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Treating restless legs syndrome: current pathophysiological concepts and clinical trials

Pages 501-514 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


  • WILLIS T: The London Practice of Physick Thomas Bassett and William Cooke, London, UK (1686):404.
  • WHITTMACK T: Pathologie und therapie der sensibilitäts-neurosen. E Schafer, Leipzig, Germany (1861):459.
  • OPPENHEIM H: Lehrbuch der nervenkrankheiten. S. Karger Verlag, Berlin, Germany (1923).
  • BEARD GM: Practical Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion. William Wood & Co., New York, USA (188041–42.
  • EKBOM KA: Restless legs syndrome. Acta Med. Scand. (1945) 158(Suppl):4–122.
  • •First structured survey about RLS.
  • NORDLANDER NB: Therapy in restless legs syndrome. Acta Med. Scand. (1953) 145:453–457.
  • •First reported use of intravenous iron administration in RLS therapy.
  • ASK UPMARK E, MEURLING S: Contribution to the pathogenesis of the syndrome of restless legs. Acta Med. Scand. (1959) 164:231–232.
  • MACHTEY I: Restless legs and latent diabetes. BMJ(1971) 1:726.
  • International Classification of Sleep Disorders, revised: Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Rochester, Minn: American Sleep Disorders Association (1997).
  • WALTERS AS, INTERNATIONAL RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME STUDY GROUP: Toward a better definition of the restless legs syndrome. Mov. Disord. (1995) 10:634–642.
  • HENING W, WALTERS A, ROSEN R et al.: The international RLS study group rating scale: a reliable and valid instrument for assessing severity of the restless legs syndrome. Neurol (2001) 56\(Suppl. 3):A4.
  • ALLEN RP, EARLEY CJ: Validation of the Johns Hopkins restless legs severity scale (JHRLSS). Sleep Med. (2001) 3:239–242.
  • •First validated RLS severity scale. A very useful instrument for clinical studies.
  • ATLAS TASK FORCE OF THE AMERICAN SLEEP DISORDERS ASSOCIATION, GUILLEMINAULT C: Recording and scoring leg movements. Sleep (1993) 16:748–759.
  • COLEMAN RM, POLLAK CP, WEITZMAN ED: Periodic movements in sleep (nocturnal myoclonus): relation to sleep disorders. Ann. Neurol (1980) 8:416–421.
  • CULPEPPER WJ, BADIA P, SHAFFER JI: Time-of-night patterns in PLMS activity. Sleep (1992) 15:306–311.
  • MONTPLAISIRJ, BOUCHER S, POIRIER G, LAVIGNE G, LAPIERRE 0, LESPERANCE P: Clinical, polysomnographic, and genetic characteristics of restless legs syndrome: a study of 133 patients diagnosed with new standard criteria. Mov. Disord. (1997) 12:61–65.
  • POLLMACHER T, SCHULZ H: Periodic leg movements (PLM) - their relationship to sleep stages. Sleep (1993) 16:572–577.
  • MONTPLAISIRJ, BOUCHER S, NICOLAS A et al.: Immobilization tests and periodic leg movements in sleep for the diagnosis of restless leg syndrome. Mov. Disord. (1998) 13:324–329.
  • •Description of the development of a useful tool for the measurement of the sensory discomfort in RLS patients.
  • TRENKWALDER C, HENING WA, WALTERS AS, CAMPBELL SS, RAHMAN K, CHOKROVERTY S: Circadian rhythm of periodic limb movements and sensory symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Mov. Disord. (1999) 14:102–110.
  • •Interesting clinical study on circadian dependency of RLS using the suggested immobilisation test.
  • RIJSMAN RM, DE WEERD AW: Secondary periodic limb movement disorder and restless legs syndrome. Sleep Med. Rev (1999) 3:147–158.
  • ••Excellent survey about secondary RLS witha discussion of pathophysiological concepts.
  • ONDO W; JANKOWIC J: Restless legs syndrome: clinicoetiologic correlates. Neurology (1996) 47:1435–1441.
  • ••Presents basic data for the new concept ofRLS classification based on family history and the presence of neuropathy distinguishing an idiopathic and a neuropathic form.
  • ALLEN RP, EARLEY CJ: Restless legs syndrome. a review of clinical and pathophysiologic features. J. Clin. Neurophysiol (2001) 18:128–147.
  • ••A basic report summarising the currentknowledge of all aspects of RLS.
  • DESAUTELS A, TURECKI G, MONTPLAISIR J, SEQUEIRA A, VERNER A, ROULEAU GA: Identification of a major susceptibility locus for restless legs syndrome on chromosome 12q. Am. Hum. Genet. (2001) 69:1266–1270.
  • ••Represents the first mapping of a locusconferring susceptibility to RLS: lists findings of significant linkage to RLS on chromosome 12q in a large French-Canadian family.
  • ALLEN RP, EARLEY CJ: Defining the phenotype of the restless legs syndrome (RLS) using age-of-symptom-onset. Sleep Med. (2000) 1:11–19.
  • •This study summarises a new concept for RLS classification based on age of onset of the disease and family history.
  • WINKELMANN J, WETTER TC, COLLADO-SEIDEL Vet al.: Frequency and characteristics of the hereditary restless legs syndrome in a population of 300 patients. Sleep (2000) 23:597–602.
  • ••Presents findings which support the newconcept for RLS classification based on age of onset of the disease and family history.
  • POLYDEFKIS M, ALLEN RP HAUER P, EARLEY CJ, GRIFFIN JW, MCARTHUR JC: Subclinical sensory neuropathy in late-onset restless legs syndrome. Neurology (2000) 55:1115–1121.
  • ••The most promising study of those suggesting that RLS may be related to peripheral factors and can be triggered by the painful dysaesthesias associated with a small-sensory-fibre loss in a subgroup of RLS patients. The authors postulate that this subgroup probably responds to neuropathic pain medications, such as carbarnazepine or gabapentin.
  • EKBOM A: Restless legs syndrome. Neurology (1960) 10:868–873.
  • PHILIPS B, YOUNG T, FINN L, ASHER K, HENING WA, PURVIS C: Epidemiology of restless legs symptoms in adults. Arch. Intern. Med. (2000) 160:2137–2141.
  • ROTHDACH A, TRENKWALDER C, HABERSTOCK J, KEIL U, BERGER K: Prevalence and risk factors of RLS in an elderly population: The MEMO study. Neurology (2000) 54:1064–1068.
  • •A collection of fundamental epidemiological data gathered by direct interview using specific RLS items in a large elderly population.
  • TRENKWALDER C: Erhöhte prävalenz desrestless-legs-syndroms bei frauen. Somnologie (2001) 5\(Suppl. 2):54.
  • LEE KA, ZAFFKE ME, BARATTE-BEEBE K: Restless legs syndrome and sleep disturbance during pregnancy: the role of folate and iron. j. Womens Health Gen. Based Med. (2001) 10:335–341.
  • •The first systematic examination of iron metabolism during pregnancy.
  • STAUTNER A, STIASNY K, COLLADO-SEIDEL V, BUCHER SF, OERTEL WH, TRENKWALDER C: Comparison of idiopathic and uremic restless legs syndrome: results of a database of 134 patients. Mov. Disord. (1996) 11:98.
  • COLLADO-SEIDEL V, KOHNEN R, SAMTLEBEN W, HILLEBRAND GE OERTEL WH, TRENKWALDER C: Clinical and biochemical findings in uremic patients with and without restless legs syndrome. Am. J. Kid. Dis. (1998) 31:324–328.
  • PICCHIETTI DL, WALTERS AS: Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder in children and adolescents. Comorbidity with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurol Clinics (1996) 5:729–740.
  • •An important study indicating that RLS may be confused with ADHD.
  • PICCHIETTI DL, UNDERWOOD DJ, FARRIS WA et al.: Further studies on periodic limb movement disorder and restless legs syndrome in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Mov. Disord. (1999) 14:1000–1007.
  • •A second important study indicating that RLS may be confused with ADHD.
  • WALTERS AS, HICKEY K, MALZMANN J et al: A questionnaire study of 138 patients with restless legs syndrome: the 'night-walkers' survey. Neurology (1996) 46:92–95.
  • ABELE M, BUERK K, LACC ONE F, DICHGANS J, KLOCKGETHER T: Restless legs syndrome in Spinocerebellar ataxia Types 1,2, and 3. J. Neurol (2001) 248:311–314.
  • DE MELLO MT, LAURO FA, SILVA AC, TUFIK S: Incidence of periodic leg movements and of the restless legs syndrome during sleep following acute physical activity in spinal cord injury subjects. Spinal Cord (1996) 34:294–296.
  • HARTMANN M, PFISTER R, PFADENHAUER K: Restless legs syndrome associated with spinal cord lesions. Neurol Neurosurg. Psychiatry (1999) 66:688–697.
  • HEMMER B, RIEMANN D, GLOCKER FX, LUECKING CH, DEUSCHL G: Restless legs syndrome after a Borrelia-induced myelits. Mov. Disord. (1995) 10:521–526.
  • GEMIGNANI F, MARBINI A, DI GIOVANNI G, SALIH S, TERZANO MG: Charcot-Marie-tooth disease Type 2 with restless legs syndrome. Neurology (1999) 52:1064–1066.
  • LEE MS, CHOI YC, LEE SH, LEE SB: Sleep-related periodic leg movements associated with spinal cord lesions. Mov. Disord. (1996) 11:719–722.
  • IABBACCONE S, ZUCCONI M, MARCHETTINI P et al.: Evidence of peripheral axonal neuropathy in primary restless legs syndrome. Mov. Disord. (1995) 10:2–9.
  • SCHOELS L, HAAN J, RIESS 0, AMOIRIDIS G, PRZUNTEK H: Sleep disturbance in Spinocerebellar ataxia. Is the SCA3 mutation a cause of restless legs syndrome? Neurology (1998) 51:1603–1607.
  • AKPINAR S: Treatment of restless legs syndrome with levodopa plus benserazide (letter). Arch. Nemo]. (1982) 39:739.
  • •Very first report of effectiveness of L-DOPA in RLS.
  • KRAUS T, SCHULD A, POLLMACHER T: Periodic leg movements in sleep and restless legs syndrome probably caused by olanzapine (letter). J. Clin. Psychopharmacol (1999) 19:478–479.
  • WINKELMANN J, SCHADRACK J, WETTER TC, ZIEGLGANGSBERGER W, TRENKWALDER C: Opioid and dopamine antagonist drug challenges in untreated restless legs syndrome patients. Sleep Med. (2001) 2:57–61.
  • •A study which shows that opioidergic substances probably mediate their effect via the dopaminergic system.
  • TRENKWALDER C, BUCHER SF, OERTEL WH, PROECKL D, PLENDL H, PAULUS W: Bereitschaftspotential in idiopathic and symptomatic restless legs syndrome. Electroencephal Clin. Neurophys. (1993) 89:95–103.
  • LUGARESI E, CIRIGNOTTA F, COCCAGNA G, MONTAGNA P: Myoclonus: Advances in Neurology. Raven Press, New York, USA (1986).
  • BUCHER SF, SEELOS KC, OERTEL WH, REISER M, TRENKWALDER C: Cerebral generators involved in the pathogenesis of the restless legs syndrome. Ann. Neurol (1997) 41:639–645.
  • ••The only study existing using high-resolution functional MRI to make brain areas involved in RLS visible.
  • ENTEZARI-TAHER M, SINGLETON JR,JONES CR, MEEKINS G, PETAJAN JH, SMITH AG: Changes in excitability of motor cortical circuitry in primary restless legs syndrome. Neurology (1999) 53:1201–1205.
  • STIASNY K, HAESKE H, MUELLER HH, BRAUNE HJ, OERTEL WH: Impairment of cortical inhibition in restless legs syndrome-shortening of silent period induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Sleep (2000) 23:A128.
  • •Results indicated a reduced supraspinal inhibition in RLS subjects. The results are consistent with a subcortical dysfunction which alters the motor pathways. This study shows that L-DOPA could be responsible for the removal of impaired inhibition observed by TMS in RLS patients.
  • TERGAU F, WISCHER S, PAULUS W: Motor system excitability in patients with restless legs syndrome. Neurology (1999) 52:1060–1063.
  • TRENKWALDER C: Restless legs syndrom- Klinik, Differentialdiagnose, Neurophysiologie, Therapie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (1997):2.
  • BARA-JIMENEZ W, AKSU M, GRAHAM B. SATO S, HALLET M: Periodic limb movements in sleep: state dependent excitability of the spinal flexor reflex. Neurology (2000) 54:1609–1616.
  • •A study confirming the hypothesis of supraspinal origin of RLS.
  • MACHTEY I, TIQWA P: Restless legs syndrome: a metabolic disorder? Arch. Intern. Med. (1996) 156:2386.
  • WETTER TC, STIASNY K, WINKELMANN et al.: A randomized controlled study of pergolide in patients with restless legs syndrome. Neurology (1999) 52:944–950.
  • •A well-controlled study using pergolide in combination with the domperidone.
  • LEWIS F: The role of the saphenous nerve in insomnia: a proposed etiology of restless legs syndrome. Medical Hypothesis (1991) 34:331–333.
  • RUOTTINEN HM, PARTINEN M, HUBLIN C et al.: An FDOPA PET study in patients with periodic limb movement disorder and restless legs syndrome. Neurology(2000) 54:502–504.
  • •This study used matched control subjects to show substantially decreased fluor-dopa uptake in the putarnen and caudate of RLS patients.
  • WETTER TC, LINKE R; EISENSEHR I,NOACHTAR S, TASCH K, TRENKWALDER C: Iodine-123-IPT SPECT imaging in idiopathic restless legs syndrome: preliminary findings. Sleep (2000) 23: A130.
  • STAEDT J, STOPPE G, KOGLER et al: Single photon emission tomography (SPET) imaging of dopamine D2 receptors in the course of dopamine replacement therapy in patients with nocturnal myoclonus syndrome (NMS). J. Neural Transm. (1995) 34:294–296.
  • TRENKWALDER C, WALTERS A, HENING W et al.: Positron emission tomography studies in restless legs syndrome. Mo v. Disord. (1999) 14:141–145.
  • TURJANSKI N, LEES AJ, BROOKS DJ: Striatal dopaminergic function in restless legs syndrome. 18F-Dopa and 11C-raclopride PET studies. Neurology (1999) 52:932–937.
  • •Results presented here support the theory of subcortical dysfunction in RLS.
  • MONTPLAISIR J, NICOLAS A, DENESLE R, GOMEZ-MANCILLA B: Restless legs syndrome improved by pramipexole: a double-blind randomized trial. Neurology (1999) 52:938–943.
  • •Pramipexole is thought to be the most potent and efficacious dopaminergic agent ever tested for RLS treatment due to this well-controlled study.
  • BOYER PJ, ONDO WG, ALLEN RP et al.: Neuropathologic evaluation of the central nervous system in restless legs syndrome: case report and review of literature. Proc. Soc. Neurosci. New Orleans, USA (2000).
  • HENING WA, ALLEN R, EARLEY C, KUSHIDA C, PICCHIETTI D, SILBER M: The treatment of restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder - an American Academy of Sleep Medicine Review. Sleep (1999) 22:970–998.
  • ••An excellent compendium of RLS therapiesbased on evidence based medicine criteria.
  • MONTPLAISIRJ, GODBOUT R, POIRIER G, BEDARD MA: Restless legs syndrome and periodic movements in sleep: physiopathology and treatment with L-dopa. Clin. Neuropharmacol (1986) 9:456–463.
  • MUKHOPADHYAY S, PODDAR MK: Caffeine-induced locomotor activity: possible involvement of GABAergic-dopaminergic-adenosinergic interaction. Neurochern. Res. (1995) 20:39–44.
  • BENES H, KURELLA B, KUMMER J, KAZENWADEL J, SELZER R, KOHNEN R: Rapid onset of action in restless legs syndrome: a double-blind, randomized, multicenter crossover trial. Sleep (1999) 22:1073–1081.
  • •A well-controlled study dealing with L-DOPA that shows the immediate onset of therapeutic effects of L-DOPA in RLS patients.
  • COLLADO-SEIDEL V, KAZENWADEL J, WETTER TC et al: A ccontrolled study of additional sr-L-dopa in L-dopa-responsive restless legs syndrome with late-night symptoms. Neurology (1999) 52:285–290.
  • ALLEN RP, EARLEY CJ: Augmentation of the restless legs syndrome with carbidopa/ levodopa. Sleep (1996) 19:205–213.
  • •The best characterisation of this severe L-DOPA side effect thus far.
  • GUILLEMINAULT C, CETEL M, PHILIPP: Dopaminergic treatment of restless legs and rebound phenomenon. Neurology (1993) 43:445.
  • TERGAU F, WISCHER S, WOLF C, PAULUS W: Treatment of restless legs syndrome with the dopamine agonist alpha-dihydroergocryptine. Mov. Disord. (2001) 16:731–735.
  • EVIDENTE VG, ADLER CH, CAVINESS JN, HENTZ JG, GWINN-HARDY K: Amantadine is beneficial in restless legs syndrome. Mov. Disord. (2000) 15:324–327.
  • WALTERS AS, HENING WA, KAVEY N, CHOKROVERTY S, GIDRO-FRANK S: A double-blind randomized crossover trial of bromocriptine and placebo in restless legs syndrome. Ann. Neurol (1988) 24:455–458.
  • STIASNY K, ROEBBECKE J, SCHULER P, OERTEL WH: The treatment of idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS) with the D2-agonist cabergoline - an open clinical trial. Sleep (2000) 23:349–354.
  • DEISSLER A, BENES H, CLARENBACH P, RODENBECK A, HAJAK G: Lisurid in der therapie des restless legs syndroms. Somno/ogie (1998) 78 (Suppl) :31.
  • STAEDT J, WASSMUTH F, ZIEMANN U, HAJAK G, ROTHER E, STOPPE G: Pergolide: treatment of choice in restless legs syndrome and nocturnal myoclonus syndrome (NMS). A double-blind randomized crossover trial of pergolide versus L-dopa. J. Neural 7iansm. (1997) 104:461–468.
  • EARLEY CJ, YAFFEE JB, ALLEN RP: Randomized, double-Blind, placebo-controlled trial of pergolide in restless legs syndrome. Neurology(1998) 51:1599–1602.
  • •One of two well-controlled studies using pergolide in RLS treatment.
  • STIASNY K, WETTER TC, WINKELMANN J et al.: Long-term effects of pergolide in the treatment of restless legs syndrome. Neurology(2001) 56:1399–1402.
  • •The first long-term follow-up study showing a persistent beneficial effect of pergolide on RLS symptoms for the duration of 1 year.
  • SILBER M, SHEPARD J, WISBEY J: Pergolide in the management of restless legs syndrome: an extended study. Sleep (1997) 20:878–882.
  • EVIDENTE VG: Piribidel for restless legs syndrome: a pilot study. Mov. Disord. (2001) 16:579–581.
  • •Open RLS therapy study using piribidel, a vasodilatory dopamine agonist with long-term follow-ups of up to 15 months.
  • AKPINAR S: Restless legs syndrome treatment with dopaminergic drugs. Clin. Neurophannacol (1987) 10:69–79.
  • •First of few studies comparing L-DOPA with dopamine agonists.
  • MONTPLAISIRJ, DENESLE R, PETIT D : Pramipexole in the treatment of restless legs syndrome - a follow-up study. Ear. Neurol (2000) 7\(Suppl. 1):27–31.
  • •A follow-up study for mean 7.8 months showing a long-term benefical effect of pramipexole in RLS treatment.
  • STIASNY K, OERTEL WH: Restless legssyndrom (RLS) - erfolgreiche behandlung mit pramipexol. Somnologie (1999) 3 (Suppl. 1):18.
  • ESTIVILL E, DE LA FUENTE V: Uso de ropinirol como tratamiento del sindrome de piernas inquietas. Rev Neurol (1999) 28:962–963.
  • SALETU B, GRUBER G, SALETU M et al:Sleep laboratory studies in restless legs syndrome patients as compared with normals and acute effects of ropinirole. 1. Findings on objective and subjective sleep and awakening quality. Neuropsychobiology (2000) 41: 181–189.
  • SALETU M, ANDERER P, SALETU B et al.: Sleep laboratory studies in restless legs syndrome patients as compared with normals and acute effects of ropinirole. 2. Findings on periodic leg movements, arousals and respiratory variables. Neuropsychobiology (2000) 41:190–199.
  • ONDO W: Ropinirole for restless legs syndrome. Mov. Disord. (1999) 14:138–140.
  • STIASNY K: Clinical data on restless legs syndrome: a dose-finding study with cabergoline. Ear. Neurol (2001) 46\(Suppl. 1):24–26.
  • REUTER I, ELLIS CM, CHAUDHURI RK: Nocturnal subcutaneous infusion in Parkinson's disease and restless legs syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand. (1999) 100:163–167.
  • ONDO W, HUNTER C, ALMGAUER M et al: Efficacy and tolerability of a novel sublingual apomorphine preparation in patients with fluctuating Parkinson's disease. Clin. Neurophannacol (1999) 22:1–4.
  • FRUCHT S, ROGERS JD, GREENE PE, GORDON MF, FAHN S: Falling asleep at the wheel: motor vehicle mishaps in persons taking pramipexole and ropinirole. Neurology (1999) 52:1908–1910.
  • •The first report in the literature which pointed to the possible side effect of sleep attacks in therapy with dopamine agonists.
  • FEIRREIRA JJ, GALITZKY M, MONTASTRUC JL, RASCOL 0: Sleep attacks and Parkinson's disease treatment. Lancet (2000) 355:1333–1334.
  • •This report suggests that all dopamine agonists can induce sleep attacks.
  • ONDO WG; DAT VUONG K; KHAN H; ATASSI F; KWAK C; JANKOVIC J: Daytime sleepiness and other sleep disorders in Parkinson's disease. Neurology (2001) 57:1392–1396.
  • RYAN M, SLEVIN JT, WELLS A: Non-ergot dopamine agonist-induced sleep attacks. Phannacotherapy (2000) 20:724–726.
  • SCHAPIRA AH: Sleep attacks (sleep episodes) with pergolide. Lancet (2000) 355:1332–1333.
  • MONTPLAISIRJ, LORRAIN D, GODBOUT R: Restless legs syndrome and periodic leg movements in sleep : the primary role of dopaminergic mechanism. Ear. Neurol (1991) 31:411–443.
  • WALTERS AS, HENING WA, COTE L, FAHN S: Dominantly inherited restless legs with myoclonus and periodic movements of sleep: a syndrome related to the endogenous opiates? Adv. Neurol (1986) 43:309–319.
  • WALTERS AS, WAGNER ML, HENING WA et al.: Successful treatment of the idiopathic restless legs syndrome in a randomized double-blind trial of oxycodone versus placebo. Sleep (1993) 16:327–332.
  • KAPLAN PW, ALLEN RP, BUCHHOLZ DW, WALTERS JK: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the treatment of periodic limb movements in sleep using carbidopa/levodopa and propoxyphene. Sleep (1993) 16:717–723.
  • LAUERMA H, MARKKULA J: Treatment of restless legs syndrome with tramadol: an open study. Clin. Psychiatry (1999) 60:241–244.
  • •One of rare studies in recent literature to use an opioid in RLS treatment with an efficacy, comparable to dopamine agonists.
  • WALTERS AS, WINKELMANN J, FRY Jet al.: Longterm-treatment with opioids in the restless legs syndrome. Mov. Disord. (2001) 15:1105–1109.
  • VAHEDI H, KUCHLE M, TRENKWALDER C, KRENZ CJ: Peridurale morphiumanwendung bei restless-legs-status. Andsthesiol Intensivmed. Notfallmed. Schrnerzth. (1994) 29.
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  • MONTAGNA P, DE BIANCHI LS, SUCCONI M, CIRIGNOTTA F, LUGARESI E: Clonazepam and vibration in restless legs syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand. (1984) 69:428–430.
  • SALETU M, ANDERER P, SALETU-ZYLHARZ G et al.: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) : acute placebo-controlled sleep laboratory studies with clonazepam. Ear.Neuropsychphartnacol (2001) 11:153–161.
  • LUNDVAL 0, ABOM PE, HOLM R: Carbamazepine in restless legs: a controlled pilot study. Eur. Clin. Phartnacol (1983) 25:323–324.
  • TELSTAD W, SORENSEN 0, LARSEN S, LILLEVOLD PE, STENSRUD P, NYBERG-HANSEN R: Treatment of the restless legs syndrome with carbamazepine: a double blind study. BMJ(1984) 288:444–446.
  • EHRENBERG BL, EISENSEHR I, CORBETT KE, CROWLEY PF, WALTERS AS: Valproate for sleep consolidation in periodic limb movement disorder. Clin. Psychophannacol(2000) 20:574–578.
  • ADLER CH: Treatment of restless legs syndrome with gabapentin. Clin. Neurophartnacol (1997) 20:148–151.
  • HAPPE S, KLOSCH G, SALETU B, ZEITLHOFER J: Treatment of idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS) with gabapentin. Neurology (2001) 57:1717–1719.
  • •An open therapy study using gabapentin in patients of various background and origin.
  • MELLICK GA, MELLICK LB: Management of restless legs syndrome with gabapentin. Sleep (1996) 19:224–226.
  • O'KEEFFE ST, GAVIN K, LAVAN JN: Iron status and restless legs syndrome in the elderly. Age Ageing (1994) 23:200–203.
  • EARLEY CJ, CONNOR JR, BEARD JL, MALECKI EA, EPSTEIN DK, ALLEN RP: Abnormalities in CSF concentrations of ferritin and transferrin in restless legs syndrome. Neurology (2000) 54:1698–1700.
  • •This study demonstrates that there is a marked reduction in ferritin and marked increase in transferrin levels in CSF, despite normal serum ferritin and transferrin levels in patients with idiopathic RLS. This may implicate a circumscribed brain iron storage dysfunction in patients with idiopathic RLS.
  • ALLEN RP, BARKER PB, WEHR F, SONG HK, EARLEY CJ: MRI measurement of brain iron in patients with restless legs syndrome. Neurology (2001) 56:263–265.
  • •The first study showing that iron concentrations in the substantia nigra and putamen correlates with symptom severity in a small group of idiopathic RLS patients.
  • DAVIS BJ, RAJPUT A, RAJPUT ML, AUL EA, EICHHORN GR: A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of iron in restless legs syndrome. Ear. Neurol (2000) 43:70–75.
  • •The only well-controlled study of orally-administered iron treatment of RLS patients showing no significant improvement of symptoms.
  • EARLEY CJ, ALLEN RP, BEARD JL, CONNOR JR: Insight into pathophysiology of restless legs syndrome. J. Neurosci. Res. (2000) 62:623–628.
  • ••An excellent summary on the currentpathophysiological knowledge of RLS, the connection of iron and doparnine metabolism and RLS. It presents elegant arguments on CNS iron-regulation and possible relationship to RLS.
  • EARLEY CJ, HECKLER D, ALLEN RP: IV iron treatment for RLS [abstract]. Sleep (2001) 24:359.
  • ••A most promising study which aims clarifythe role of intravenous iron therapy in RLS.
  • BARTON JC, WOOTEN VD, ACTON RT: Hemochromatosis and iron therapy of restless legs syndrome. Sleep Med. (2001) 2:249–251.
  • EARLEY CJ: Editorial: hemochromatosis and iron therapy of restless legs syndrome. Sleep Med. (2001) 2:181–183.
  • HENING WA, WALTERS AS, KAVEY N, GIDRO-FRANK S, COTE L, FAHN S: Dyskinesias while awake and periodic movements in sleep in restless legs syndrome: treatment with opioids. Neurology (1986) 36:1363–1366.
  • WAGNER ML, WALTERS AS, COLEMAN RG, HENING WA, GRASING K, CHOKROVERTY S: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of clonidine in restless legs syndrome. Sleep (1996) 19:52–58.
  • POPOVICIU L, ASGIAN B, DELAST-POPOVICIU D, ALEXANRESCU A, PETRUTIU S, BAGATHAI I: Clinical, EEG, electromyographic and polysomnographic studies in restless legs syndrome caused by magnesium deficiency. Rom. Neurol Psychiatr. (1993) 31:55–61.
  • HORNYAK M, VODERHOLZER U, HOHAGEN F, BERGER M, RIEMANN D: Magnesium therapy for periodic leg movements-related insomnia and restless legs syndrome: an open pilot study. (1998) Sleep 21:501–505.
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