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Prospective interepisodal mood monitoring in patients with affective disorders: a feasibility study [Corrigendum]

Page 967 | Published online: 10 Apr 2018
This article refers to:
Prospective interepisodal mood monitoring in patients with affective disorders: a feasibility study

Van der Watt ASJ, Suryapranata APSP, Seedat S. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018;14:517–524.

On page 518, “Introduction” section, left hand column, the sentence “In particular, there is evidence to demonstrate that the use of weekly correspondence using the Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM) and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS-SR 16) may be a useful adjunct to treatment for patients with bipolar disorder.10” should read “In particular, there is evidence to demonstrate that the use of weekly correspondence using the Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM)25 and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS-SR 16) may be a useful adjunct to treatment for patients with bipolar disorder.10

On page 519, “ASRM” section, left hand column, the sentence “The ASRM is a five-item self-report questionnaire measuring mania-related symptoms.” should read “The ASRM25 is a five-item self-report questionnaire measuring mania-related symptoms.”

On page 524, “References” list, an additional reference 25 should be added after reference 24.

Altman EG, Hedeker D, Peterson JL, Davis JM. The Altman self-rating mania scale. Biol Psychiatry. 1997;42(10):948–955.