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Racial Differences in Co-Occurring Substance Use and Serious Psychological Distress: The Roles of Marriage and Religiosity

, &
Pages 734-744 | Published online: 16 Apr 2012


The study examined how marriage and religiosity can protect members of certain racial/ethnic groups against co-occurring substance use and serious psychological distress. Using the national dataset 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, we analyzed data via multinomial logistic regression, observing several important results. Our findings generally support the deprivation-compensation thesis, in that religiosity elevates the mental health of racial/ethnic minority individuals more than that of Whites. We also found, however, that race/ethnicity moderates effects of education and poverty on the co-occurring behaviors, with Whites’ mental health benefiting more from wealth and education than Blacks’ or Hispanics’ mental health did.


Différences raciales dans l'abus de substances concomitants et graves détresse psychologique: Les rôles de mariage et la religiosité

L’étude a examiné comment le mariage et la religiosité de protéger les membres de certains groupes raciaux / ethniques contre la toxicomanie concomitants et sérieuse détresse psychologique. Utilisation de la nationale données de 2007 Enquête nationale sur la consommation de drogues et de la santé, nous avons analysé des données via la régression logistique multinomiale, l'observation de plusieurs résultats importants. Nos résultats tendent généralement à soutenir la thèse de privation de compensation, en ce que la religiosité élève la santé mentale des individus issus de minorités raciales / ethniques de plus que celui des Blancs. Nous avons également constaté, toutefois, que les effets de la race / ethnicité modérés de l’éducation et de la pauvreté sur les comportements de co-produire avec la santé mentale des Blancs bénéficiant plus de la richesse et de l’éducation que les Noirs “ou les Hispaniques« santé mentale fait.


Diferencias raciales en el abuso de sustancias concurrente y angustia psicológica grave: Los roles del matrimonio y la religiosidad

El estudio examinó cómo el matrimonio y la religiosidad proteger a los miembros de ciertos grupos raciales/étnicos contra el abuso de sustancias concurrente y la angustia psicológica grave. Utilizando la base de datos nacional de 2007 la Encuesta Nacional sobre Uso de Drogas y la Salud, se analizaron los datos mediante regresión logística multinomial, la observación de varios resultados importantes. Nuestros hallazgos apoyan en general la tesis de la privación de compensación, en el que la religiosidad eleva la salud mental de las personas pertenecientes a minorías raciales / étnicos más que la de los blancos. También se encontró, sin embargo, que los efectos de raza / etnia moderados de la educación y la pobreza en las conductas concurrentes, con los blancos de la salud mental beneficiando a más de la riqueza y la educación de los negros ‘o la salud de los hispanos mental no.


Celia C. Lo, Ph.D., is a professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Alabama. Her research interests include the sociology of drugs and alcohol, disparities in health-risk behaviors and health, and drugs and crime.

Kimberly A. Tenorio, M.S., received her master's degree at the University of Alabama. She is currently a research analyst at Florida State College at Jacksonville. Her research interests include terrorism, social inequality, and criminological theory.

Tyrone C. Cheng, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., P.I.P., is an associate professor, School of Social Work, University of Alabama. His research interests include welfare reforms, Medicaid policies, and child welfare and drug use.


3 The reader is reminded that the three categories of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics, as racial or ethnic groups, represent heterogeneity and not homogeneity in each group and that the 2010 US Census greatly expanded the choices for ethnic self-identification. Editor's note

4 Religiosity is defined as an individuals’ bonding or commitment to religion and religious beliefs.

5 The reader is referred to Hills's criteria for causation which were developed in order to help assist researchers and clinicians determine whether risk factors were causes of a particular disease or outcomes or merely associated (Hill, 1965). Editor's note.

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