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Original Article

Correlations between photogrammetric measurements of tooth mobility and the Periotest method

, , , &
Pages 27-35 | Received 07 Nov 2010, Accepted 02 Mar 2011, Published online: 19 Apr 2011


Objective. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether or not the quantitative Periotest values of anterior teeth correlate with quantitative metric values of tooth mobility under vertical (VL) and horizontal load (HL) in periodontally healthy subjects. Materials and methods. Thirty-one subjects with good periodontal conditions were included and subjected to two different tooth mobility measurement techniques. Periotest values were measured at reproducible measurement points in the vertical (vPT) and horizontal (hPT) dimensions of upper central and lateral incisors and canine teeth. Using the optical measurement technique (photogrammetry), tooth mobility was measured under load in the horizontal (HL) and vertical loading directions (VL) at different load forces. Pearson's correlation coefficients were used to determine exploratory associations. Results. The comparison between hPT and HL showed no correlations between the two measurements except for ‘weak’ and ‘moderate’ correlations for teeth 21 and 23. The analysis of correlations between vPT and VL data showed statistically significant correlations for both the left and right canine teeth that ranged from ‘weak’ to ‘high’. Comparisons between hPT values and VL and between vPT and HL showed significant correlations at a few loading forces only. Conclusion. Quantitative Periotest values cannot be used to draw conclusions about the metric assessment of tooth mobility. For this purpose, the photogrammetric technique could be an additional tool for scientific questions.


The authors would like to thank Mr U. Stefenelli, Institute for Statistics, Würzburg, Germany, for statistical advice and Mr A. Doerr for his support with the photogrammetrical measurements. We are also grateful to Dr H. Friebe, GOM mbH, Braunschweig, Germany, for his expertise and support with the photogrammetrical measurements.

Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

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