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High-accuracy quadrature methods for solving boundary integral equations of steady-state anisotropic heat conduction problems with Dirichlet conditions

Pages 1097-1121 | Received 09 Oct 2012, Accepted 18 Jul 2013, Published online: 09 Sep 2013


This paper presents the mechanical quadrature methods (MQMs) for solving the boundary integral equations of steady-state anisotropic heat conduction equation on the smooth domains and polygons, respectively. The costless and high-accurate Sidi–Israeli quadrature formula are applied to deal with the integrals in which the kernels have a logarithmic singularity. Especially, the Sidi transformation is used for the polygon cases in order to obtain a rapid convergence by degrading the singularity at the corners on the boundary. The convergence and stability of the MQMs solution are proved based on Anselone's collective compact theory. In addition, asymptotic error expansion of the MQMs shows that the approximation order is of O(h3), where h is the partition size of the boundary. Finally, numerical examples are tested and results verify the theoretical analysis.

2000 AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Materials in which the thermal conductivity varies in different directions are called anisotropic materials. For example, crystals, wood, sedimentary rocks, metals that have undergone heavy cold pressing, fibre reinforced structures, and many others are anisotropic materials. Therefore, the study of heat conduction in anisotropic materials has numerous important applications in various branches of science and engineering Citation20,Citation21,Citation25.

Consider the direct, well-posed interior Dirichlet problem, which consists of the solution of the steady-state heat conduction equation subject to the specification of the temperature over the whole boundary, i.e. the problem to be solved is

where Ω⊂ℝ2 is a simply connected region with the boundary Γ, and Γ represents a closed smooth curve or closed curved polygons. Here, the φ(x) represents the temperature, and f(x) is a prescribed function. We assume that heat generation is absent and the physical and thermal properties of the medium are constant, then the thermal conductivity coefficients κij are independent of both the space and time variables. In particular, the conductivity coefficients obey the thermodynamic principles and Onsagar's reciprocity relation Citation25

Obviously, the solution to problems governed by EquationEquation (1) is a complicated process. In the case of orthotropy, where the cross-derivative term is absent, the analysis can be considerably simplified. Hence, a conventional way to numerically treat the fully anisotropic problem is transform EquationEquation (1) into the ‘orthotropic’ form: after the rotation of the original Cartesian axes to the principal axes, 1 and 2, the cross-derivative term disappears. Thus, EquationEquation (1) takes the form of

Such an approach has been used in the finite-element method Citation24Citation34, the finite-difference method Citation19, and the boundary element method (BEM) Citation6. The procedure to reduce EquationEquation (2) into the canonical form of the well-known Laplace's equation by scaling the principal coordinates has also been discussed in Citation6. With this approach, the analysis is carried out on the distorted domain in the rotated, scaled coordinate system of the principal axes. However, these transformations deform and rotate the domain, which makes the boundary conditions in general, more complicated than the original ones Citation25Citation33. Therefore rather than adopt changing the spatial co-ordinates a concise and direct approach is to use the fundamental solution for the differential operator of the anisotropic heat conduction in its original form, see Mere et al. Citation21 and Chang et al. Citation7.

In this paper, we directly apply the fundamental solution of EquationEquation (1) to solve the two-dimensional anisotropic field problems without domain deformation and rotation. As we all known, the indirect BEMs can be used to construct the solution for the two-dimensional Dirichlet problem Equation(1): the unknown function φ can be represented as a single-layer potential of the form

ν is a unit outward normal at a point x∈Γ, cos(ν, xi) are the direction cosines of the normal vector ν to the boundary Γ, and φ*(y, x) is the fundamental solution of EquationEquation (1), namely,
where κij is the inverse matrix of κij and |κij| is the determinant of κij, i.e.
The reformulated problem then becomes the first kind boundary integral equation (BIE) with a logarithmic kernel as follows (see Sloan and Spence Citation29):
where f(y) is the known value on the boundary Γ, and the function v(x) is an unknown to be sought. EquationEquation (4) is the weakly singular BIE system of the first kind, whose solution exists and is unique as long as CΓ≠1 Citation32, where CΓ is the logarithmic capacity (i.e. the transfinite diameter). As soon as v(x) is solved from Equation(4), the solution φ(y) (y∈Ω) can be calculated by Equation(3).

The kernels of Equation(4) have singularities at the points x=y, which degrade the rate of convergence. For applications in BEM, some classical numerical methods can be used to overcome this difficulty, such as the Galerkin boundary method (GM) in Stephan and Wendland Citation30, Sloan and Spence Citation29, the quadrature method in Saranen Citation22Citation23, and the collocation method (CM) in Costabel et al. Citation9. However, these methods do not provide a good accuracy in the solution near the singular points. For example, the accuracy of Galerkin methods Citation29 is only O (hτ) (0<τ<2) and the accuracy of collocation methods Citation31 is even lower.

In this article, the mechanical quadrature methods (MQMs) are proposed to calculate weakly singular integrals by Sidi–Israeli quadrature formula Citation28. The associated convergence and stability analysis are given, which show that the quadrature formula in the MQMs are simpler than the analytical formula in Citation25, and the MQMs possess the optimal condition number and retain the optimal convergence rate.

This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the convergence and error bound analysis are carried out based on the theory of collectively compact operators Citation1Citation2 for closed smooth boundaries and closed curved polygons, respectively. The error and stability analysis are given in Section 3. Numerical examples are provided to verify the theoretical results in Section 4, and some useful conclusions are made in Section 5.

2. Mechanical quadrature methods

2.1 Closed smooth curve Γ

Assume that CΓ≠1 and Γ be parameterized by x(t)=(x1(t), x2(t)):[0, 2π]→Γ, with , where μ̄ and μ are two constants. Let [0, 2π] consist of periodic functions with period 2π, which has derivatives up to 2ℓ, i.e. v[0, 2π]={v(t)|v(μ)(t)∈C[0, 2π], v(μ)(t+2π)=v(μ)(t), μ=0, 1, …, 2ℓ}.

Define the integral operator

where w(t)=v(x(τ))| x′(τ) |.

The integral operator Kw can be split into a singularity part and a compact perturbation part as follows

where Z={0,±1,±2, …}. With the definitions of the operators mentioned above, EquationEquation (4) may be rewritten
where =|κij|−1/2f.

For the logarithmically singular operator A, the associated integral is needed to be evaluated by means of Cauchy Principal Value. High accuracy for numerical computation of finite-range integrals with weakly singular kernels can be achieved by Sidi–Israeli quadrature formula. Now, we describe the Sidi–Israeli quadrature formula for weakly singular integrals. Let

Assume that the functions H1(t, τ) and H2(t, τ) are 2ℓ times differentiable on [0, 2π]. Assume also that the functions H(t, τ) are periodic with period T=2π, and that they are 2ℓ times differentiable on . If a(t, τ)=H1(t, τ)ln |t−τ|+H2(t, τ), then
where ζ(z) is a Riemann function and .

Let τj=jh (j=0, 1, …, n). From the representation of a(t, τ), we know H1(t, τ)=−1/2π and H2(t, τ)=1/4π. Thus, we can construct the Fredholm approximation of A,

which has the following error bounds:

For the integral operators B with periodic kernels, we can construct the Nyström approximation by the trapezoidal rule Citation12. The Nyström approximate operator Bh of B can be defined as:

and the error is
Thus, we obtain the discrete approximation of EquationEquation (8)
where wh=(w(t0), w(t2), …, w(tn))T, , , and h=|κij|−1/2(f(t0), …, f(tn))T with f(ti)=f(x(ti)). Obviously, EquationEquation (12) is a linear equation system with n unknowns. Once wh is solved from EquationEquation (12), the solution of EquationEquation (3) φ(y) (y∈Ω) can be computed by

From EquationEquation (9), we have

By Citation11–15, we know that Ah is a symmetric circulant matrix and the eigenvalues λi of Ah are positive, and 1/4nπ≤λic (i=0, …, n), where c is a constant independent of h. Hence, Ah is invertible and |(Ah)−1|=O (n), where |·| denotes the spectral norm.

In order to prove the existence and convergence of numerical approximations, we first introduce two special operators. Let Vh=span{ej(t), j=0, 1, …, n}⊂C[0, 2π) be a piecewise linear function subspace with nodes , where ej(t) is the basis function satisfying ej(ti)=δji. Define a prolongation operator satisfying , and a restricted operator satisfying .

Lemma 2.1

The operator sequence {Ih(Ah)−1RhAh:C3[0, 2π)→C[0, 2π)} is uniformly bounded and convergent to the embedding operator I.


Let ω∈C3[0, 1] and ωh be solutions of auxiliary equations Aω=η and Ahωh=Rhη, respectively, where η∈C4[0, 1]. By using Sidi–Israeli quadrature formula, we have


Let eh−ω, we have
Because |(Ah)−1|=O (n), we have e=(Ah)−1ϵ with ||e||=O (h2), and
By IhRhI as h→0 in , where is a linear bound operator space, the proof of Lemma 2.1 is completed.   ▪

Now we give two concepts, which can be seen in Citation3Citation4. Let denote the closed unit ball in X. Then is collectively compact if and only if the set has compact closure in Y. Define collectively compact convergence :

where denotes the pointwise convergence.

Lemma 2.2

Let the integral operator and A−1 exist, and let the integral operator Cr+1[0, 2π)) with the kernel b(t, τ) of B satisfy A−1b(., τ)=(t, τ), where is a linear bound operator space. Also assume that b̄(t, τ) and (∂/∂ t)(t, τ) are continuous on [0, 2π)2. Let τj=(j−1)h (j=1, …, n) be nodes. Then the Nyström approximation of B̄,

is collectively compact convergent to B̄, i.e.
where denotes the collectively compact convergence.


From EquationEquation (15), we have

Since b(t, τ) is continuous on [0, 2π)2, we have Citation1
Based on the continuity of (∂/∂ t)(t, τ), EquationEquation (16) holds.   ▪

Corollary 2.3

For an integral operator B with a periodic smooth kernel b(t, τ), defining the Nyström approximation

and assume that Equation Equation(4) is uniquely solvable. we have
and Eh+Ih(Ah)−1RhBh is invertible, and the inverse operator is uniformly bounded.


Because the kernel b(t, τ) of the operator B and its derivatives of higher order are continuous Citation5, and we have

By Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2, there exists a constant M such that
where is the norm of the linear bounded operator space . Applying the results of Citation1Citation8Citation18, the operator sequence {(Ah)−1Bh: C[0, 2π), C3[0, 2π)} must be collectively compactly convergent to (Ah)−1B. Hence, the proof of Corollary 2.3 is completed.   ▪

Replacing (Ah)−1, Ah, and Bh by (Âh)−1=Ih(Ah)−1Rh, Âh=Ih(Ah)Rh and h=IhBhRh, respectively. Consider the operator equation

with ˆh=(Âh)−1h. Obviously, if ŵh=Ihwh is a solution of EquationEquation (18), then Rhŵh must be a solution of
Conversely, if wh is a solution of EquationEquation (19), then ŵh must be a solution of EquationEquation (18). The following theorem shows that there exists a unique solution ŵh in EquationEquation (18) such that converges to w in EquationEquation (8).

Theorem 2.4

The operator sequence {(Âh)−1h} is collectively compact convergent to A−1B in C[0, 2π), i.e.


Let {χh}hH be a bounded sequence, where χh={xh}, and hj→0 as j→∞. Consider the convergence of

Using the results of Lemma 2.2 and Corollary 2.3, and by
we have
By , we obtain
On the basis of collectively compact theory Citation1, we can find an infinite subsequence in {(Âh)−1hxh} which converges as h→0. This shows that {(Âh)−1h} is a collectively compact sequence, and (Âh)−1h is pointwisely converge to A−1B. The proof of Theorem 2.4 is completed.   ▪

2.2 Closed curved polygons Γ

Let be the boundary of a polygonal domain Ω in ℝ2 with CΓ≠1, ΓmC2ℓ+1(m=1, …, d, ℓ∈N), and let . Define the boundary integral operators on Γm,

Then EquationEquation (4) can be converted into a matrix operator equation

where and F=(f1(y), …, fd(y))T. Assume that Γm can be described by the parameter mapping: xm(s)=(xm1(s), xm2(s)):[0, 1]→Γm with . In order to degrade the singularities at corners, we apply the Sidi transformation to the parameter mapping, which is defined by

Sidi transformation in using the trapezoidal rule to evaluate was proposed in Citation26, where h(x) is not necessarily continuous or differentiable at x=0 and x=1, and h(x) may even behave singularity at the endpoints with different types of singularities. Let the variable transformation ψγ(t) have the property that

Also assume that for some q≥1, the variable transformation ψγ(t)∼α tq as t→0+ [hence ψ(t)∼ 1−α(1−t)q as t→1− as well]. In Citation27, Sidi pointed out that ψ(t)∼α tq as $t\rightarrow 0$ implies that, when q is large, ψγ(ih) (h=1/n, i=1, …, n−1) in the original variable of integration s, are clustered in two very small regions, one to the right of t=0 and the other to the left of t=1, many of them being very close to 0 and to 1. The amount of this clustering is determined by the size of q, the larger q, the larger the density of the ψγ(ih) near t=0 and t=1. So Sidi transformation plays a role in refining the local mesh near the singular points s=0 and s=1. In addition, Sidi transformation has also been introduced as an example of ‘integral’ sigmoidal transformations in Citation10. It is well known that the truncation error is given by the Euler–Maclaurin expansion which involves a knowledge of the integrand and its derivatives at the end-points 0 and 1. A suitably choice for γ in EquationEquation (23) will make some derivatives in the Euler–Maclaurin expansion to be zero thereby improving the rate of convergence of the quadrature sum to the integral.

Now we give the following decomposition of Klm, namely,

Then EquationEquation (22) becomes

The operator All is defined on the circular contour with radius e−1/2. From Citation32Citation29, we have

where Z*=Z\ {0}, Z is the set of all integers, and σˆll(t) is the Fourier transform of σll(t)∈C (i.e. the r order derivative of σll is continuous and 2π-periodic for all r≥0). As is easily shown, |Allσll|r+1=|σll|r, for all σllHr, where |σll|r on C is the norm of the usual space Hr. Hence, All is an isometry from Hr to Hr+1, and A is also an isometry operator from (Hr[0, 1])d to (Hr+1[0, 1])d. Then EquationEquation (26) is equivalent to
where E is the identity operator. From Citation26, we know that on the open interval (0, 1) with ψγ(0)=0 and ψγEquation(1)=1. Hence, the solution of EquationEquation (27) is equivalent to the solution of EquationEquation (22).

Let P1, …, Pd denote the corner points of the boundary Γ. Define a function χm∈[−1, 1]

where θm is the interior angle of the middle corner Pm.

Since the boundary Γ is closed polygon, the solution singularity for EquationEquation (26) occurs at the corner points P1, …, Pd of the boundary Γ Citation5Citation29Citation32. The solution wm(x)=∂ φm(x)/∂ ν−∂ φm(x)/∂ ν+ has a singularity when s=sm, where βm=−|χm|/(1+|χm|), βm∈[−½, 0) and sm denotes the arc parameter at Pm.

Lemma 2.5 Citation17

  •  (1) Suppose that the function where βm∈[−½, 0) and hm(s)∈C[0, 1 with hm(0)≠0. Then the function wm(t) can be expressed by

    where c1 and c2 are two constants independent of t.

  •  (2) Suppose that the function where βm∈[−½, 0) andm(s)∈C[0, 1] withmEquation(1)≠0. Then the function wm(t) can be expressed by

    where c3 and c4 are two constants independent of t.



By Lemma 2.5 and βm≥−½, we can obtain (γ+1)(βm+1)−1≥0 for γ≥1. Hence, we have the following remark.

Remark 1 Although vm(s) has singularities at endpoints s=0 and s=1, wm(t) has no singularity by Sidi transformation at t=0 and t=1.

Bellow we study singularity for the kernels blm(t, τ) (l, m=1, …, d). Obviously, if Γl∩Γm=∅, blm(t, τ) are continuous in [0, 1]2, and if Γl∩Γm≠∅, blm(t, τ) have singularities at the points (t, τ)=(0, 1) and (t, τ)=(1, 0). For convenience of analysis, we only discuss the case in which (t, τ)=(1, 0). Defining the following function

Lemma 2.6

Letlm(t, τ) be defined by Equation Equation(32), thenlm(t, τ) and (∂klm(t, τ)/∂ τk) (k=1, 2) are smooth on [0, 1]2.


By using the continuity of ll(t, τ) and the boundness of sin γt), we can immediately complete the proof for the case l=m. Let Γl−1∩Γl=Pl=(0, 0) and θl∈(0, 2π) is the corresponding interior angle. Then we have

which shows the kernel bl−1, l(t, τ) has a logarithmic singularity at (t, τ)=(1, 0). Suppose that al−1(t)=|xl−1(t)| and a1(τ)=|yl(τ)|. Then we can obtain
This shows that I2(t, τ) and its second derivative are bounded. Noting that
we have
Let (t, τ)∈[ϵ/2, ϵ]×[1−ϵ, 1−ϵ/2] for all ϵ>0, we have
so I1(t, τ) is also bounded. In addition, we have
Similarly, from EquationEquation (33) we also have
This shows (∂jlm(t, τ)/∂ τj) (j=0, 1, 2) are also continuous in (C2[0, 1])2. The proof of Lemma 2.6 is completed.   ▪

Remark 2 The kernel blm of Blm(t, τ) has singularities at corners (t, τ)=(0, 1) and (t, τ)=(1, 0), but sinγt)blm(t, τ) has no singularities.

Let hm=(1/nm) (nmN, m=1, …, d) and tmjmj=(j−1/2)hm (j=1, …, nm) be the step sizes and boundary nodes, respectively. The trapezoidal rule approximation for the boundary integral operator Blm is

which has the error bounds Citation12Citation26
In addition, by using Sidi–Israeli quadrature formula, the approximate operator of the weakly singular operators All can be constructed by
which has the errors asymptotic expansion Citation28
where cμ=−(2/π)(ζ′(−2μ)/(2μ)!)[wl(t)](2μ) and ζ′(t) is the derivative of the Riemann zeta function.

Letting t=tli (l=1, …, d, i=1, …, nl), we have the discrete equations of Equation(26)


EquationEquation (38) has n () unknowns. Once Wh is solved from EquationEquation (38), the solution φ(y) (y∈Ω) can be calculated by

From EquationEquations (37) and Equation(39), we can obtain the circulate matrix

For the properties of , we have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.7 Citation15Citation17


  • Equation(1) Let λlk (k=1, …, nl; l=1, …, d) be the eigenvalues of . Then there holds

    where c1 and c2 are two positive constants.

  •  (2) and Ah are invertible, and the following holds

    where hmin=min 1≤ldhl and ‖·‖ denotes the spectral norm.

Let C0[0, 1]={g(t)∈C[0, 1]:g(t)/sin γt)∈C[0, 1]} denote the subspace of the space C[0, 1] with the associated norm ||g||*=max 0≤t≤1|g(t)/sin γt)|, and also let span{Nmj(t), j=1, …, nm}⊂C0[0, 1] be a piecewise linear function subspace with the basis nodes , where Nmj(t) are the basis functions satisfying Nmj(tmi)=δji. Define a prolongation operator satisfying for all , and a restricted operator satisfying for all gmC0[0, 1].

Lemma 2.8

Suppose that satisfy CΓ≠1. Then there exists a constant M1 independent of hl such that

where ‖·‖0, 2 is the norm of the linear bounded operator space .


From Citation17, the operator sequence is uniformly bounded and convergent to the embedding operator I. Hence, the proof of Lemma 2.8 is completed.   ▪

Lemma 2.9 Citation14

Let the integral operator and exist, and let the integral operator with the kernel lm(t, τ) of Lm satisfy where is a linear bound operator space, and l̄m is the kernel of L̄m. Also assume that l̄m(t, τ) and (∂/∂ t)m(t, τ) are continuous on [0, 1]2. Let τm=(m−½)hl (j=1, …, nm) be nodes. Then the Nyström approximation of L̄j,

is collectively compact convergent to L̄m, i.e.

Corollary 2.10


  • Equation(1) For Γml or Γm∩Γl=∅, let be the Nystr öm's approximation of Blm, and also let blm be the kernel of the integral operator Blm. Then under the transformation Equation(23), there holds

    where M2 is a constant independent of hm.

  •  (2) For Γm∩Γl∈{Pm}, let be the approximation oflm, and also letlm=sinγ(πτ) be the kernel of integral . Then under the transformation Equation(23), there exists a constant M3 independent of hm such that


  • (1) Since |lm|≠1 or d−1, by the definition of Blm we know the kernel blm(t, τ) of the operator Blm and its derivatives of higher order are continuous. By Lemma 2.9, we have

    which implies that the sequence is uniformly bounded. The proof is completed.

  • (2) From Lemma 2.6, we know that lm(t, τ) are continuous on (C2[0, 1])2. Hence, the proof for Equation(2) of Corollary 2.10 is similar to the proof for Equation(1).


Lemma 2.11 Citation17

Under the same conditions of Corollary 2.10, by the trapezoidal or the midpoint rule, we have

where denotes the collectively compact convergence.


Using the results of Lemma 2.8 and Corollary 2.10, we have


Thus, we complete the proof of Lemma 2.11.   ▪

Using and to replace and (m, l=1, …, d), respectively. Define an operator (Âh)−1h: (, where (Âh)−1h=Ih (Ah)−1RhBh, and . Then the associated equation of EquationEquation (38) is

From Citation17, if Ŵh is a solution of EquationEquation (48), RhŴh is also a solution of EquationEquation (38). Reversely, if Wh is a solution of EquationEquation (38), IhWh is also a solution of EquationEquation (48).

Theorem 2.12 Citation13

Assume that there exists a unique solution in Equation Equation(4), and ΓmC2ℓ+1 (m=1, …, d, ℓ∈N). Then the operator sequence {(Âh)−1h} is collectively compact convergent to A−1B in the space V=(C0[0.1])d. That is, the following holds


Let Θ={z:||z||≤1, z∈(C[0, 1])d} be the unit ball in the space V, and

are multi-parameter sequences. Also let as nm→∞. Choosing the sequence {Zh, hH}⊂Θ and
Bellow we will verify that there exists one convergent subsequence in . So we consider the first component of (Âh)−1hZh
If Γ1∩Γm=∅, from EquationEquation (46) we obtain
If Γ1∩Γm≠∅, using EquationEquation (47) and by
we know that must be collectively convergent, we can find an infinite subsequence in which converges as h→0. Hence, there exists an infinite subsequence H1H such that (2.47) converges, As above, there exists an infinite subsequence HdHd−1⊂···⊂H1 such that {(Âh)−1h, hHd} is a convergent sequence in the space V=(C0[0, 1])d. This shows that {(Âh)−1h} is a collectively compact sequence, and (Âh)−1h is pointwisely convergent to A−1B. The proof of Theorem 2.12 is completed.   ▪

3. Errors and stability analysis for MQMs

3.1 Errors analysis for MQMs

In the case of closed smooth boundary Γ, we have the single parameter asymptotic expansions of the solution errors.

Theorem 3.1

If there exists a unique solution in Equation Equation(4), , f̄h are computed by Equations Equation(8) and Equation(12), respectively, xiC6[0, 2π) (i=1, 2) and f(s)∈C5[0, 2π), then there exists a function ϱ∈C5[0, 2π) independent of h such that

Furthermore, we have


By the midpoint trapezoidal rule, the asymptotic expansion holds Citation13Citation14

with ϕ1=−ξ′(−2)′′(t)/π. Using EquationEquations (8), Equation(12), and Equation(18), we can obtain
where ϕ2=−ξ′(−2)w′′(t)/π, and ϕ=ϕ12. From Theorem 2.4, we have

Define the auxiliary equation

and its approximate equation
Substituting EquationEquation (58) into EquationEquation (56) yields
Since (Eh+(Âh)−1Bh)−1 is uniformly bounded, by Theorem 2.4 we have
Replacing ϱh in EquationEquation (60) with ϱ, we obtain EquationEquation (54). In addition, EquationEquation (60) can be written as
Replacing h in EquationEquation (61) with h/2, we get
Hence, we can obtain EquationEquation (55) by EquationEquations (61) and Equation(62). The proof of Theorem 3.1 is completed.   ▪

Similar to Theorem 3.1, we have the following theorem in the case of closed curved polygon Γ.

Theorem 3.2 Citation16

Let the boundary satisfy CΓ≠1 and suppose . Then there exists functions ϱmC0[0, 1] (m=1, …, d) independent of hm (m=1, …, d) such that the following multi-parameter asymptotic expansions hold at nodes, provided ωm(γ+1)>3 (m=1, …, d) for γ≥1,

where hm=1/nm, nmN, m=1, …, d.

Furthermore, we have

3.2 Stability analysis for MQMs

For simplicity, we give the stability of MQMs for smooth boundary and polygon together.

Theorem 3.3 Citation15Citation17

Suppose that satisfy CΓ≠1. When d=1, the boundary Γ (=Γ1) is a smooth and closed curve, and when d>1, the boundary is a closed polygon, and Γm (m=1, …, d) be smooth curves. Suppose that A and B are the discrete matrices defined by Equations Equation(9) and Equation(11), or Equation(38), respectively, where h̄=h when d=1, and h̄=hmin =min 1≤mdhm when d>1. Here, h and hm (=1/nm, m=1, …, d) is the mesh step size of the smooth curve and the curved edge Γm, respectively. Then there exists two positive constants ĉ1 and ĉ2 independent of h̄ such that where λi (i=1, …, nm) are the eigenvalues of discrete matrix K=|κij|1/2(A+B). In addition, the following hold

where Cond is the traditional 2-norm condition number.

The proof of Theorem 3.3 is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.4 in Citation17.

4. Numerical examples

In this section, to verify theoretical results in this paper, we present two numerical examples for the steady-state anisotropic heat conduction problems by MQMs.

Let en=|φ−φn| be the errors by MQMs using n boundary nodes, and let rn=en/en/2 be the error ratio by MQMs, where n=2π/h.

Example 1

Citation21 Let us consider the steady-state heat transfer in an anisotropic material in the plane domain , i.e. the two dimensional disc of radius unity. The thermal conductivity tensor κij are given by κ11=5.0, κ1221=2.0, and κ22=1.0. The analytical solution is .

Let the boundary of be divided into n (=2k, k=4, …, 10) sections. We compute the numerical solution φ of the interior points in the subregion , , where , , N1=20, and N2=100}. The subregion Ω1 is shown in . shows the errors at a series of points along the line x1=x2 when n=29 and n=210, respectively. The associated errors of φ and corresponding isoline plots of the errors in Ω1 are shown in and , respectively.

Figure 1. (a) Computed interior points in Ω1; (b) errors for the points along the line x1=x2.

Figure 1. (a) Computed interior points in Ω1; (b) errors for the points along the line x1=x2.

Figure 2. (a) Errors of temperature by 29 boundary nodes; (b) errors of temperature by 210 boundary nodes.

Figure 2. (a) Errors of temperature by 29 boundary nodes; (b) errors of temperature by 210 boundary nodes.

Figure 3. (a) Isolines of errors of temperature by 29 boundary nodes; (b) isolines of errors of temperature by 210 boundary nodes.

Figure 3. (a) Isolines of errors of temperature by 29 boundary nodes; (b) isolines of errors of temperature by 210 boundary nodes.

The computational errors and error ratio at the interior points (0.1, 0.1), (0.25, 0.25) and (0.5, 0.5) using n (=2k, k=4, …, 10) nodes by MQMs are listed, respectively, in . From the numerical results we can see that log 2rn≈ 3, which means that the convergence rates of φ are O (h3) for MQMs. In the condition number |λmin| and |λmax| of eigenvalues λi (i=1, …, n) for the matrix Kh=|κij|1/2(Ah+Bh) are provided. From , we can see to indicate Equation(65). It verifies the stability of the convergent theory about φ.

Table 1.  The condition number for κ11=5.0, κ12=2.0, κ12=1.0.

Table 2.  The errors of φ at the point (0.1, 0.1).

Table 3.  The errors of φ at the point (0.25, 0.25).

Table 4.  The errors of φ at the point (0.5, 0.5).

Example 2 Let the boundary denote the boundary of the rectangle Ω, where Γ1={(x1, 0): 0≤x1≤1}, Γ2={(1, x2): 0≤x2≤1}, Γ3={(x1, 1):0≤x1≤1}, and Γ4={(0, x2): 0≤x2≤1}. The thermal conductivity tensor is given by κ11=1, κ12=0.5, and κ22=1. The Dirichlet conditions of EquationEquation (1) were prescribed on the boundary defined by , , , and . The analytical solution to this problem is . Let each boundary Γm (m=1, …, 4) be divided into 2k (k=3, …, 7) segments. We compute the numerical solution φ of the interior points using ψ6 transformation in the subregion . From EquationEquation (23), we know ψ6(t)=(60π t−45 sin (2π t)+9 sin (4π t)−sin (6π t))/(60π), where t∈[0, 1]. The ψ6 transformation and Ω2 are shown in , respectively.

Figure 4. (a) ψ6 Transformation; (b) computed interior points in Ω2.

Figure 4. (a) ψ6 Transformation; (b) computed interior points in Ω2.

Let Λk denote (2k, 2k, 2k, 2k), where (2k, 2k, 2k, 2k) (k=4, …, 7) represents the number of boundary nodes on (Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, Γ4). The errors and error ratio of the interior points (0.1, 0.1), (0.2, 0.2) and (0.6, 0.6) using n (=4×2k, k=3, …, 7) nodes by MQMs are listed in , respectively. From the numerical results we can see that log 2rn≈ 3, which means that the convergence rates of φ are O (h3) for MQMs. In the condition number, |λmin|, and |λmax| of eigenvalues λi (i=1, …, n) for the matrix Kh=|κij|1/2(Ah+Bh) are provided. From , we can see , which verifies the stability of the convergent theory about φ.

Table 5.  The condition number for κ11=1.0, κ12=0.5, κ12=1.0.

Table 6.  The errors of φ at the point (0.1, 0.1).

Table 7.  The errors of φ at the point (0.2, 0.2).

Table 8.  The errors of φ at the point (0.6, 0.6).

shows the errors at a series of points approaching the corner point (0, 0) along the line x1=x2. and show the errors of φ in Ω2 when 4×2k (k=4, …, 7) boundary nodes used by MQMs. and show the isolines of the errors of φ in Ω2 using 4×2k (k=4, …, 7) boundary nodes by MQMs.

Figure 5. Errors for the points approaching the singularity (0, 0) along the line x1=x2.

Figure 5. Errors for the points approaching the singularity (0, 0) along the line x1=x2.

Figure 6. (a) Errors of temperature by 4×24 boundary nodes; (b) errors of temperature by 4×25 boundary nodes for Example 2.

Figure 6. (a) Errors of temperature by 4×24 boundary nodes; (b) errors of temperature by 4×25 boundary nodes for Example 2.

Figure 7. (a) Errors of temperature by 4×26 boundary nodes; (b) errors of temperature by 4×27 boundary nodes for Example 2.

Figure 7. (a) Errors of temperature by 4×26 boundary nodes; (b) errors of temperature by 4×27 boundary nodes for Example 2.

Figure 8. (a) Isolines of errors of temperature by 4×24 boundary nodes; (b) isolines of errors of temperature by 4×25 boundary nodes.

Figure 8. (a) Isolines of errors of temperature by 4×24 boundary nodes; (b) isolines of errors of temperature by 4×25 boundary nodes.

Figure 9. (a) Isolines of errors of temperature by 4×26 boundary nodes; (b) isolines of errors of temperature by 4×27 boundary nodes.

Figure 9. (a) Isolines of errors of temperature by 4×26 boundary nodes; (b) isolines of errors of temperature by 4×27 boundary nodes.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, the convergence and stability of MQMs for the first kind integral equations of steady-state anisotropic heat conduction problems are studied. Problems on the 2D domain with smooth boundaries and polygons are considered, respectively. The numerical results show that the rate of error convergence for the prosed MQMs is O (h3), which matches our theoretical analysis. Furthermore, the excellent stability of the MQMs has been presented, which shows the condition number of the discrete system of the weakly singularity problems is of the order O (−1).


The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10871034).


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