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The Networked Newsroom: Navigating New Boundaries of Work


  • Almiron, Núria. 2010. Corporate Media and Financialization. Hampton Press.
  • Blom, Jonas Nygaard, and Kenneth Reinecke Hansen. 2015. “Click Bait: Forward-Reference as Lure in Online News Headlines.” Journal of Pragmatics 76: 87–100.
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  • Duffy, Andrew, and Megan Knight. 2019. “Don’t Be Stupid: The Role of Social Media Policies in Journalistic Boundary-Setting.” Journalism Studies 20 (7): 932–951.
  • Ferrucci, Patrick. 2018. “Networked: Social Media’s Impact on News Production in Digital Newsrooms.” Newspaper Research Journal 39 (1): 6–17.
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  • Fuchs, Christian, and Sebastian Sevignani. 2013. “What is Digital Labour? What is Digital Work? What’s Their Difference? And Why Do These Questions Matter for Understanding Social Media?” TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 11 (2): 237–293.
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  • Hayes, Kathryn, and Henry Silke. 2018. “The Networked Freelancer? Digital Labour and Freelance Journalism in the Age of Social Media.” Digital Journalism 6 (8): 1018–1028.
  • Jaros, Stephen J. 2005. “Marxian Critiques of Thompson’s (1990) ‘core’ Labour Process Theory: An Evaluation and Extension.” Ephemera 5 (1): 5–25.
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  • O’Donnell, Penny, Lawrie Zion, and Merryn Sherwood. 2016. “Where Do Journalists Go After Newsroom Job Cuts?” Journalism Practice 10 (1): 35–51.
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  • Sherwood, Merryn, and Penny O’Donnell. 2018. “Once a Journalist, Always a Journalist? Industry Restructure, Job Loss and Professional Identity.” Journalism Studies 19 (7): 1021–1038.
  • Siapera, Eugenia, and Ioanna Iliadi. 2015. “Twitter, Journalism and Affective Labour.” Sur le Journalisme, About Journalism, Sobre Jornalismo 4 (1): 76–89.
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  • Whittaker, Xanthe. 2019. “Breaking the News: Digital Transformations of Newspaper Journalism: A Labour Process Analysis.” PhD diss., University of Leicester.
  • Witschge, Tamara, and Gunnar Nygren. 2009. “Journalistic Work: A Profession Under Pressure?” Journal of Media Business Studies 6 (1): 37–59.