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Research Article

Asymptotic approximations of complex order tangent, Tangent-Bernoulli and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials

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Pages 282-291 | Received 06 Jun 2023, Accepted 06 Apr 2024, Published online: 09 May 2024


In this study, asymptotic formulas for complex order Tangent, Tangent-Bernoulli, and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials are obtained through the method of contour integration, strategically avoiding branch cuts in the process. By employing this technique, the paper elucidates the behavior of these polynomials in the complex plane. Additionally, the investigation expands upon the Taylor series expansion of these functions, revealing alternative asymptotic expansions. This dual approach not only enhances our understanding of the asymptotic properties of these polynomials but also offers alternative mathematical perspectives, enriching the existing body of knowledge in this field.

1. Introduction

Numerous mathematicians are actively engaged in the exploration of special functions and various hybrid variants, such as Frobenius–Euler–Genocchi Polynomials, Bivariate (p,q)-Bernoulli-Fibonacci Polynomials, Bivariate (p,q)-Bernoulli-Lucas Polynomials, Apostol-Type Frobenius-Euler Polynomials, q-Trigonometric Functions, (p,q)-Fibonacci, and (p,q)-Lucas Polynomials, particularly in conjunction with Changhee Numbers (see Alam et al., Citation2023; Guan, Khan, & Kızılateş, Citation2023; Rao, Khan, Araci, & Ryoo, Citation2023; Zhang, Khan, & Kızılateş, Citation2023). These distinct mathematical constructs exhibit intriguing properties, notably explicit formulas that find practical applications in computer modeling.

The Tangent polynomials of complex order μ is defined by (1) (2e2w+1)μewz=n=0Tnμ(z)wnn!, |w|<π2.(1) when μ=1, EquationEq. (1) reduces to the Tangent polynomials Tn(x). Applying Cauchy integral formula (see Churchill & Brown, Citation1976), we have (2) Tnμ(z)=n!2πiC(2e2w+1)μewzdwwn+1,(2) where C is a circle around the origin with radius <π2.

The Tangent-Bernoulli polynomials of complex order μ is defined by (3) (we2w1)μewz=n=0(TB)nμ(z)wnn!, |w|<π.(3)

When μ=1, Equation(3) reduces to the Tangent-Bernoulli polynomials Tn(x). Applying Cauchy integral formula, we have (4) (TB)nμ(z)=n!2πiC(we2w1)μewzdwwn+1,(4) where C is a circle around the origin with radius less than π.

The Tangent-Genocchi polynomials of complex order μ is defined by (5) (2we2w+1)μewz=n=0(TG)nμ(z)wnn!, |w|<π2.(5) when μ=1, EquationEq. (5) reduces to the Tangent-Genocchi polynomials Tn(x). Applying Cauchy Integral Formula, we have (6) (TG)nμ(z)=n!2πiC(2we2w+1)μewzdwwn+1,(6) where C is a circle around the origin with radius <π2.

Asymptotic approximations of Bernoulli polynomials, Euler Polynomials and Genocchi polynomials of complex order were obtained using contour integration (see Corcino & Corcino, Citation2020; Corcino & Corcino, Citation2021; López & Temme, Citation2010). Consequently, asymptotic approximations of Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials, Apostol-Euler Polynomials, Apostol-Genocchi polynomials and Apostol-Tangent polynomials were derived using Fourier series and ordering of poles in the generating function (see Corcino, Corcino, & Ontolan, Citation2021; Corcino & Corcino, Citation2022; López & Temme, Citation2002; Navas et al., Citation2012). Lopez and Temme (1999a) established the asymptotic representations of Hermite polynomials in generalized Bernoulli, Euler, Bessel, and Buchholz polynomials. Furthermore, Lopez and Temme (1999b) derived uniform approximations of Bernoulli and Euler polynomials using hyperbolic functions. Several mathematicians were attracted to work on tangent polynomials because of its applications in the field of mathematics and physics (see Ryoo, Citation2013a, Citation2013b, Citation2013c, Citation2013d, Citation2014, Citation2016, Citation2018). The Fourier series expansions of tangent polynomials, along with their combinations with Bernoulli and Genoochi polynomials, referred to as Tangent-Bernoulli and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials, are derived in (Corcino et al., Citation2022).

In this paper, the method that was used in (see López & Temme, Citation2010 and Corcino & Corcino, Citation2021) will be investigated to find asymptotic formulas of Tangent, Tangent Bernoulli and Tangent Genocchi polynomials of complex order. In addition, an alternative expansion is obtained using two-point Taylor expansion of an appropriate function involving the generating function. This alternative expansion is used as a check formula of the approximation obtained using contour integration.

2. Asymptotic expansions of Tangent polynomials of complex order

The main asymptotic contribution are derived from the singularities at ±π2i. Applying the Cauchy integral formula and integrating around a circle C1, with radius π avoiding the branch cuts along the lines y=π2 and y=π2 of Equation(1) yields, (7) (2e2w+1)μewz=n=0Tnμ(z)wnn!, |w|<π2Res[f(w),0]=n!2πiC1(2e2w+1)μewzdwwn+1(7) where f(w) denotes the integrand on the left side of EquationEq. (7).

By denoting the loops by L+ and L and the remaining part of the circle C1 by C*, we obtain (8) Res[f(w),0]=n!2πi(C*f(w)dw+Lf(w)dw+L+f(w)dw)(8) (see to visualize the contour of integration). By the principle of deformation of paths, (9) Res[f(w),0]=n!2πiC(2e2w+1)μewzdwwn+1=Tnμ(z)(9) where C is a circle with radius <π/2, then EquationEqs. (8) and Equation(9) yield (10) Tnμ(z)=n!2πi(C*f(w)dw+Lf(w)dw+L+f(w)dw).(10)

Figure 1. Contour for tangent polynomials of complex order.

Figure 1. Contour for tangent polynomials of complex order.

Lemma 2.1.

As n, the integral along C* is O((π)n). That is, C*f(w)dw=O((π)n).


Let f(w)=(2e2w+1)μewzwn+1

where μ and z are fixed complex numbers. Let max{|μ|,|z|}K. Then (11) |C*f(w)dw|<2K(π)n+1C*|dw|=2Kπ(π)n+1=O((π)n).(11)

Consequently, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.2.

As n,μ and z are fixed complex numbers, (12) Tnμ(z)n!2n+μ+1nμ1πn+μΓ(μ){cosβk=0<1μ>knkRe(Fk) sinβk=0<1μ>knkIm(Fk).}(12)


For integrals along the loops, let I+ be the integral along L+ and I be the integral along L. To compute these integrals, start with I+ T+=n!2πiL+2μewz(e2w+1)μdwwn+1 and let w=πies2. Then dw=πies2ds and I+=n!2μ2πiC+exp[πizes2](exp[πies]+1)μπiesds2(πies2)n+1=n!2μ2πiC+exp[πizes2](exp[πies]+1)μds(πies2)n=n!2μ+n2πiC+exp[πizes2](exp[πies]+1)μds(πies)n.

Now since eπi=cosπ+isinπ=1, then I+=n!2μ+n2πiC+eπizes2[eπi(eπieseπi1)]μds(πies)n where C+ is the image of L+ under the transformation w=πies2. C+ is the contour that encircles the origin in the clockwise direction. Multiplying the numerator by eπiz2eπiz2. I+=n!2μ+n2πiC+eπizes2eπiz2eπiz2(eπi)μ(eπieseπi1)μds(πi)nesn=n!2μ+neπiμeπiz22(πi)n+1C+eπizes2eπiz2(eπieseπi1)μdsesn=n!2μ+ne(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+1C+e(es1)πiz2(e(es1)πi1)μdsesn=n!2μ+ne(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+1C+ezν(e2ν1)μdsesn where ν=(es1)πi2. Multiplying the numerator in the last array by sμsμ, I+=n!2μ+ne(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+1C+ezν(e2ν1)μdsesnsμsμ(πi)μ(πi)μ=n!2μ+ne(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+μ+1C+(πie2ν1)μezνsnsμsμds=n!2μ+ne(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+μ+1C+(πise2ν1)μezνsnsμds.

Now, let F(s)=(πise2ν1)μezν.

Then (13) I+=n!2μ+ne(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+μ+1C+F(s)enssμds.(13)

Note that F(s)=(πise2ν1)μezν=[πise(es1)πi1]μe(es1)πiz2F(0)=lims0{[πise(es1)πi1]μe(es1)πiz2}=[lims0πise(es1)πi1]μ[lims0e(es1)piiz2]=[lims0πie(es1)πiπies]μe(e01)πiz2=1. Applying Watson’s Lemma for loop integrals and then expand, (14) F(s)=k=0Fksk.(14)

Substituting EquationEq. (14) to Equation(13), then I+ becomes I+=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+μ+1C+k=0Fkskenssμds=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi2(πi)n+μ+1k=0FkC+skenssμds=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi(πi)n+μk=0FkC+skμensds2πi=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi(πi)n+μk=0FkC+(n)μ+kskμensds2πi(n)μ+k=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi(πi)n+μk=0FkC+(ns)(μk)ensds2πi(n)kμ=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi(πi)n+μk=0FkHk where (15) Hk=1(n)kμ12πiC+ens(ns)(μk)ds.(15)

Now, evaluate Hk. Let t=ns then dt=nds,s=tn,ds=dtn Hk=1(n)kμ12πiC+ens(ns)(μk)ds=1(n)kμ12πiC+en(tn)(n(tn))(μk)dtn=1(n)kμ+112πiC+et(t)(μk)dt.

By deformation of Paths, and using the reciprocal Gamma function, 1Γ(z)=i2πHet(t)zdt where H is the Hankel contour. Then Hk=1(n)kμ+1i2πHet(t)(μk)dt=1(n)kμ+11Γ(μk)=(1)(n)μk11Γ(μk)=(1)μk(n)μk11Γ(μk).

Moreover, Hk=(1)μ(1)knμk11Γ(μk)=(1)μ(1)knμk11Γ(μk)=eπiμnμk1(1)kΓ(μk) and Γ(μk)=(μk1)!. Then (1)kΓ(μk)=(1)k(μk1)!=(1)k(μ1)(μ2)(μ3)(μk)(μ1)!=(1)k(μ1)(μ2)(μ3)(μk)Γ(μ)=<1μ>kΓ(μ) since <x>k=x(x+1)(x+2)(x+k1)<1μ>k=(1μ)(2μ)(3μ)(kμ)

Thus, Hk=nμk1eπiμ<1μ>kΓ(μ).

Writing in+μ=e(n+μ)πi2 I+=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi(πi)n+μk=0FkHk=n!2n+μe(z2μ)πi(πi)n+μk=0Fknμk1eπiμ<1μ>kΓ(μ)=n!2n+μez2πinμ1πn+μ(i)n+μΓ(μ)k=0Fk<1μ>knk=n!2n+μe(n+μ)πi2ez2πinμ1πn+μΓ(μ)k=0Fk<1μ>knk=n!2n+μe(znμ)z2πinμ1πn+μΓ(μ)k=0Fk<1μ>knk.

Since e(znμ)πi2=cos[(znμ)π2]+isin[(znμ)π2], then I+=n!2n+μnμ1πn+μΓ(μ)(cosβ+isinβ)[k=0<1μ>knkRe(Fk)+ik=0<1μ>knkIm(Fk)]=n!2n+μnμ1πn+μΓ(μ)[cosβk=0<1μ>knkRe(Fk)+isinβk=0<1μ>knkRe(Fk)+icosβk=0<1μ>knkIm(Fk)sinβk=0<1μ>knkIm(Fk)] where β=(znμ)π2.

The integral along L denoted by I can be obtained similarly, with w=πies2. It can be shown that I is the complex conjugate of I+ (not considering z and μ as complex numbers). Thus, EquationEq. (10) given Tnμ(z)I++I=2Re(I+). hence, Tnμ(z)=n!2n+μ+1nμ1πn+μΓ(μ)[cosβk=0<1μ>knkRe(Fk)sinβk=0<1μ>knkIm(Fk)]

The first order approximation is given by the following theorem,

Lemma 2.3.

As n,μ and z are fixed numbers, Tnμ(z)n!2n+μ+1nμ1πn+μΓ(μ){cosβ+O(1n)} where β=(znμ)π2.


Let us consider the first term of the sum in EquationEq. (12). Note that F0=F(0)=1. Then, Tnμ(z)n!2n+μ+1nμ1πn+μΓ(μ)[(cosβ)(Re(F0))(sinβ)(Im(F0))]n!2n+μ+1nμ1πn+μΓ(μ)[(cosβ)(1)(sinβ)(0)]n!2n+μ+1nμ1πn+μΓ(μ)[cosβ+O(1n)]

3. Alternative expansion for Tangent polynomials

In this section, an alternative approach is employed to derive an asymptotic representation of the integral defined in EquationEq. (1). By expanding the integrand using a two-point Taylor expansion, we can unveil a different expression that captures the behavior of the integral. This method allows us to explore the integral’s behavior in a different mathematical framework, potentially offering new insights or perspectives on its properties.

Now, let g(w)=(w2+(π2)2π)μ(2e2w+1)μewz=(w2+(π2)2e2w+1)μ(2π)μewzg(πi2)=(2(πi2)2eπi)μ(2π)μeπiz2=(i)μeπiz2 and expand g(w)=k=0(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)k all are zero except when k=0, then g(πi2)+g(πi2)=α0+πi2β0+α0πi2β0=2α0 hence, g(πi2)+g(πi2)2=α0.

On the other hand, g(πi2)+g(πi2)=α0+πi2β0α0+πi2β0=πiβ0 hence, g(πi2)g(πi2)2=β0.

Computing g(πi2), g(πi2)=(2(πi2)2eπi)(2π)μeπiz2=iμeπiz2.

Hence, α0=g(πi2)+g(πi2)2=(i)μeπiz2+iueπiz22=eπiμ2eπiz2+eπiμ2eπiz22=cos((zμ)π2)+isin((zμ)π2)+cos((zμ)π2)isin((zμ)π2)2=2cos((zμ)π2)2=cos((zμ)π2) and β0=g(πi2)g(πi2)πi=(i)μeπiz2iμeπiz2πi=eπiμ2eπiz2eπiμ2eπiz2πi=cos((zμ)π2)+isin((zμ)π2)cos((zμ)π2)+isin((zμ)π2)πi=2isin((zμ)π2)πi=2sin((zμ)π2)π

To be able to compute the values αj and βj, for j other than 0, we proceed as follows: g(w)=(α0+wβ0)+(α1+wβ1)(w2+(π2)2)+(α2+wβ2)(w2+(π2)2)2+g(w)(α0+wβ0)=(w2+(π2)2)g1(w) where (16) g1(w)=(α1+wβ1)+(α2+wβ2)(w2+(π2)2)+(α3+wβ3)(w2+(π2)2)2+(16) g1(w)(α1+wβ1)=(w2+(π2)2)g2(w)g2(w)(α2+wβ2)=(w2+(π2)2)g3(w)        ·        ·        ·gj(w)(αj+wβj)=(w2+(π2)2)gj+1(w) hence, gj+1(w)=gj(w)(αj+wβj)w2+(π2)2=k=j+1(αj+1+wβj+1)(w2+(π2)2)k(j+1)

Taking the limit as wπi2, limwπi2gj+1(w)=limwπi2gj(w)(αj+wβj)(w2+(π2)2)=limwπi2gj(w)βj(2w)=gj(πi2)βjπi.

Since, gj+1(w)=k=j+1(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)kj1gj+1(πi2)=k=j+1(αk+πi2βk)((πi2)2+(π2)2)kj1 and all are zero except when k=j+1, then gj+1(πi2)=αj+1+πi2βj+1.

Thus, (17) αj+1+πi2βj+1=gj(πi2)βjπiπiαj+1π22βj+1=gj(πi2)βj.(17)

On the other hand, gj+1(w)=limwπi2gj(w)(αj+wβj)w2+(π2)2=limwπi2gj(w)βj2w=gj(πi2)βjπi since gj+1(πi2)=(αj+1πi2βj+1)(w2+(π2)2)j+1(j+1)=αj+1πi2βj+1, hence, (18) αj+1πi2βj+1=gj(πi2)βjπiπiαj+1π22βj+1=gj(πi2)βjπi.(18)

Adding EquationEqs. (17) and Equation(18) yields, gj(πi2)βj+gj(πi2)βj=πiαj+1π22βj+1πiαj+1π22βj+1=π2βj+1.

So, (19) gj(πi2)2βj+gj(πi2)=π2βj+1gj(πi2)2βj+gj(πi2)π2=βj+1.(19)

Subtracting EquationEqs. (17) and Equation(18) yields, gj(πi2)βjgj(πi2)+βj=πiαj+1π22βj+1+πiαj+1+π22βj+1=2πiαj+1.

So, (20) gj(πi2)gj(πi2)2πi=αj+1(20)

Going back to g(w) g(w)=(w2+(π2)π)μ(2e2w+1)μewz=k=0(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)k, then (21) (2e2w+1)μewz=(πw2+(π2)2)μk=0(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)k=k=0πμ(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)kμ(21)

Consequently, by substituting EquationEq. (21) to Cauchy Integral Formula of Tangent polynomials, (22) Tnμ(z)=n!2πiC(2e2w+1)μewzdwwn+1=n!2πiCk=0πμ(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn+1=πμn!k=012πiC(αk+wβk)(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn+1=πμn!{k=012πi[Cαk(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn+1+Cβk(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn]}=πμn![k=0αk2πiC(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn+1+k=0βk2πiC(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn]=πμn!k=0[αkΦk(n)+βkΦk(n1)](22) where (23) Φk(n)=12πiC(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwn+1Φk(n1)=12πiC(w2+(π2)2)kμdwwnΦk(2n+1)=12πiC(w2+(π2)2)kμdww2n+2=12πiCj=0kμ(kμj)w2j((π2)2)kμjdww2n+2=j0(kμj)w2j((π2)2)kμj12πiCw2j2n2dw=0(23) since 2j2n21 j0 and using the fact that Cdz(zz0)n={2πifor n=10for n1 where C is a circle about z0. On the other hand, Φk(2n)=12πiCj0(kμj)w2j((π2)2)kμjdww2n+1=j0(kμj)(π2)2k2μ2j12πiCw2j2n1dw when j=n (24) =(kμn)(π2)2k2μ2n12πiCw1dw=(kμn)(π2)2k2μ2n12πi(2πi)=(kμn)(π2)2k2μ2n=(kμ)!n!(kμn)!(π2)2k2μ2n=(kμ)nn!(π2)2k2μ2n=(1)n<μk>nn!(π2)2k2μ2n(24) where (kμ)n=(kμ)(kμ1)(kμ(n1))=(1)n(μk)(μk+1)(μk+(n1))=(1)n<μk>n.

Hence using EquationEqs. (22) and Equation(23) (25) T2nμ(z)=πμ(2n)!k=0[αkΦk(2n)+βkΦk(2n+1)]=πμ(2n)!k=0αkΦk(2n)(25) (26) T2n+1μ(z)=πμ(2n+1)!k=0[αkΦk(2n+1)+βkΦk(2n)]=πμ(2n+1)!k=0αkβk(2n)(26)

By making use of EquationEq. (24) we have Φk+1(2n)Φk(2n)=(1)n<μk1>2n(2n)!(π2)2k+22μ2n(1)2n<μk>2n(2n)!(π2)2k2μ2n=<μk1>2n<μk>2n(π2)2=(μk1)(μk2)(μk1+(n1))(μk)(μk1)(μk+(n1))(π2)2=(π2)2(μk1)(μk1+n)=O(1n). A first term approximation using EquationEq. (25) is obtained as follows: T2nμ(z)=πμ(2n)!k=0αkΦk2n=πμ(2n)!k=0αk(1)n(π2)2k2μ2n<μk>nn!πμ(2n)!α0(1)n(π2)2μ2n<μ>nn!(1)nπ2nμ(2n)!α0<μ>nn!22μ+2n(1)nπ2nμ(2n)!<μ>nn!cos[(zμ)π2]22μ+2n(1)n22n+2μ(2n)!π2n+μΓ(μ)Γ(μ+n)n!cos[(zμ)π2] as Γ(μ+n)Γ(μ)=(n+μ1)(n+μ1(n1))(μ1)!(μ1)!=(n+μ1)(μ)=<μ>n and Γ(μ+n)n!nμ1 as n then (27) T2nμ(z)(1)n22n+2μ(2n)!π2n+μΓ(μ)nμ1cos[(zμ)π2].(27)

A first term approximation using Lemma 2.3 is given by T2nμ(z)=(2n)!22n+μ+1(2n)μ1π2n+μΓ(μ){cosϕ+O(1n)}:ϕ=(z2nμ)π2=(2n)!22n+2μ(n)μ1π2n+μΓ(μ)(cos[(z2nμ)π2])=(2n)!22n+2μ(n)μ1π2n+μΓ(μ)(cos(zμ2n)π)=(2n)!22n+2μ(n)μ1π2n+μΓ(μ)[(1)ncos((zμ)π2)]=(1)n(2n)!22n+2μ(n)μ1π2n+μΓ(μ)[cos((zμ)π2)].

Similarly, the first term approximation using EquationEq. (26) and Lemma 2.3 for odd index. (28) T2n+1μ(z)=πμ(2n+1)!k=0βkΦk2nπμ(2n+1)!β0(1)n(π2)2u2n<μ>nn!(1)n22μ+2nπ2nμ(2n+1)!2πsin[(zμ)π2]<μ>nn!(1)n22μ+2n+1π2nμ1(2n+1)!<μ>nn!sin[(zμ)π2](1)n22n+2μ+1(2n+1)!Γ(μ+n)πμ+2n+1Γ(μ)n!sin[(zμ)π2](1)n22n+2μ+1(2n+1)!nμ1πμ+2n+1Γ(μ)sin[(zμ)π2].(28)

Using Lemma 2.3, with β=(z2n1μ)π2, gives T2n+1μ(z)=(2n+1)!22n+μ+2(2n+1)μ1π2n+μ+1Γ(μ)(cos[(z(2n+1)μ)π2])=(2n+1)!22n+2+μ(2n+1)μ1π2n+μ+1Γ(μ)[cos((zμ)π2)cos((2n+1)π2) +sin((zμ)π2)sin((2n+1)π2)](2n2n)μ1=(2n+1)!22n+2μ+1(n)μ1(2n+12n)μ1π2n+μ+1Γ(μ)[sin(zμ2π)sin(2n+12π)]=(2n+1)!22n+2μ+1(n)μ1(1+12n)μ1π2n+μ+1Γ(μ)[sin((zμ)π2)sin((2n+1)π2)](2n+1)!22n+2μ+1(n)μ1π2n+μ+1Γ(μ)[(1)nsin((zμ)π2)](1)n(2n+1)!22n+2μ+1(n)μ1π2n+μ+1Γ(μ)[sin((zμ)π2)].

4. Approximations of Tangent-Bernoulli and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials of complex order

In this section, the approximation formulas for Tangent-Bernoulli and Tangent-Genocchi Polynomials are established. The main asymptotic contributions to EquationEqs. (3) and Equation(5) comes from the singular points on the integrand at ±πi and ±πi2, respectively. The following theorem follows for Tangent-Bernoulli polynomials.

Theorem 4.1.

As n,μ and z fixed complex numbers, (29) (TB)nμ(z)n!nμ12μ1πnΓ(μ){cosδj=0<1μ>jnjRe(Fj) sinδj=0<1μ>jnjIm(Fj)}(29) where δ=(zn2+μ)π.

A first-order approximation of Tangent-Bernoulli polynomials is obtained by taking F0 for Fj and taking the first term of the sum. This is given in the following theorem.

Corollary 4.2.

As n,μ and z are fixed numbers, (TB)nμ(z)n!nμ12μ1πnΓ(μ){cosδ+O(1n)} where δ=(zn2+μ)π.

On the other hand, considering EquationEq. (3) and observe that the singularities at ±πi2 as the sources for the main asymptotic contribution, the following theorem follows for Tangent-Genocchi polynomials.

Theorem 4.3.

As n,μ and z are fixed complex numbers, (30) (TG)nμ(z)2n+1n!nμ1πnΓ(μ){cosγi=0<1μ>iniRe(Fi) sinγi=0<1μ>iniIm(Fi)}(30) where γ=(zn)π2.

A first-order approximation of Tangent-Genocchi polynomials is obtained by taking F0 for Fi and taking the first term of the sum. This is given in the following theorem.

Corollary 4.4.

As n,μ and z are fixed numbers, (TG)nμ(z)2n+1n!nμ1πnΓ(μ){cosγ+O(1n)} where γ=(zn)π2.

5. Alternate expansion for Tangent-Bernoulli and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials

In the preceding section, it was observed that by expanding the integrand parts of EquationEqs. (3) and Equation(5) using a two-point Taylor expansion, alternative approximation formulas for the Tangent-Bernoulli and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials can be derived. These polynomials are expressed as follows: h(w)=(w2+π2π2)μ(we2w1)μewzp(w)=(w2+(π2)212π2)μ(2we2w+1)μewz.

These expressions are further expanded as: h(w)=k=0(Ak+wBk)(w2+π2)kp(w)=k=0(Ck+wDk)(w2+(π2)2)k.

Both functions, h(w) and p(w), are analytic within the regions |w|<π and |w|<π2, respectively. The series representations of these functions converge within the same domains. The values for A0, B0, C0, and D0 can be determined by substituting w=±πi and w=±πi2 into h(w) and p(w), respectively. This process allows for the precise evaluation of these coefficients, contributing to the comprehensive understanding of the behavior of the polynomials within their respective domains. This gives A0=h(πi)+h(πi)2=cos[(μ+z)π]B0=h(πi)h(πi)2πi=1πsin[(μ+z)π]C0=p(πi)+p(πi)2=cos(πz2)D0=p(πi)p(πi)πi=2πsin(πz2)

The next coefficients can be obtained by writing h0(w)=h(w), p0(w)=p(w) and hj+1(w)=hj(w)(Aj+Bj)w2+π2=k=j+1(Ak+wBk)(w2+π2)kj1pj+1(w)=pj(w)(Cj+Dj)w2+(π2)2=k=j+1(Ck+wDk)(w2+(π2)2)kj1,

j=0,1,2,, and by taking the limits of h(w) and p(w) when w±πi and w±πi2, respectively, (31) Aj+1=hj(πi)hj(πi)4πi(31) (32) Bj+1=hj(πi)2Bj+hj(πi)4π2(32) (33) Cj+1=pj(πi2)pj(πi2)2πi(33) (34) Dj+1=pj(πi2)2Dj+pj(πi2)π2(34)

Going back to h(w) and g(w), and EquationEqs. (3) and Equation(5), substituting these to EquationEqs. (4) and Equation(6), respectively, we obtain (35) (TB)nμ(z)=π2μn![k=0AkΨk(n)+BkΨk(n1)](35) (36) (TG)nμ(z)=(12π2)μn![k=0AkΩk(n)+BkΩk(n1)](36) where (37) Ψk(n)=12πiC(w2+π2)kμdwwn+1(37) (38) Ωk(n)=12πiC(w2+(π2))kμdwwn+1(38) we have Ψk(2n+1)=Ωk(2n+1)=0 and (39) Ψk(2n)=π2k2μ2n(kμn)=(1)nπ2k2μ2n<μk>nn!(39) (40) Ωk(2n)=(π2)2k2μ2n(kμn)=(1)n(π2)2k2μ2n<μk>nn!.(40)

Hence, (41) (TB)2nμ(z)=π2μ(2n)!k=0AkΨk(2n)(41) (42) (TB)2n+1μ=π2μ(2n+1)!k=0BkΨk(2n)(42) (43) (TG)2nμ(z)=(12π2)μ(2n)!k=0CkΩk(2n)(43) (44) (TG)2n+1μ=(12π2)μ(2n+1)!k=0DkΩk(2n)(44)

These convergent expansions have an asymptotic character for large n. (45) Ψk+1(2n)Ψk(2n)=π2μk1μk+n1=O(n1)(45) (46) Ωk+1(2n)Ωk(2n)=π22μk1μk+n1=O(n1)(46) as n.

The first term approximation using EquationEqs. (41) and Equation(43) are obtained as follows: (47) (TB)2nμ(z)=(1)n(2n)!π2nΓ(μ)Γ(μ+n)n!cos[(z+μ)π](47) (48) (TG)2nμ(z)=(1)n(2n)!2μ+2nπ2nΓ(μ)Γ(μ+n)n!cos(zπ2)(48) since Γ(μ+n)/n!nμ1 as n. (49) (TB)2nμ(z)(1)n(2n)!nμ1π2nΓ(μ)cos[(z+μ)π](49) (50) (TG)2nμ(z)(1)n(2n)!2μ+2nnμ1π2nΓ(μ)cos(zπ2)(50)

On the other hand, the first term approximation using EquationEqs. (42) and Equation(44) are obtained as follows: (51) (TB)2n+1μ(z)(1)n(2n+1)!nμ1π2n+1Γ(μ)sin[(z+μ)π](51) (52) (TG)2n+1μ(z)(1)n(2n+1)!22n+μ+1nμ1π2n+1Γ(μ)sin(zπ2)(52)

These approximations correspond exactly to the first terms in the expansions in Corollaries 4.2 and 4.4.

6. Conclusion and recommendation

This paper has successfully derived asymptotic formulas for the complex order Tangent, Tangent-Bernoulli, and Tangent-Genocchi polynomials through the innovative approach of contour integration, strategically avoiding branch cuts. This method not only provides efficient means to compute these polynomials but also sheds light on their behavior in the complex plane. Furthermore, by expanding the Taylor series expansion of these functions, alternative asymptotic expansions have been obtained. These expansions offer valuable insights into the behavior of the polynomials for large values of their parameters, contributing to a deeper understanding of their mathematical properties.

Based on these findings, it is recommended that further research be conducted to explore applications of these asymptotic formulas and expansions in various mathematical contexts, such as in the analysis of differential equations, number theory, or physics. Additionally, investigating the numerical stability and computational efficiency of these methods would be beneficial for their practical implementation in scientific computing. Overall, this study opens avenues for future investigations into the theoretical and applied aspects of complex order polynomials and their asymptotic behavior.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The authors would like to thank Cebu Normal University (CNU) for funding this research project through its Research Institute for Computational Mathematics and Physics (RICMP).


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