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Original Article

Isokinetic strength and endurance of the knee extensors and flexors in trans‐tibial amputees

, , &
Pages 221-225 | Published online: 12 Jul 2009


Significant levels of muscular fatigue alter the co‐ordination patterns and the ability to accomplish proper daily functions, especially in patients with initial low levels of strength. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the strength and endurance of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in trans‐tibial amputees. Concentric strength and endurance of the thigh muscles were measured bilaterally by an isokinetic dynamometer. The measured variables were torque and angle. For the endurance test, a fatigue index was calculated. Peak torque for extension and flexion was significantly higher in the sound limb (p<0.01). The fatigue index for extension was not significantly different in the sound limb from the amputated limb. The fatigue index for flexion is significantly higher in the sound limb (p<0.01). The finding may imply that from a metabolic point of view, the muscles of the amputated limb function properly. It is of great importance to reduce the bilateral deficit and the degree of atrophy as soon as possible in order to improve the level of performance. By choosing a correct strength and endurance training programme, one may expect to get a significant and good reaction from the muscles of the amputated limb as is expected from training the muscles of a sound limb.

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