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Research Articles

“The Mystery Unsolved, Without Any Attempt to Solve It”: Detective Fiction and Waywardness in Norah Lange’s People in the Room

Works Cited

  • Aira, César. “A Second Birth: Argentine Master Norah Lange Gets her Due.” Words Without Borders. The Home for International Literature, 6 Aug. 2018. wordswithoutborders.org/read/article/2018-08/a-second-birth-argentine-master-norah-lange-gets-her-due-cesar-aira/
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  • Sutherland, Camilla. “El sitio más cómodo y propicio para vigilar la otra”: Spaces of Childhood in the Work of Norah Lange.” The Feeling Child: Affect and Politics in Latin American Literature and Film, edited by Philippa Page, Inela Selimović, Camilla Sutherland. Lexington Books, 2018, pp. 49–68.