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Alcohol and Drug Prevention in Nightlife Settings: A Review of Experimental Studies

, , , &
Pages 1569-1591 | Published online: 21 Sep 2011


This study examines the evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions aimed at the prevention of harmful alcohol and drug use in nightlife settings. A literature search was conducted in 2009. Of 161 studies, 17 experimental studies were included in the review, 15 alcohol-related and two drug-related studies. The results show that preventive substance abuse interventions in nightlife settings can effectively reduce high-risk alcohol consumption, alcohol-related injury, violent crimes, access to alcohol by underage youth, and alcohol service to intoxicated people. A combination of approaches such as enforcement activities seem to be facilitating factors. However, results should be considered cautiously as more gold standard (cost-) effectiveness research is required, in particular directed at drug prevention and educational interventions in nightlife settings.


Prévention des problèmes liés à l'utilisation de l'alcool et de la drogue dans les boîtes de nuit et autres lieux de vie nocturne, une révision des études expérimentales

La présente étude examine les preuves concernant l'efficacité des interventions qui visent la prévention des problèmes et dommages liés à l'utilisation de l'alcool et de la drogue dans les boîtes de nuit et autre lieux de vie nocturne. Une recherche documentaire a été menée en 2009. Sur les 161 études, 17 études expérimentales avaient été comprises dans la révision, 15 portant sur l'alcool et 2 portant sur la drogue. Les résultats montrent que les interventions pour la prévention de l'abus de substance dans la vie nocturne peuvent réellement réduire la consommation d'alcool à grands risques, les dommages corporels liés à l'alcool, les crimes violents, l'accès à l'alcool des jeunes encore mineurs et le service de l'alcool aux personnes en état d’ébriété. La combinaison des approches telles que les activités concernant l'application des réglementations, semblent constituer des facteurs de facilitation. Toutefois, les résultats devraient être considérés avec prudence, car de plus amples études sur le rapport coût-efficacité sont nécessaires, pour étudier en particulier la lutte contre la drogue et les interventions éducationnelles dans le contexte de la vie nocturne.


Prevención de alcohol y drogas en espacios de ocio nocturno, una revisión de estudios experimentales

Este estudio examina las pruebas existentes sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones para prevenir el consumo nocivo de alcohol y drogas en espacios de ocio nocturno. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica en 2009. De entre 161 estudios, se incluyeron 17 estudios experimentales en la revisión, 15 estudios relacionados con el alcohol y 2 estudios relacionados con las drogas. De los resultados se desprende que las intervenciones preventivas contra el abuso de sustancias en espacios de ocio nocturno pueden reducir eficazmente el consumo de alcohol de alto riesgo, las lesiones relacionadas con el alcohol, los crímenes violentos, el acceso al alcohol por parte de menores y la venta de alcohol a personas intoxicadas. Al parecer, una combinación con otros enfoques como la adopción de medidas para la aplicación de la ley, es un factor facilitador. Sin embargo, los resultados se deben considerar con cautela pues se necesitan más investigaciones de referencia sobre la (costo-) eficacia, investigaciones que se centren en particular en la prevención de drogas y en intervenciones educativas en espacios de ocio nocturno.


Linda Bolier, M.Sc., studied at Utrecht University with majors in clinical and developmental psychology. She works as a Research Associate and Project Leader at the Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, in the Netherlands. Her fields of expertise include research and development of preventive and online interventions.

Lotte Voorham, M.Sc., studied psychology at Maastricht University and is a Research Associate at the Trimbos Institute since 2007. She is mainly involved in projects concerning the promotion of healthy and safe nightlife. Evidence-based interventions for preventing harm from alcohol and drugs are among her fields of expertise.

Karin Monshouwer, Ph.D. (Utrecht University, 2008), is an Epidemiologist and works as a Researcher at the Trimbos Institute and as a Post-Doc Researcher at the Utrecht University. Her research has focused on alcohol and drug use in the adolescent population. She is a (co-) author of over 30 articles, book chapters, and reports on adolescent substance use.

Ninette van Hasselt, MA, is the Director of the Centre for Youth at the Trimbos Institute in the Netherlands. Her work focuses on alcohol and drugs prevention in recreational settings. Since 2008, she coordinated the Healthy Nightlife Toolbox, an initiative to promote the use of evidence-based approaches for the prevention of alcohol- and drug-related issues in nightlife settings.

Professor Mark Bellis, Ph.D., is the Director of the Centre for Public Health (Liverpool John Moores University), a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention. His research interests include alcohol and drug use, sexual health, and violence prevention. He acts as an Advisor on such issues to a wide range of national and international organizations and in 1998 began the Club Health initiative in order to examine the impact of these and other issues on nightlife health.

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