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Pharmacotherapy of first-episode psychosis

, , &
Pages 717-750 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


  • POWER P, MCGORRY PD: Initial assessment in first-episode psychosis. In:The Recognition and Management of early Psychosis. A preventive Approach, McGorry PD, Jackson HJ (Eds),Cambridge University Press, UK (1999):155–184.
  • NORDENTOFT M, JEPPESEN P,ABEL M: Suicidal behaviour, suicidal ideation and hopelessness among patients with first-episode psychosis. One-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. OPUS study. Br. I Psychiatry (2002) 43:98–106.
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  • •This study has shown that first-episode at the initial presentation already have severe cognitive deficits, especially in memory, attention span and executive functioning. These results are important for early recognition, early intervention and adaptation of treatment (see also refs [18, 20–221).
  • FRITS S, SUNDET K, RUND BR, VAGLUM P, MCGLASHAN TH: Neurocognitive dimensions characterising patients with first-episode psychosis. Br. J. Psychiatry (2002) 43:85–90.
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  • ROBINSON DG, WOERNER MG, ALVIR JM, BILDER RM,HINRICHSEN GA, LIEBERMAN JA: Predictors of medication discontinuation by patients with first-episode schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Schizophr. Res. (2002) 57(2-3):209–219.
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  • ADDINGTON D, ADDINGTON J, PATTEN S: Depression in people with first-episode schizophrenia. Br j Psychiatry (1998) 172(33):90–92.
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  • WASSINK TH, FLAUM M,NOPOULOS P, ANDREASEN NC: Prevalence of depressive symptoms early in the course of schizophrenia. Am. J. Psychiatry (1999) 156(2):315–316.
  • •This study assessed the prevalence (up to 35%) of depressive symptoms in first-episode schizophrenia showing that depression is an important co-current syndrome even at the first presentation (see also refs 126,271).
  • MCGORRY PD, CHANEN A, MCCARTHY E, VAN RIEL R, MCKENZIE D, SINGH BS: Post-traumatic stress disorder following recent-onset psychosis. An unrecognized postpsychotic syndrome. Nerv. Merit. Dis. (1991) 179(5):253–258.
  • EDWARDS J, MCGORRY PD: Implementing early intervention in psychosis. Martin Dunitz Publisher (2002).
  • •This book provides an excellent overview about current concepts and service requirements in the treatment in early psychosis. Its includes actual standards of care and comprise research overviews as well as developments and experiences ofthe Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre in Melbourne Australia (see also ref [1381).
  • FITZGERALD P, KULKARNI J: Home-oriented management programme for people with early psychosis. Br. I Psychiatry (1998) 171(Suppl.):39–44.
  • MCGORRY PD, EDWARDS J, MIHALOPOULOS C: EPPIC: an evolving system of early detection and optimal management. Schizophr. Bull. (1996) 22:305–322.
  • MCGORRY PD, KILLACKEY E, ELKINS K, LAMBERT M, LAMBERT T: Summary of the clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia.The Schizophrenia Clinical Guidelines Development Team. Australasian Psychiatry (Submitted).
  • DE HAAN L, VAN RAAIJ B, VAN DEN BERG R: Preferences for treatment during a first psychotic episode. Eur. Psychiatry (2001) 16(2):83–89.
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  • ZIPURSKY RB: Optimal pharmacologic management of the first-episode of schizophrenia. In: The early stages of schizophrenia, Kapur S, Zipursky RB (Eds), HarperCollins, NY, USA (2001).
  • HARRIGAN SM, MCGORRY PD, KRSTEV H: Does treatment delay in first-episode psychosis really matter? Psycho]. Med (2003) 33(1):97–110.
  • MALLA AK, NORMAN RM, MANCHANDA R etal.: One year outcome in first-episode psychosis: influence of DUP and other predictors. Schizophr. Res. (2002) 54(3):231–242.
  • BALDESSARINI R, COHEN B, TEICHER M: Significance of neuroleptic dose and plasma level in the pharmacological treatment of psychoses. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1988) 45:79–91.
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  • LIEBERMAN J, JODY D, GEISLER S et al: Time course and biologic correlates oftreatment response in first-episode schizophrenia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1993) 50(5)369–376.
  • The Scottish First-Episode Schizophrenia Study II: Treatment: pimozide versus flupenthixol. The Scottish Schizophrenia Research Group. Br j. Psychiatry (1987) 150:334–338.
  • MCEVOY JP, HOGARTY GE, STEINGARD S: Optimal dose of neuroleptic in acute schizophrenia. A controlled study of the neuroleptic threshold and higher haloperidol dose. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1991) 48(8):739–745.
  • ZHANG-WONG J, ZIPURSKY RB, BEISER M, BEAN G: Optimal haloperidol dosage in first-episode psychosis. Carr J. Psychiatry (1999) 44(2):164–167.
  • •After studies from Baldessarirti 1988 and McEvoy 1991, the authors focused on the optimal haloperidol dose for a sufficient response in first-episode psychosis showing that higher doses are correlated with a lower response rate compared to low doses (see also refs [39-43,46–49,63,64,711).
  • KAY SR, OPLER LA,LINDENMAYER JP: Reliability and validity of the positive and negative syndrome scale for schizophrenics. Psychiatry Res. (1988) 23(1):99–110.
  • OOSTHUIZEN P, EMSLEY RA, TURNER J, KEYTER N: Determining the optimal dose of haloperidol in first-episode psychosis. j. Psychopharmacol (2001) 15(4):251–255.
  • MERLO MC, HOFER H, GEKLE W et al: Risperidone, 2 mg/d vs 4 mg/d, in first-episode, acutely psychotic patients: treatment efficacy and effects on fine motor functioning. j. CM]. Psychiatry (2002) 63(10):885–891.
  • YAP HL, MAHENDRAN R, LIM D et al.: Risperidone in the treatment of first-episode psychosis. Singapore Med. 1 (2001) 42(4):170–173.
  • MCGORRY PD: Recommended haloperidol and risperidone doses in first-episode psychosis. I OM. Psychiatry (1999) 60(11):794–795.
  • GUTIERREZ FRAILE M, SEGARRA ECHEVARRIA R, GONZALEZ-PINTO ARRILLAGA A, MARTINEZJUN QUERA G: Risperidone in the early treatment of first-episode psychosis: a two-year follow-up study. Actas Esp. Psiquiatr (2002) 30(3):142–152.
  • SANGER TM, LIEBERMAN JA, TOHEN M, GRUNDY S, BEASLEY C Jr, TOLLEFSON GD: Olanzapine versus haloperidol treatment in first-episode psychosis. Am. J. Psychiatry (1999) 156(1):79–87.
  • GOOD KP, KISS I, BUITEMAN C et al.: Improvement in cognitive functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis during treatment with quetiapine: an interim analysis. Br. I Psychiatry (2002) 43(Suppl.):S45–S49.
  • NABER D, LAMBERT M, KRAUSZ M, HAASEN C, PICKAR D: Atypical neuroleptic s in the treatment of schizophrenic patients 2ri edit under special consideration of atypical antipsychotics in kids- and youth psychiatry. UNI-MED publisher (2002).
  • AGUILAR EJ, KESHAVAN MS, MARTINEZ-QUILES MD, HERNANDEZ J,GOMEZ-BENEYTO M,SCHOOLER NR: Predictors of acute dystonia in first-episode psychotic patients. Am. j. Psychiatry (1994) 151(12):1819–1821.
  • LAMBERT M: Treatment non-response in schizophrenia. In: Atypical neuroleptic s in the treatment of schizophrenic patients, 2ri edit, Naber D, Lambert M, Krausz M, Haasen C, Pickar D, UNI-MED (2002):81–100.
  • RICHARDSON MA, HAUGLAND G, CRAIG TJ: Neuroleptic use, parkinsonian symptoms, tardive dyskinesia, and associated factors in child and adolescent psychiatric patients. Am. J. Psychiatry (1991) 148(10):1322–1328.
  • DUKE PJ, PANTELIS C, BARNES TR: South Westminster schizophrenia survey. Alcohol use and its relationship to symptoms, tardive dyskinesia and illness onset. Br. J. Psychiatry (1994) 164(5):630–636.
  • CHOUINARD G, ANNABLE L, ROSS-CHOUINARD A, MERCIER P: A 5-year prospective longitudinal study of tardive dyskinesia: factors predicting appearance of new cases. j. CM]. Psychopharmacol. (1988) 8\(Suppl. 4):21–26.
  • ROBINSON D, WOERNER M, ALVIR J et al.: Predictors of treatment response from a first-episode of schizophrenia of schizoaffective disorder. Am. j. Psychiatry (1999) 156:544–549.
  • •This article examined relapse after response to a first-episode of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder showing thatthere is a high rate of relapse within 5 years of recovery from a first-episode and that this risk is diminished by maintenance antipsychotic drug treatment (see also refs [26,271).
  • FENTON WS, BLYLER C, HEINSSEN R: Determinants of medication compliance in schizophrenia: empirical and clinical findings. Schizophr. Bull. (1997) 23:637–651.
  • •Compliance is a very important issue in psychotic patients. Determinants, influences of non-compliance on the course of illness and guidelines for dealing with this problem are reviewed in this article (see also refs [61,761).
  • KAMPMAN 0, LAIPPALA P, VAANANEN J et al.: Indicators of medication compliance in first-episode psychosis. Psychiatry Res. (2002) 110 (1):39–48.
  • MCEVOY JP, SCHEIFLER PL, FRANCES A: The expert consensus guideline series: treatment of schizophrenia.OM. Psychiatry (1999) 60\(Suppl. 10:3–80.
  • KAPUR S, ZIPURSKY R, JONES C, REMINGTON G, HOULE S: Relationship between dopamine D2 occupancy, clinical response, and side effects: a double-blind PET study of first-episode schizophrenia. Am. I Psychiatry (2000) 157(4):514–520.
  • KAPUR S, ZIPURSKY R, ROY P et al: The relationship between D2 receptor occupancy and plasma levels on low dose oral haloperidol: a PET study. Psychopharmacology (1997) 131(2):148–152.
  • JANICAK PG, KECK PE Jr, DAVIS JM et al.: A double-blind, randomized, prospective evaluation of the efficacy and safety of risperidone versus haloperidol in the treatment of schizoaffective disorder. Psychopharmacol. (2001) 21(4):360–368.
  • STONE CK, GARVER DL, GRIFFITH J et al.: Further evidence of s dose response threshold for haloperidol in psychosis. Am. j. Psychiatry (1995) 152:1210–1212.
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  • EMSLEY RA: Risperidone in the treatment of first-episode psychotic patients: a double-blind multicenter study. Risperidone Working Group. Schizophr. Bull. (1999) 25(4)721–729.
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  • KONTAXAKIS VP, HAVAKI-KONTAXAKI BJ, STAMOULI SS, CHRISTODOULOU GN: Optimal risperidone dose in drug-naive, first-episode schizophrenia. Am. J. Psychiatry (2000) 157(7):1178–1179.
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  • GLICK RL, GHAEMI SN: The emergency treatment of depression complicated by psychosis or agitation. J. Clin. Psychiatry (2000) 61\(Supp1.14):43–48.
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  • MCELROY SL, KECK PE Jr,STRAKOWSKI SM: An overview of the treatment of schizoaffective disorder. ?Clin. Psychiatry (1999) 60\(Suppl. 5):16–21.
  • MCELROY SL, KECK PE Jr:Pharmacologic agents for the treatment of acute bipolar mania. Bid. Psychiatry (2000) 48(6):539–557.
  • •Pharmacological treatment ofschizoaffective disorder has not been well studied. The authors review studies of pharmacological agents, present pharmacological treatment guidelines for the disorder (see also refs [88, 89, 96, 102]).
  • CONUS P, MCGORRY PD: First-episodemania: a neglected priority for early intervention. Aust. NZ J. Psychiatry (2002) 36:158–172.
  • •This article gives an excellent overview on first-episode mania showing that when functional, as well as symptomatic variables are considered, outcome of these patients is not as good as formerly believed and that specialised services, as well as intensive research, is needed to improve outcome of these patients.
  • OKUMA T, YAMASHITA I,TAKAHASHI R et al: Clinical efficacy of carbamazepine in affective, schizoaffective, and schizophrenic disorders. Pharmacupsychiatry (1989) 22(2):47–53.
  • Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with major depressive disorder (revision). American Psychiatric Association. Am. J. Psychiatry (2000) 157(4):1–45.
  • •Gives an important overview of the treatment of patients with depressivedisorder (see also refs [104, 105, 107–109,111,114]).
  • Practice guideline for the treatment ofpatients with bipolar disorder (revision). American Psychiatric Association. Am. J. Psychiatry (2002) 159(4):4–50.
  • •Gives an important overview of the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder (see also refs [81, 83, 89-91,93-95,97-99,102,1061).
  • KECK PE Jr, MCELROY SL, STRAKOWSKI SM: Schizoaffective disorder: role of atypical antipsychotics. Schizophr. Res. (1999) 35:S5–S12.
  • MILLER DS, LAKSHMI NY, LAM RW: Comparative efficacy of typical and atypical antipsychotics as add-on therapy to mood-stabilizers in the treatment of acute mania. Clin. Psychiatry (2001) 62:975–980.
  • STRAKOWSKI SM, DELBELLO MP, ADLER CM: Comparative efficacy and tolerability of drug treatments for bipolar disorder. CNS Drugs (2001) 15(9):701–718.
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  • SANGER TM, GRUNDY SL, GIBSON PJ, NAMJOSHI MA, GREANEY MG, TOHEN MF: Long-term olanzapine therapy in the treatment of bipolar I disorder: an open-label continuation phase study. Clin. Psychiatry (2001) 62(4):273–281.
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  • FRYE MA, KETTER TA, KIMBRELL TA etal.: A placebo-controlled study of lamotrigine and gabapentin monotherapy in refractory mood disorders.Chi]. Psychopharmacol. (2000) 22:241–247.
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  • •Provides an overview and treatment guidelines of psychiatric emergencies. These recommendations are important, especially to offer appropriate interventions to prevent traumatic experiences for patients and caregivers.
  • BREIER A, MEEHAN K, BIRKETT M et al.: A double-blind, placebo-controlled dose-response comparison of intramuscular olanzapine and haloperidol in the treatment of acute agitation in schizophrenia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (2002) 59(5):441–448.
  • •This study assessed efficacy and tolerability of intramuscular formulation of olanzapine for treating acute agitation in patients with schizophrenia. This study has shown that intramuscular olanzapine 2.5-10.0 mg per injection exhibits a dose-response relationship and demonstrates a favourable safety profile compared to haloperidol (see also references 1122-120.
  • JONES B, TAYLOR CC, MEEHAN K: The efficacy of a rapid-acting intramuscular formulation of olanzapine for positive symptoms. I Chi]. Psychiatry (2001) 62\(Suppl. 2):22–24.
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