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Publisher's Note

Publisher’s Note

Dear readers,

We are pleased to announce that Advanced Device Materials is now publishing as a fully Open Access journal, meaning that all articles published in the journal will continue to be permanently freely available to read online with no subscription fees or article-pay-to-view fees. In addition, articles will be published using the CC-BY license, meaning that authors, and others, are free to share, copy and distribute the work as long as proper credit is given. This licensing will make papers, and the journal, compliant with the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s and other research funding organisations Open Access policies.

Authors publishing their Open Access paper in Advanced Device Materials will benefit from:

High visibility and discoverability via Taylor & Francis Online.

Global marketing and publicity, ensuring your article reaches the people you want it to.

Article metrics (downloads, citations, and Altmetric data) for your article including in My Authored Works, so you can measure its impact.

Retention of full copyright of your article through unrestrictive publishing agreements.

Guaranteed legacy preservation of your article.

Discounts and waivers for authors in developing regions.

Papers published previously will continue to be freely available to read and download online and will be converted to the CC-BY Open Access license retrospectively.

Article Publishing Charges (APC) will be introduced from the beginning of 2017. Rates have been set competitively and there are a range of discounts available for board members, authors of special issues, and for invited contributions.

For more information and to submit your article online, please read the Instructions for Authors, then submit your article via the submission site at www.edmgr.com/yadv.

Further information on Open Access with Taylor and Francis can be found on the author services page.

With best wishes

Advanced Device Materials