 234

Acute and sub-acute toxicity 76

Acute exposure 235

Acute iron toxicity 223

Acute poisoning 6

Acute toxicity 129, 229

Adolescent 151, 226

Adult eszopiclone ingestions 67

Adult hypnotic ingestions 67

Adult Lunesta ingestions 67

Adult modafinil ingestions 208

Adult modafinil overdose 208

Adult Provigil ingestions 208

Adverse drug reaction 248

Adverse effects 49

Adverse events 247

Agent-based model 17

Air freshener 42

Alcohol 183

alpha 2-macroglobulin 107

Alternative medicine 79

Aluminum phosphide 7, 111

Amanita 37

Aminotransferase 185

Amiodarone 235

Amitriptyline poisoning 4

Amnesia 70

Amount 206

Amphetamine 241

Anaphylaxis 149, 177

Anoxic encephalopathy 244

Antibiotics 209

Antibodies 242

Antidote 58, 65, 242

Antihistamines 36

Antitoxin 246

Antivenin 45, 85

Antivenom 83, 84

Antivenom antidote 35

Antivenom index 33

APAP assay 203

APAP interference 203

ARDS 107

Argyria 57, 79

Aripiprazole 26, 104, 125

Arsenic 146, 187

Asian dietary supplements 135

Asian medication 15

Aspirin 97

Assault 159

AST 12

Atenolol 103

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 233

Atypical antipsychotic medications 92

Atypical antipsychotics 148

Automation 11

Autonomic dysfunction 147


Barium carbonate 53

Benzodiazepine 227

1-Benzylpiperazine 108

Benzylpiperazine 66

Berries 102

Beta-glucuronidase 6

Biological 17

Biomonitoring 25

Bioterrorism 114

Bioterrorism, syndromic surveillance 180

Black widow spider 83

Blood alcohol 54

Blood pressure 58

Body packer 30

Body stuffer 159

Body stuffing 22

Borage 43

Bradycardia 150

Brain MRI 134

Breath analyzer 183

Bupivicaine 172

Buprenorphine 188

Bupropion 142, 156, 213

Bupropion (XL) extended release 245


Cadmium 144

Caffeine, yohimbine 247

Calcium channel antagonist 80

Calcium channel blocker toxicity 60

Caller 163

Carbamazepine 131

Carbon monoxide 133, 222, 244

Cardiac arrest 8

Cardiac glycosides 95

Cardiovascular poisoning 92

Cardiovascular toxicity 4

Career ladder 174

Carnitine 113

Carvedilol 178

Case report 75, 237

Case-control study 123

Catatonia 148

Caustic ingestion 5

CDC and HRSA cooperative grants 137

Cheeze or cheese 162

Chelation 106, 187

Chemical 17

Chemical terrorism 132

Chicago 24

Child 46, 186

Childhood lead poisoning 74

Chinese medicine poisoning 240

Chloride 20

Chlorine gas 50

4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxy amphetamine (DOC) 163, 241, 911

Chloroform 112

Chronic digoxin toxicity 61

Clinical audit 168

Clinical effects 212

Clinical outcome 206

Cocaine 159

Coin ingestion 52

Collaboration 93, 228

Colubrid 202

Compliance 18

Contact dermatitis 48

Contaminated peanut butter 195

Copperhead 122, 225

Cost-savings 101

Coumadin 34

CroFab 181, 182, 225

Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab 182

Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) 177

Crotaline snake 84

CT X ray 30

Customer satisfaction 195

Cyanide 8, 58

Cyclical symptoms 157

Cyclopeptide 37

Cyproheptadine 65


Data 228

Data mining 220

Database 168

Death 175, 213

Death abstract 167

Decongestants 36

Deferoxamine 223

Deficiency, glucosephosphate dehydrogenase 140

Delayed absorption 131

Delayed onset 230

Delirium tremens 154

Demographics 13

Dendroaspis angusticeps 33

Description 158

Dexmedetomidine 154

Dextromethorphan 10, 66

Dibucaine 236

Dietary supplements 247

Diethylene glycol 221

Difluoroethane 153

Digoxin-antibodies 69

Digoxin poisoning 242

Dimercaptosuccinic acid 146

Diphenhydramine 14, 51, 105, 141

Disaster management 133

Disaster preparedness 94

DMSA 106

Dose-response relationships 218

Double-peak 170

Dove body wash 48

Drug abuse 162, 246

Drug facilitated crimes 77

Drug identification 11

Drug-induced QT prolongation 243

Drug-induced torsade de pointes 243

Drug-related deaths 169

Drugs of abuse 27, 224

“Dusting” or dust off abuse 153

Dystonia 143


Eastern green mamba 33

Economics 192

Education 19, 93, 210

Elderly 32

Electroyte change 145

Emergency department 152, 215, 234

Emergency preparedness 137

EMS 210


Envenomation 47, 84, 136, 177, 202

Environment 231

Epidemic 24

Epidemiology 71, 167, 179, 201, 218

Esophageal coin 52

Ethanol 211, 248

Ethanol withdrawal 154

Ethnic remedies 135

Ethylene glycol 96, 134, 173, 196

Evidence based medicine 120

Expertise 174

Exposure 26, 212

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 13, 46


False positive APAP 203

Fatalities 71

Federated States of Micronesia 40

Fellowship training 82

Fentanyl 24, 169

Fentanyl patch 199

Fenthion poisoning 157

Fever 39

First human 42

Fish 231

Flecainide 46

Flecainide overdose 239

Flumazenil 227

Fluoride 62

Fluoroacetate intoxication 3

Fluoxetine 200

Fomepizole 69, 150, 196, 248

Food-borne botulism 99

Foodborne disease outbreaks 91

Foxglove 43, 95

Fulminant hepatic failure 205

Fumarole 88


Gadolinium 184

Gamma hydroxy-butyrate (GHB) 81, 128, 130

Gases 88

Gatifloxacin 72

Gender, cytochrome p450, metabolism 25

GI decontamination 41

GIS 115

Glory 216

Glucagon 4

Glufosinate poisoning 70

Glyphosate 206

Guideline 14


Haff disease, seafood poisoning 91

Hallucinations 36

Hand rub 211

Hand sanitizer 54

Hazmat exposure 132

Heart block 160

Hematologica and histophatological assayes 76

Hemodialysis 129

Hepatic failure 37

Hepatotoxicity 1, 2, 105, 112, 170, 185

Heroin 169, 204, 224

High dose insulin 98

Hispanic 204

Histamine 160

Homemade bomb 50

Hong Hoa Oil 15

Hospital discharge data 179

Hospital preparedness 132

Hounsfield unit 30

Huffer 238

Human exposures 40

Human patient simulation 9

Hydroxocobalamin 8

Hyperammonemia 59

Hyperbaric oxygen 222

Hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia 111

Hyperkalemia 86

Hyperpyrexia 39

Hyperthermia 39

Hyperventilation 111

Hypocalcemia 62

Hypoglycemia 21

Hypoglycemic agents 72

Hypokalemia 53

Hypotension 150, 213


Identification 158

IL-8 107

Illicit drugs 66

Immunoassay 78

Immunosuppressive treatment 190

Infant formula 29

Infection 136

Ingestion 104, 109, 211

Inhalant 64

Inhalant abuse 153, 238

Injection 175

Intentional overdose 103

Interactive response 94

Interactive voice response 11

Internet websites 68

Intralipid 172

Intrathecal 184

Intravenous administration 143

Intravenous injection 122

Intravenous magnesium sulphate 239

Intubation 56, 130

Ipecac 215

IS information systems support 16

Isopropyl alcohol and bleach 50


Ketamine 77

Knowledge 27


Laboratory 96, 224

Lagocephalus sceleratus 191

Lamotrigine 63, 212

Landau-Kleffner Syndrome 74

Late presenter 190

Latrodectism 83

Lead poisoning 135

Levosimendan 60

Liquid chemicals 109

Liquid ferrous sulfate 223

Liquid nitrogen 5

Liver enzymes 76

Local anesthetic 172, 236

Lodged coin 52

Low-income 165

Lung oedema 237


Maine 55

MAOI food interaction 119

Marketing 165

Mechanical ventilation 97

Media 161

Medical students 27

Medical toxicology 82

Medication error 207, 232

Medication safety 232

Mediterranean 191

Mercuric 20

Mercury 106, 231

Mercury exposure 44

Metabolic acidosis 214

Metals 144

Metformin 21

Methadone 141, 194

Methamphetamine 22, 226

Methanol 183, 219

Methanol and ethylene glycol 220

Methanol intoxication 138

Methemoglobinemia 90, 140

3-methoxy-3-methyl-1-butanol 42

Methyl salicylate 15

Methylene blue 90, 140

METIS therapy 3

Misuse 199

Moisturizer 48

Monkshood 75

Morning 216

Mortality data 179

Multiple drug overdose 98

Mushroom 100, 158

Myocardial infarction 119


N-acetylcysteine 112, 164, 176

Naloxone 49

Nasal insufflation 156

Natural disaster 16


Neonatal 34

Neonates 110

Nerve agent poisoning 171

Nerve entrapment 124

Neurological dysfunction 134

Neuromuscular blocking agents 56

Neurotoxicity 70

Nisoldipine 80

Nitric acid 230, 237

Non anion gap metabolic acidosis 96

Nursing websites 68


Occupational 230

Occupational exposure 7

Ophthalmic antimuscarinic agents 171

Opioid toxicity 49

Organophosphate 139

Organophosphate poisoning 171

Organophosphorus 6

Osmolar gap 221

Ototoxicity 146

Out of hospital management 127

Outcome in acetaminophen overdose 38

Out-of-hospital 14

Overdose 21, 32, 116, 184, 188, 200, 245

Overdose, poisoning 12

Overdrive pacing 243

Oxidative stress 139


Paliperidone 148

Paraquat poisoning 190

Paraylisis 53

Parent component 55

Patient safety 9, 101

P-chloroaniline 90

Pediatric 63, 100, 142, 157, 188, 194, 196, 200, 204, 207, 225, 236

Pediatric eszopiclone exposures 73

Pediatric Lunesta ingestions 73

Pediatric modafinil exposures 217

Pediatric modafinil ingestions 217

Pediatric patients 126

Pediatric poisoning 152

Pediatric Provigil ingestions 217

Pediatric sedative hypnotic exposures 73

Pediatric toxic exposures 127

Pediatric toxicity 54

Penetrance 163, 166

Perchlorate 29

Pesticide intoxication 138

Pesticides 115

Pharmacokinetics of flecainde toxicity 239

Phenanthrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 25

Phenelzine 119

Phentermine resin 197

Phenylisopropyl adenosine (PIA) 139

Phosphine gas 7

Physostigmine 78

Pica 74

Pinks disease 44

PK/PD relationships 128

Plants 95

Pneumoperitoneum 5

Poison 116

Poison center 19, 40, 45, 85, 99, 226

Poison center awareness 166

Poison center education 28

Poison center recommendations 69

Poison center remote agents 16

Poison control 18, 26, 121

Poison control center 115, 233

Poison education 87

Poison prevention 161, 165, 187

Poison prevention education 89, 220

Poisoning 13, 20, 65, 101, 108, 123, 128, 193, 197, 219

Poisoning in Hong Kong 240

Poisonous apple 31

Polyethylene glycol 207

Post-mortem 144

P-phenylenediamine 129

Pregnancy 34, 181

Pregnancy complication 35

Prescription drug abuse 151

Preterm neonate 118

Program directors 82

Program satisfaction 210

Prolonged effects 63

Prolonged QT interval 110

Prolonged toxicity 197

Propylene glycol 2

Protamine 23

Public awareness 87

Public health 99

Public health emergencies 94

Public health laboratory 137

Pulmonary hypertension 23


Questionaire 81


Ramelteon 147

Rattlesnake 149

Rattlesnake evenomation 86

Recreational drug poisoning 130

Recreational drug use 241

Reference dose 29

Referral 215

Refusals 18

Reimbursement 192

Retrospective review 235

Rising serum concentrations 131


Safety profile 232

Salicylate 97

Salycilate 214

School nurses 89

Scombroid poisoning 160

Seizure 56, 155, 156, 245

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 10, 110

Serotonin syndrome 10, 147

Severe envenomation 182

Sialorrhea 125

Silicone 175

Silver 79

Snake bites 201

Snake envenomation 181

Snakebite 45, 85, 124

Snow globe 173

Solvent intoxication 138

Spanish 121

Specialist in poison information 28, 174

Specialty 61

Spider 136, 193

Spider envenomation 35

Spike 31

Spike program 55

Starter heroin 162

Stonefish 47

Street drug adulterant 189

Student-centered medical education 9

Students 161

Subarachnoid hemorrhage 244

Suicidal 32

Sulfonamide hypersensitivty 205

Superwarfarins 186

Surgery 124

Surrogate marker 51

Surveillance 228

Susumber 102

Sympathomimetic 108

Symptom assessment 81

Syndromic surveillance 114

Systemic symptoms 202


Telephone survey 195

Terazosin 116

Terrorism 133

TESS 142

TESS data 167

Tetrodotoxin 191

Texas 80

Textbook 120

Therapeutic transdermal system 229

Tigan 155

Tilmicosin 218

Tizanidine 198

Took place around Halloween 31

Toothpaste 62

Toxic alcohol 221

Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (TESS) 209

Toxicity 22, 43, 123, 125, 214

Toxicology 192

Toxicology consultation 28

Toxicology websites 68

Training 93

Transplacental acetaminophen exposure 118

Transplantation 219

Treatment 61

Triage guidelines 100

Tricyclic antidepressants 126, 127

Tricyclic overdose 98

Trimethobenzamide 155

Troponin I 222


Unintentional amitriptyline exposure 126

United Kingdom 193

Urine drug screens 141

UV visible-spectrophotometery 77


Valproate induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy 113

Valproic acid 59

Venlafaxine 78

Venom 122, 149

Venom lysis syndrome 86

Venomous snakebite 209

Verapamil 60

Veterinary sedative 189

Vitamin K 186

Volatile substance abuse 64, 238

Volcanic 88

Volume estimation 109

VPA 59


Water hemlock poisoning 91

Withdrawal 194, 198

Wound botulism 246

Wound dressing 57


Xylazine 189


Yohimbine 117


Ziprasidone 143, 234

Zopiclone poisoning 227


Indexed by abstract number.

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