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Research Article

Psychological and cognitive assessment of Indigenous Australians

, PhD (Candidate and Research Project Coordinator) & (Senior Research Fellow)
Pages 20-30 | Received 26 Dec 2009, Accepted 04 Aug 2009, Published online: 14 Jan 2010


Objective: The aim of the present review was to evaluate the psychological and cognitive assessments that have been considered suitable for Indigenous Australians. This will provide a basis from which future developments can occur, leading to improved mental health services for Indigenous Australians.

Method: Literature searches of key health science databases were conducted using the following search terms in various combinations: Indigenous, Aboriginal, cognitive, assessment, mental health, social emotional well-being, psychological, Australian. Psychological, mental health or social and emotional well-being assessments as well as cognitive assessments that have been utilized and found suitable in Indigenous Australian populations were reviewed.

Results: A limited number of assessments were found and discussed and these varied in their applications.

Conclusions: Further research and development is necessary to establish a national approach to assessing or screening mental health and cognitive function among Indigenous Australians. This is an important and necessary step to improve mental health and related services for Indigenous Australians.


Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.

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