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Original Article

Premenstrual Distress, Anxiety, and Palpitations in a Dysphoric Woman

Pages 104-109 | Published online: 03 Jul 2009


In the comments on this case, Drs. Gold and Mortola discuss the criteria for diagnosing and differentiating between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), two disorders related to the menstrual cycle. It is important to point out that PMDD is the new DSM-IV term replacing DSM-III-R late luteal phase dysphoric disorder (U.PDD). PMDD will be included in the DSM-IV Appendix B: “Awaiting Further Research” and will also be classified as a type of Mood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Dr. Gold, Chairperson of the DSM-IV LLPDD Work Group and a member of the DSM-IV Task Force, refers to the disorder as PMDD In her discussion, while Dr. Mortola uses the term LLPDD. Reflecting the complex scientific debate that exists In this area, our two expert consultants disagree as to whether the diagnosis of a cyclical disorder related to the menstrual cycle can be made In the case under consideration.

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