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Prevalence of Alcoholic Liver Disease Among Korean Adults: Results From the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009

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Pages 1755-1762 | Published online: 14 Oct 2011


Background/Aim: Alcohol consumption continues to be a common cause of acute and chronic liver disease. Methods: Data from a representative sample of 7,893 adults in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009 were analyzed. Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) was defined through heavy alcohol consumption (≥40 g/day for men or ≥20 g/day for women) and through elevated liver tests. Results: Approximately 6.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6.0–7.4) was at heavy alcohol consumption. Of these “heavy alcohol consumers,” one quarter also had ALD. The prevalence of ALD was 1.7% (95% CI, 1.3–2.1). Conclusion: ALD is still a burden in the Korean population.


Prévalence de Maladie Alcoolique du Foie chez les adultes Coréens: Résultats de Qutrième Recherche de La Nationale Coréenne du Santé & Nutrition, 2009

Contexte/Objet : La consommation excessive d’alcool est la cause majeure de Maladie aiguë/chronique du Foie. Méthodes d’étude: Data des échantillons représentant 7,893 adultes dans la Recherche de La Nationale Coréenne du Santé & Nutrition, 2009 sont analysés. MAF est défini par consommation excessive d’alcool (≥40 gm/d pour l’homme ou ≥20 gm/d pour femme) et élevé le test du foie. Resultats: Environ 6.7% (95% Intervalle de Confiance [IC], de 6.0% à 7.4%) était gros consommateurs de l’aclcool. Parmi ces alcooliques(grand buveur), un quart souffrait déjà du MAF(Maladie Alcoolique du Foie). Prévalence de M.A.F était 1.7% (95% IC, de 1.3% à 2.1%). Conclusion: MAF est un charge assez serieux pour les populations Coréens.

Mot Clé L’alcool, alcoolique, Maladie Alcoolique du Foie, Prévalence


Propagación de la enfermedad de hígado alcohólico entre los coreanos adultos: Resultados desde la cuarta investigación nacional sobre la salud y nutrición coreana, 2009

Origen/Metas : Consumo alcohólico sigue siendo la causa común de la enfermedad aguda y croníca del hígado. Maneras: Datos analizados desde las muestras respectivas de los coreanos adultos, 7,893 por la cuarta investigación nacional sobre la salud y nutrición coreana,2009. La adrenoleucodistrofia (ALD) fue definida como el grave consumo alcohólico (≥40 gm/d para los hombres o ≥20 gm/d para las mujeres) y elevó el exámen de hígado. Resultados: Aproximadamente el 6.7% (95% confianza intermedia [CI], 6.0% hasta 7.4%) fue del grave consumo alcohólico. Entre estos bebedores graves, un cuarto tiene ALD. La propagación de ALD fue el 1.7% (95% CI, 1.3% hasta 2.1%). Conclusiones: ALD es todavía una caga para la población coreana.

Palabras importantes alcohol, enfermedad de hígado alcohólico, propagación


Prévalence de Maladie Alcoolique du Foie chez les adultes Coréens: Résultats de Qutrième Recherche de La Nationale Coréenne du Santé & Nutrition, 2009

Contexte / Objet : La consommation excessive d’alcool est la cause majeure de Maladie aiguë/chronique du Foie. Méthodes d’étude: Data des échantillons représentant 7,893 adultes dans la Recherche de La Nationale Coréenne du Santé & Nutrition, 2009 sont analysés. MAF est défini par consommation excessive d’alcool (≥40 gm/d pour l’homme ou ≥20 gm/d pour femme) et élevé le test du foie. Resultats: Environ 6.7% (95% Intervalle de Confiance [IC], de 6.0% à 7.4%) était gros consommateurs de l’aclcool. Parmi ces alcooliques(grand buveur), un quart souffrait déjà du MAF(Maladie Alcoolique du Foie). Prévalence de M.A.F était 1.7% (95% IC, de 1.3% à 2.1%). Conclusion: MAF est un charge assez serieux pour les populations Coréens.

Mot Clé L’alcool, alcoolique, Maladie Alcoolique du Foie, Prévalence

Propagación de la enfermedad de hígado alcohólico entre los coreanos adultos: Resultados desde la cuarta investigación nacional sobre la salud y nutrición coreana, 2009


Origen/ Metas : Consumo alcohólico sigue siendo la causa común de la enfermedad aguda y croníca del hígado. Maneras: Datos analizados desde las muestras respectivas de los coreanos adultos, 7,893 por la cuarta investigación nacional sobre la salud y nutrición coreana,2009. La adrenoleucodistrofia (ALD) fue definida como el grave consumo alcohólico (≥40 gm/d para los hombres o ≥20 gm/d para las mujeres) y elevó el exámen de hígado. Resultados: Aproximadamente el 6.7% (95% confianza intermedia [CI], 6.0% hasta 7.4%) fue del grave consumo alcohólico. Entre estos bebedores graves, un cuarto tiene ALD. La propagación de ALD fue el 1.7% (95% CI, 1.3% hasta 2.1%). Conclusiones: ALD es todavía una caga para la población coreana.

Palabras importantes alcohol, enfermedad de hígado alcohólico, propagación


Seung Ha Park, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His areas of interest are hepatology and clinical epidemiology.

Chang Hoon Kim, BA, is associated with College of Medicine, Upstate Medical University, State University of New York. His areas of interest are hepatology and statistics.

Dong Joon Kim, MD, is a Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Hallym University. His areas of interest are hepatology and clinical epidemiology.

Jong Ha Park, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His area of interest is gastroenterology.

Tae Oh Kim, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His area of interest is gastroenterology.

Sung Yeun Yan, MD, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His areas of interest are gastroenterology and molecular biology.

Young Soo Moon, MD, is a Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His areas of interest are gastroenterology and hepatobiliary disease.

Tae Nyun Kim, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His areas of interest are diabetes and obesity, and clinical epidemiology.

Hyun Kuk Kim, MD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His areas of interest are respirology, nutrition, and clinical epidemiology.

Ha Young Park, MD, is a Full-Time Instructor at the Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital. His areas of interest are emergency medicine and toxicology.

Jung Goo Lee, Ph.D., MD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital and Paik Institute for Clinical Research. His areas of interest are neuroscience, mood disorder, and pyschopharmacology.

Hoen Young Lee, Ph.D., MD, a Professor at the Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital. His area of interest is clinical hepatology.


1 The reader is reminded that categories of quantities and patterns of drinking, such as “heavy,” “moderate,” and “light” drinking and/or drinkers, are relativistic, culturally and context-determined, pseudoscientific labels, which may or may not be consensually delineated, and which suggest some type of causal outcome. The reader is referred to Hill's criteria, which were developed in order to help assist researchers and clinicians determine if risk factors were causes of a particular disease or outcomes or merely associated (Hill, 1965). Editor's note.

2 The concept and process of “triggering,” often noted in the literature, suggests causality. The reader is referred to Hill's criteria, which were developed in order to help assist researchers and clinicians determine if risk factors were causes of a particular disease or outcomes or merely associated (Hill, 1965). Editor's note.

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