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EAPCCT Abstracts keyword index

Pages 371-373 | Published online: 28 Mar 2012

3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone 275

4-HO-MET 280

4-Hydroxy-methylethyltryptamine 280

4-OH-MET 280

50 years 80, 116


Abdominal pain 264

Abuse 138, 266

Accidental exposure 176

Accidental poisoning 87

Acetaminophen 8, 10, 11, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 219, 229, 269

Acetylcholine receptors 187

Acetylcholinesterase 233

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 217

Acetylcysteine 8, 109, 207, 305

Acetylene 328

Acids 303

Aconitine poisoning 57

Aconitum 60

Acrolein 245

Activated charcoal 9, 212

Acute 185

Acute ingestion 222

Acute kidney injury 19

Acute liver failure 105

Acute lung injury 120

Acute on chronic 185

Acute organophosphate poisoning 235

Acute poisoning 94, 174, 227, 248, 322

Acute porphyria 199

Acute toxicity 188, 259

Acylcarnitine 105

Addiction 285

Adenosine 187

Adequacy 28

Adipose tissue inflammation 49

Administration errors 211

Adolescents 98

Adult 304

Adverse drug reactions 200

Adverse effects 30

Adverse reaction 199

Agitation 159

Agkistrodon contortrix 39

Agranulocytosis 271

Air quality 85

Airway epithelium 245

Albumin 235

Alcohol 32, 87, 286, 288

Alcohol abuse 166

Alcohol-containing hand rub 166

Aldicarb 321

Algorithm 126

Alkalis 303

Alopecia 171

Alpha-1-agonist 338

ALT 11

Aluminium phosphide 71

Alveolar haemorrhage 308

Alzheimer's disease 217

AM-2201 250

Amanita 75

Amanita muscaria 55

Amanita proxima 53

Ambulance 127

Amikacin 206

Amlodipine 340

Amphetamine 256

Amphoteric solution 307

Amygdalin 165

Anabolic androgenic steroids 204

Analgesic effect 282

Analgesics 80

Analytical assays 175

Analytical methods 248

Anaphylaxis 38

Animal 55

Animal tests 330

Animal toxins 19

Anionic surfactants 240

Anticholinergic toxicity 18

Antidepressant overdose 345

Antidiuretic hormone 169

Antidote 18, 35, 100, 102, 148, 320, 351

Antidote stockpile, 69

Antidote supply 101

Antiepileptic drug 193

Antihepatocytotoxic serum 112

Antihypotensive 338

Antipsychotic drug 341

Antipsychotic overdose 345

Antitoxin 162

Antivenin 43

Antivenom 21, 36, 39, 48

Aortic dissection 261

APAP-CYS protein adduct 111

Arachnid 44

Argyreia nervosa 279

Arrhythmias 192

Arsenic 67

Aspiration hazard 142

Aspiration pneumonia 182, 212

Atomoxetine 185

Atropine 318

Autonomic nervous system 19

Azide 297

Azithromycin 208


Baclofen 289

Barbecues 158

Bariatric surgery 212

Barium chloride 304

Barotrauma 120

Bath salts 146

Beck Depression Inventory 70

Benzodiazepines 29, 118, 182, 188, 343

Beta blockers 342, 348

Beta-receptor agonists 114

Biomarker 11, 123

Bleeding 220

Blood 27

Blood ethanol concentrations 251

Bodypacking 264

Bothrops lanceolatus 22

Botulism 162

Bowel ischemia 337

Bradycardia 193

Breath alcohol concentration 33

Brodifacoum 317

Brown snake 21

Budgeting 117

Buflomedil 347

Buprenorphine 26, 260, 268, 281, 282, 283


C4 294

Cadmium chloride 331

Caffeine 98

Calcium channel blockers 246

Call responder 133

Cannabis 26, 270

Cantharidin 52

Carbamate 232, 325

Carbamazepine 193

Carbohydrate metabolism 285

Carbon dioxide 85

Carbon monoxide 90, 157, 158, 298

Carboxyhaemoglobin 158

Carcinomatosis 154

Cardiac arrest 241

Cardiac disorders 103

Cardiac dysrhythmia 178

Cardiotoxicity 351

Cardiovascular collapse 170

Carisoprodol 138

Case report 167

Case series 273

Castor bean 62

Caustic 303

Caustic burns 141

Cave 85

CBRN centre 7

Chelation therapy 334

Chemical decontamination area 332

Chemical trauma 161

Chemical warfare 121

Chemicals 80, 148, 332

Chemiluminescent, 299

Chest pain 267

Children 27, 50, 51, 84, 91, 97, 134, 162, 169, 196, 202, 206, 213, 215, 260, 268, 311, 326, 327

Chinese herbal medicine 57

Chlorates 324

Chlorhexidine 214

Chlorpyrifos 236

Cholestasis 204

Cholinesterase 321

Chromatographic techniques 248

Cleaners 240

Clinical symptoms 278

Clinical trial 48

Clonazepam 73

Clotiapine 196

CLP regulation 126, 129

Coagulopathy 21, 40, 222, 317,

Cocaine 120, 263, 264, 267, 272, 350

Colchicine 59

Colitis 271

College 64

Colostomy 264

Coma 182

Communication plan 117

Community based education programme 288

Companies 126

Computed tomography 180

Concentrated detergents 76

Conduction disorders 241

Consultation 230

Container fumigation 249

Convulsions 241

Copper sulphate 164

Copperhead 36

Corrosive 88, 210, 245

Corticosteroids 328

Cosmetics 240

Cost benefits 139

Counselling 135

Counter measures 6

Crime 31

Crotalinae 36

CS 307

Cyanide 103, 165

Cyclonite 294

Cytoflavin 187


Dabigatran 220

Deafness 304

Death 32, 51, 78, 87, 172, 203, 229, 242, 329

Decontamination 6, 148, 307, 332

Delayed action preparations 110

Delayed effects 121

Delayed nicotinic toxicity 191

Delirium 159

Dependence 257

Depression tendency 70

Desglymidodrine 338

Desmopressin 169

Detergents 76

Development plans 117

Diabetes 285

Diagnosis 56

Diazepam 283

Diclofenac 199

Diethylene glycol 113

Diethylenetriaminepentaacetate 69

Digital gangrene 40

Digoxin-specific Fab fragments 56

Dimethoate 318

Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV inhibitors 349

Diphenhydramine 346

Disasters 5

Discharge notes 221

DMPS 225

Dog 55

Donepezil 217

Doping 118

Dosulepin 201

Dothiepin 201

Doxylamine 198

Drain cleaner 160

Drotaverine 172

Drug abuse 120

Drug-induced liver injury 204

Drugs 26

Drugs of abuse 14, 25, 28, 81, 96, 120, 146, 250, 254, 256, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 267, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 280, 350


Duloxetine 137

Dystonic reactions 195


Education 127

Education and training 223

Elapid 38

Elderly 72, 94, 216, 217, 218

E-learning 145

Electrocardiogram 237

Electrocardiography 2

Electronic cigarette 131

Elemental mercury 176

Elevated compartment pressures 36

Emergency department 47, 230, 336

Emergency medicine specialists 117

Emergency nursing 1

Emergency physicians 230

Emergency room 226

Emerging phenomenon 243

EMS 226

Endoscopic removal 264

Endoscopy 264

Energy drinks 98

Envenomation 37, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51

Environmental chemical pollution 155

Environmental toxicity 68

Ephedrine 253

Epidemiology 71, 75, 78, 82, 86, 88, 89, 93, 125, 221, 227

Epinephrine 342

ERCH 225

Erectile dysfunction 153

Ergot 224

Ergotamine 224

Establishment process 117

Ethanol 9, 285, 288

Ethanol dependence 284

Ethylene glycol 113

EU 6

Eucalyptus Oil 173

Euphorbia pulcherrima 58

European viper 23

Exenatide 174

Exhaust fumes 156

Expert testimony 12

Expert witness 12

Extracorporeal regional complexing haemodialysis 225

Extracorporeal support 341

Eye 76, 88, 211, 295


Facebook 146

False black widow 44

False positive 34

Fat emulsion 246, 247, 336, 343, 345, 346, 347, 351

Fatal poisoning 32, 51, 78, 87, 172, 203, 229, 242, 329

Fenazepam 188

Fentanyl 202

Firelighter liquid 333

First aid 20

Flecainide 53

Food supplements 175

Foreign body 264

Forensic 31, 156

Forensic pharmacology 12

Forensic science 119

Fresh frozen plasma 235

Fructose diphosphate 114

Fukushima 6

Fumigation 249

Fungi 53, 54, 55, 75, 60, 65


Galantamine 217

Gastrointestinal lesions 303

Gastroscopy 296

Gamma-butyrolactone 31

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate 31, 257, 277

GBL 31

GC 27

GC-MS 27

GHB 31, 257, 277

Gila monster 46

Global aphasia 199

Glow-stick 299

Government initiative 37

Grill lighters 142

Groundwater 67

Guidelines 37


Haemodialysis 16

Haemolysis 324

Haemoperfusion 16

Haemorrhage 220

Haemostatic disturbances 19

Hair 27

Half-life 8

Hallucinogenic tryptamine 280

Hapalopilus rutilans 65

Harmonisation 77

Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds 279

Hearing frequency 152

Heart 309

Heavy metals 125

Hepatic encephalopathy 310

Hepatotoxicity 8, 105, 123, 204, 207

Herbicides 316

Heroin 120

Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) 154

Histamine 244

HIV 229

Holly 58

Homicide 32

Household products 76

Hydrocarbons 305, 326

Hydroxocobalamin 103, 287

Hyperammonemia 192

Hyperbaric oxygen 147

Hypercarotenodermia 171

Hyperemesis 270

Hyperglycaemia 50

Hyperkalaemia 170

Hyperthermia 275

Hypertonic saline 339


Ibotenic acid 55

ICU admission 95

Identification 126

Ilex opaca 58

Illicit drugs 28, 30, 277

Impairment 14

In vitro 246

Incidence 79

Infant 215

Infant botulism 162

Information 127

Inhalant abuse 255

Inhalation 306

Injection 293

Injury 47

Inmunoemzymatic techniques 248

INR 222

Insulin resistance 49

Intensive care 4, 304

Intermediate syndrome 234

International research 74

International stock 100

Internet 145

Internet sales 175

Interstitial pneumonitis 328

Intoxication 60, 101, 213, 265, 305, 347

Intracavernosal pressure 153

Intracellular transport 113

Intramuscular injection 176

Intraosseous 209

Intravenous 61, 229, 333

Intravenous lipid emulsion 246, 247, 336, 343, 345, 346, 347, 351

Iodine prophylaxis 6

Ionising radiation 6

Isoniazid 207


Jail 26

Jatropha curcas 66

Jellyfish 45

JWH-122 250

JWH-210 250


Ketamine 256

Kidney failure 190

Kinetics 190, 315


Laboratory 3, 13, 28, 278

Lactation 135

Lactic acidosis 177

Lamp oils 142

Laundry capsules 76


Lead 68, 152, 153, 155

Legal 12

Legal highs 96

Legislation 126

Legislation and jurisprudence 12

Lethal 55

Levamisole 271

Lidocaine 209

Life-threatening intoxication 290

Lipid emulsion 246, 247, 336, 343, 345, 346, 347, 351

Lipophilicity 247

Liquid chromatography 315

Liquid detergent capsules 300

Liquid hydrocarbons 333

Liquid nitrogen 296

Lithium 180

Liver failure 10

Liver toxic damage 112

Local anaesthetic 209

Local neurotoxicity 151

Low potassium 304

Lung toxicity 331


Maajoune 97

Magnesium 215

Management proforma 219

Management protocols 274

Manganese 262

Marijuana 14

Marine envenomation 47

Mass media 119

MDPV 275

Medication error 132, 208, 210, 211, 238

Memory impairment 187

Mephedrone 261

Meprobamate 239

Mercury 176, 334

Mercury(II) chloride 225

Metabolic acidosis 291, 323

Metabolic disease 105

Methadone 205, 252, 281

Methaemoglobinaemia 156

Methamphetamine 253

Methanol 290, 292

Methcathinone 262

Methocarbamol 181

Methotrexate 82

Methoxetamine 258

Methyl hippuric acid 306

Methyl mercury poisoning 301

Methylene blue 156

Methylene chloride 147

Methylergometrine 213

Methylergonovine 224

Midazolam 118

Midodrine 338

Mirtazapine 194

Mistletoe 58

Mixture 126

Modelling 236

Morbidity 78

Morphine 282

Mortality 78, 229, 242

Multicentre 194

Muscarinic syndrome 321

Muscimol 55

Mushroom 53, 54, 55, 60, 65, 75


N-acetylcysteine 8, 109, 207, 305

Naloxone 268

Naphyrone 96

Narcotics 269

Nasal 269

National stockpile 99

Neonatal withdrawal 202

Neonate 206

Nerium oleander 56

Nerve agents 233

Network abuse 266

Neuropathy 52, 325

Neurotoxicity 19, 262

Neutropenia 271

New recreational drugs of abuse 96, 146, 250, 256, 259, 261, 262, 266, 275, 276, 280

Nicotine 131

Nitric oxide 20

Nitrous oxide 255

Nomogram 107

Nonionic surfactants 240

Novel drugs of abuse 96, 146, 250, 256, 259, 261, 262, 266, 275, 276, 280

NPDS 58, 138, 139


NRG-1 96

Nuclear accident 99

Nursing competencies 133


Occupational 122, 313

Ocular 211

Olanzapine 184

Opiate addiction 205

Opioid receptor 228

Opioids 140, 269

Opium addiction 252

OPs 32

Oral fluid 315

Organophosphates 32, 232, 234, 235, 236, 309, 311, 319, 320

Outcome 274

Outreach 127

Overdose 8, 92, 137, 159, 169, 170, 177, 179, 191, 195, 201, 208, 229, 277, 283, 339, 346

Oxaliplatin 154

Oxidative stress 153

Oxides of nitrogen 156

Oximes 233

Oxycodone 269

Oxycontin 273

Ozone 149


Pacemaker 215

Paediatric 27, 50, 51, 84, 91, 97, 134, 162, 169, 196, 202, 206, 213, 215, 260, 268, 311, 326, 327

Pain 19

Paliperidone 195

Paracetamol 8, 10, 11, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 219, 229, 269

Paraffinic hydrocarbons 142

Paralytic ileus 59

Paraquat 15, 316

Pathophysiology of human envenoming 19

Pentobarbital 186

Performance enhancement 64

Pesticides 15, 32, 71, 83, 232, 234, 235, 236, 309, 310, 311, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 324, 325

P-glycoprotein 231

Pharmacokinetics 8

Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PKPD) models 236

Pharmacovigilance 238

Phenazepam 188

Phenobarbitone 118

Phenoxyethanol 151

Phenylpropanolamine 178

Phenytoin 197

Phoradendron flavescens 58

Physalia physalis 243

Physostigmine 18

Pica 91

Plants 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 66, 91, 130, 136, 279

Plastic single dose packaging 132

Platinum salts 154

Pneumatosis intestinalis 59

Poinsettia 58

Poisoning management 128

Poisoning prevention 115, 118, 158, 227, 307

Poisoning surveillance 175

Poisons centre data 76

Poisons centres 1, 73, 74, 84, 88, 106, 115, 116, 117, 124, 128, 129, 130, 139, 140, 226, 230, 238, 344

Policy 37

Polymorphism 228

Porphyria 199

Post mortem blood sampling 13

Post mortem 14

Potassium 170

Predictors 234

Pregabalin 179

Pregnancy 135, 201

Prescription 229

Pressure-immobilization bandages 20

Prevalence 256

Prevention 115, 118, 158, 227, 307

Prison 104

Product identifier 126

Product notification 129

Professional aspects 223

Prognosis 4

Prognostic factors 157

Promethazine 205

Propranolol 114

Prussian blue 69

Pseudocholinesterase 232

Pseudoephedrine 253

Psilocybin 75

Psychiatric illness 163

Psychoactive drugs 278

Psychopharmacons 80

Public education 118

Public health 67, 317

Pulmonary oedema 120

Pulmonary injury 327, 333


QRS Prolongation 297

Quadriplegia 304

Quetiapine 341


Racial disparities 286

Radiation 5, 69, 70, 99, 167

Radiation antidotes 99

Radionuclides 5

Radiopacity 180

Randomised controlled trial 15

Ranitidine 92

Real time alerts 144

Recommendations 16

Recreational drugs 256, 259, 265

Reduction measures 132

Refractory shock 348

Refusal to treat 223

Regulation 141

Renal failure 53

Renal replacement therapies 323

Renal toxicity 113

Reparative regeneration 112

Reporting 200

Resource-poor settings 17

Respiratory 121

Respiratory arrest 197

Respiratory depression 231, 283

Respiratory disorders 330

Respiratory toxicity 149

Restriction 253

Review 351

Rhabdomyolysis 52, 198

Ricin 61, 168

Ricinine 62

Ricinus communis 130

Risk assessment 1, 239, 289, 299

Risk factors 284

Risk perception 135

Risk reduction measure 239

Risk stratification 2

Risperidone 195

Rivastigmine 217

Rodenticides 316

Rust remover 141


Safety 137

Sarin 320

Score 4

Scorpions 48, 51, 242

Screening 25

Sea food poisoning 45

Seasonal 75

Sedation 159

Sedative hypnotic drugs 79, 182

Seed 168

Seizures 179, 286, 294

Sepsis 271

Serotonin (5HT1) agonists 189

Serotonin syndrome 184

Serum sickness 43

Severity 4

Shock 19

Shoulder dislocation 294

Sildenafil 203

Silicone polydimethylsiloxane 308

Single dose packaging 132

Sitagliptin 349

Smoke inhalation 103

Snakes 20, 21, 22, 23, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 162

Snake handler 38

Social issues 223

Social networking 146

Sodium bicarbonate 297

Sodium thiosulphate 165

Spanish fly 52

Sports 64

Standardisation 126

Statistics 78

Status epilepticus 173

Steatoda nobilis 44

Stimulants 74

Stocking 102

Stomach perforation 296

Stress cardiomyopathy 350

Strontium 167

Strychnine 322

Subcutaneous 176

Suboxone 260

Substance abuse 81, 254

Suicide 94

Sulphur mustard 331

Superwarfarin 218

Surgery 296

Surveillance 124

Survey 249

Synthetic cannabinoids 250

Systematic review 48


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 183

Talinolol 344

Tapentadol 34

Tear gas 307

Telemedicine 136

Teratogenicity 202

Terrorist attack 7

Thallium 16

THC 14

Therapeutic drugs 28

Therapeutic errors 211

Therapy 233

Thermometers 335

Thrombotic stroke 22

Tobacco-alcohol amblyopia 287

Tolerance 282

Torsade de pointes 205

TOXBASE® 96, 144

Toxic exposures 124

Toxic haemolysis 164

Toxicokinetics 196

Toxicology 127

Toxicology screening 3

Toxicovigilance 86

Traffic controls 251

Trafficking 26

Training 37

Trans-epithelial resistance 245

Transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome 183

Travellers 118

Treatment 37

Triage 1

Triclopyr 323

Tricyclic antidepressants 246

Trimebutine 241

Trimeresurus albolabris 40

TurboFlow 29

Turbulent flow chromatography 25


Underreporting 230

Unexplained death 329

Unlabelled use 289

Urine 29

Urine drug screen 24

User searches 143


Valproic acid 27

Varenicline 191

Vasoconstriction 161

Vasodilators 340

Vasopressin 342

Vasopressors 342

Venlafaxine 184

Venom 19

Venom concentration 21

Venous sinus thrombosis 166

Verapamil 337

Vipers 35, 42

Visual corporate identity 117

Vitamin A 171

Vitamin D 210

Vitreous humour 13


Warfarin 222

Warning network 254

Washing-up liquid 295

Water proofing sprays 330

Weather 54

Welding 328

Wellens syndrome 267

Withdrawal 257, 285, 286

Wood pellets 298

Work-related 148

Wrong route 211


X-ray 180

Xylene 306


Zinc phosphide 310

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