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Suicide, misappropriation and impulsivity

, &
Pages 544-546 | Received 21 Jan 2008, Published online: 06 Jul 2009


Objective: To describe a patient who survived a suicidal act in which lethal means were used and who subsequently cooperated with psychiatric examination.

Method: Case report.

Results: A 22-year-old man jumped from a bridge into the water 49m below and survived. He was admitted to hospital for assessment. No psychiatric diagnosis could be made on either Axis I or II. He had misappropriated money and lost it gambling, and detection was imminent. He described his jumping as being the result of a sudden impulse. While he was falling he changed his mind and assumed an appropriate diving posture with the intention of preventing his death.

Conclusions: This is an example of a person performing a highly lethal suicide act, in the absence of Axis I or II disorder. Threat of disgrace and possible prosecution; and impulsivity were significant factors.

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