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An Alternative GARCH-in-Mean Model: Structure and Estimation

, , &
Pages 1821-1838 | Received 16 Sep 2010, Accepted 14 Jun 2011, Published online: 11 Apr 2013


We study a special case of the GARCH-in-Mean model proposed by Christensen et al. (Citation2012), where a different specification for the conditional variance was adopted as compared to the traditional GARCH-M model. The conditions about geometric ergodicity are discussed and by checking the conditions of Lemma A.1 in Jensen and Rahbek (Citation2004), the asymptotic normality of the quasi maximum likelihood estimators for the model is established. Simulations demonstrate that the estimation procedure performs well and the given empirical studies indicate the considered model can have comparable performance in data modeling as compared to the standard one.

Mathematics Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

GARCH-in-Mean models have been extensively studied since they were proposed by Engle et al. (Citation1987), which can be generally described as

where F m (·) is the conditional mean function and F h (·, ·) is the conditional variance function. Model (Equation1.1) includes many cases of the existing GARCH-in-Mean models by putting and F h (y t−1, h t−1) = ω + α(y t−1 − F m (h t−1))2 + βh t−1. For GARCH-in-Mean models, as well known in the literature, there are two difficult problems to deal with: the first is under what conditions the model is geometrically ergodic and the second is whether its quasi maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE) is asymptotically normal. Fortunately, some recent works shed insights on the solution of the problems. When F h (y t−1, h t−1) = F h (y t−1 − F m (h t−1), h t−1), Meitz and Saikkonen (Citation2008) proposed a principle to study the geometric ergodicity of (Equation1.1) though the article mainly focused on applications to the GARCH and ACD models. By setting , Christensen et al. (Citation2012) listed several conditions in their Assumption A for general specified functions F m (h t ) (except for some unknown parameters) under which the QMLE for (Equation1.1) is asymptotically normal. Christensen et al. (Citation2012) also gave empirical studies to demonstrate the setting of is sensible for analyzing real data. Consequently, for a special case of model (Equation1.1), we can apply the results of Meitz and Saikkonen (Citation2008) and Christensen et al. (Citation2012) to study the ergodicity conditions and the limiting properties of the QMLE.

To be exact, we consider the following model:

where 0 < ω, α, 0 < β <1, e t is independent of y s , s < t, and it has a continuous symmetric density function on R. Denote θ = (δ, ω, α, β)τ as the unknown parameter vector and θ ∈ Θ, where Θ is assumed to have the form Θ: = {θ: δ L  ≤ δ ≤ δ U , 0 < ω L  ≤ ω ≤ ω U , 0 < α L  ≤ α ≤ α U , 0 < β L  ≤ β ≤ β U  < 1}. All through this article, the superscript τ denotes the transpose of a vector or a matrix. Equations (Equation1.2) and (Equation1.3) is a special case of the model in Christensen et al. (Citation2012) by setting the conditional mean function as . If in (Equation1.3) is substituted by , then the model becomes the usual GARCH-M case for which, to the best of our knowledge, few results about the asymptotic theory for the QMLE are available. For simplicity, we focus on the case of (Equation1.3) which enables us to study the ergodicity and the QMLE for the considered model. In fact, such a setting for the conditional variance in (Equation1.3) is not new. Ling (Citation2004, Citation2007) took advantage of such specifications for the conditional variance with a finite order and some novel results are achieved (see Remark 3.2 in Ling, Citation2007). Cline (Citation2007a) also adopted an analogous GARCH process when studying the geometric ergodicity of a class of nonlinear AR-GARCH models.

This article is arranged as follows. In Sec. 2, we discuss the geometric ergodicity and the asymptotic normality of the QMLE for the considered model. Simulations and empirical studies are shown in Sec. 3. We conclude the article in Sec. 4 and the proofs are put in the Appendix.

2. Ergodicity and Estimation

2.1. Geometric Ergodicity

Putting , then we can reformulate (Equation1.2) and (Equation1.3) as

Recall e t is an independent and identically distributed process with mean 0 and variance 1, and e t is independent of (y s , σ s ), s < t. Define z t  = (y t , σ t ), with y t being Y t and σ t being X t , then we can consider (Equation2.1) and (Equation2.2) as special cases of Eqs. (4) and (5) in Meitz and Saikkonen (Citation2008), respectively. According to Proposition 1 in Meitz and Saikkonen (Citation2008), we know that if the process σ t is V σ geometrically ergodic, then z t is V z geometrically ergodic for some function V z . Hence, we just need to study the ergodicity of σ t .

By simple calculations, we have

Hence, σ t can be viewed as a Markov chain of its own and studied in isolation from y t . Following the notations in Cline (Citation2007a), we can rewrite (Equation2.3) as


Obviously, B(x, e) is homogeneous in x and satisfies for some finite , and for some finite . Hence, (Equation2.3) belongs to the framework of (1.2) in Cline (2007a) and we can apply Cline's (2007a) approach to study the ergodicity of σ t . Define a related Markov process as

and put , then we have

To study the geometric ergodicity of σ t , we further define the Lyapounov exponent as

Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.1

For the considered Θ, suppose Assumption 1 in the Appendix holds, then {σ t } generated from (Equation2.3) and from (Equation2.5) are φ-irreducible and aperiodic T chains on (0, + ∞). Furthermore, is equivalently evaluated by γ and geometric ergodicity of {σ t } is implied by a negative value of γ, namely E{log [α(δ +e t )2 + β]} <0.


In terms of Cline (Citation2007a), and Cline and Pu (Citation1999), when {σ t } is φ-irreducible and aperiodic, geometric ergodicity of {σ t } is implied by a negative value of . As mentioned before, (Equation2.3) is a special case of the recursion model (1.2) in Cline (Citation2007a). If we can show the listed conditions A.1–A.4 in Cline (Citation2007a) are satisfied for (Equation2.3), then we know is equivalent to γ. As a result, to prove Theorem 2.1, we just need to verify the mentioned conditions for (Equation2.3). Referring to Sec. 5 in Cline (Citation2007a), under Assumption 1 in the Appendix, we can see the conditions A.1, A.2, and A.4 in Cline (Citation2007a) are trivially satisfied for the case of (Equation2.3). Next, we are to show {σ t } and are φ-irreducible and aperiodic T chains on (0, + ∞), which implies A.3 in Cline (Citation2007a) holds. We just consider the case of and the conclusions for {σ t } can be acquired analogously.

Recall and We have . Suppose the continuous density function for e t is f(e) and we define the control set

Under Assumption 1 in the Appendix, we know O e  = R. Let {u t } ⊂ O e be a deterministic control sequence corresponded to {e t }. Put u t  = − δ +c for t = 1,…, k, where c is a small positive constant such that α U c 2 + β U  < 1 and k satisfies that (note αc 2 + β <1) for some initial positive value σ0. Then we have , which is nonzero for any positive initial value σ0. Applying Proposition 7.1.2 in Meyn and Tweedie (Citation1993), we know that is a T-chain.

Define the control sequence as and we know . Set then we can get . For t ≥ k + 2, put and then we can get for t ≥ k + 2, which means σ c  = 1 is a globally attracting state for . In terms of Proposition 7.2.5 and Theorem 7.2.6 in Meyn and Tweedie (Citation1993), we know is ψ-irreducible. The above convergence property also shows that any circle must contain the state {σ c }. From Proposition 7.3.4 in Meyn and Tweedie (Citation1993), aperiodicity follows.

Remark 2.1

In practice, as in Cline (Citation2007b), we can evaluate γ by simulation approach after the parameters are estimated or find the ergodic range for a certain parameter when others are fixed. When α(δ2 + 1) + β <1, by Jensen's inequality, we immediately have γ <0.

2.2. Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Recall θ = (δ, ω, α, β)τ and θ ∈ Θ, which is a bounded parameter space for model (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3). Suppose that the true parameter θ0 = (δ0, ω0, α0, β0)τ is an interior point of the considered parameter space Θ. We need to estimate θ based on the observations and initial values y 0, y −1, y −2,…. Following the convention in the literature, we consider the quasi conditional log-likelihood function (apart from a constant term)

where . For convenience of notations, we put
then the following theorem holds under Assumptions 1–2 in the Appendix.

Theorem 2.2

For model (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) and the considered quasi log-likelihood function L T (θ) given by (Equation2.8), suppose Assumptions 1–2 in the Appendix hold. Then there exists a fixed open neighborhood U0) ⊂ Θ such that with probability one, as T → ∞, L T (θ) has an unique minimum point in U. Furthermore, where

Remark 2.2

The proof of Theorem 2.2 is based on verifying the conditions of Lemma A.1 in Jensen and Rahbek (Citation2004), which are analogous to the ones listed in A3 of Christensen et al. (Citation2012). It can be shown that is not required to guarantee the validity of the theorem and such a result is consistent with Ling (Citation2007). In practice, initial value h 0 is needed to calculate L T (θ), h t , H t and the matrices Ω I , Ω S can be approximated by the relevant sample means after the parameters have been estimated.

3. Simulations and Empirical Studies

3.1. Simulations

This section examines the performance of the (Q)MLE through the Monte Carlo experiments. We study the medians and standard deviations (SD) of the estimates. The series y t is generated through model (1.2–1.3). Noting θ = (δ, ω, α, β)τ, the following five cases are considered:

Here, e t  ∼ i.i.dt(k) means e t is the innovation series that follows the distribution t(k) independently. The sample sizes are T = 300, 600, 900, respectively, and 1,000 replications are conducted. To run the estimation, we set the initial value for the conditional variance h 0 = var(y t ), θ = (δ, ω, α, β)τ ∈ [−10, 10] × [0.0001, 10] × [0.0001, 0.99] × [0.0001, 0.99].

Table 1 Medians and SDs of (Q)MLEs for model (1.2)–(1.3)

The results are summarized in Table , from which, we know the medians are close to the true values and the standard deviations are relatively small in most cases. Moreover, larger sample sizes witness a convergence trend (smaller SDs) for each case. The simulation results indicate the (Q)MLE performs well in the finite samples.

3.2. Empirical Studies

In this section, model (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) is applied to study some real data sets. We analyze the excess return data on the CRSP value weighted index, which includes the NYSE, the AMEX and NASDAQ. Such data can be regarded as a reasonable proxy for the stock market and it was also studied by Conrad and Mammen (Citation2008) in a different way. The riskless rate used to compute the excess returns is one-month Treasury bill rate (from Ibbotson Associates).

First, we study the monthly data whose range is from July 1926 to February 2009 (totally 992 observations). Take to be the considered excess return series and then we use (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) to fit the data. By minimizing (Equation2.8), we can get the estimates

The values in parentheses are the corresponding standard deviations calculated based on Theorem 2.2. Simple calculation gives α(δ2 + 1) + β = 0.9851 <1 for (Equation3.1). As mentioned in Remark 2.1, this implies the estimates satisfy the geometric ergodicity conditions. The Ljung-Box statistics of the standardized residuals give Q(3) = 5.8743(0.118), Q(12) = 17.406(0.135), where the values in the parentheses are the related p-values. The Ljung-Box statistics for the squared standardized residuals show Q(3) = 1.4144(0.702), Q(12) = 6.5556(0.886). For comparison, we also fit the data by the traditional GARCH-M model:

For (Equation3.2), the Ljung-Box statistics of the standardized residuals give Q(3) = 5.4967(0.139), Q(12) = 17.829(0.121). The Ljung-Box statistics for the squared standardized residuals show Q(3) = 1.9389(0.585), Q(12) = 6.2185(0.905). From the computed values of the Ljung-Box statistics, we can see that both (Equation3.1) and (Equation3.2) are adequate at the 5% level.Footnote 1

For (Equation3.1), we compute the RMSE (root mean squared error) and the MAE (mean absolute error) for the in-sample forecasts as 5.4539, 3.8223 and the corresponding ones of (Equation3.2) are 5.4669, 3.8185. Denote as the conditional variances calculated from (Equation3.1) and (Equation3.2), respectively. Correspondingly, we denote as the in-sample forecast values. To give clear comparison, we plot (real line) and (circle) in Fig. , (real line) and (circle) in Fig. . From the RMSEs, MAEs, and plots in the figures, we can see that both conditional variances and forecasts generated form (Equation3.1) and (Equation3.2) are quite similar, although are generally a bit smaller than . The above results mean that (Equation3.1) has comparable fitting effect to that of (Equation3.2) for the considered data, which can be insightful because a different GARCH process is applied.

Figure 1 Plots of (−) and (○). (color figure available online.).

Figure 1 Plots of (−) and (○). (color figure available online.).

Figure 2 Plots of (−) and (○). (color figure available online.).

Figure 2 Plots of (−) and (○). (color figure available online.).

Next, based on (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) and the traditional model, we apply rolling-sample estimation to the weekly data whose range is from May 5, 1963 to February 27, 2009 (totally 2383 observations). Similar to Chou et al. (Citation1992), we choose the weekly data rather than the daily data to avoid the documented anomalies of day-of-the-week effects. Since April 30, 1971, for each quarter, we estimate a value for δ or the “Market Price of the Risk” in Merton (Citation1980) based on both (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) and the traditional model. The previous 400 observations are used to estimate the parameters and totally 165 estimators are acquired. For each estimation we record the corresponding in-sample forecast RMSEs and MAEs. Let be the estimated δ values from (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) and the traditional model, respectively. Accordingly, denote as the respective RMSE and MAE sequences. For comparison, we list the percentiles of the differences between the error sequences in Table and plot (real line), (dashed line) in Fig. .

Figure 3 Plots of (−) and (-). (color figure available online.).

Figure 3 Plots of (−) and (-). (color figure available online.).

Table 2 Percentiles of differences between error sequences

Based on Table , it is found that the differences between the error sequences recorded from the two models are negligible. In terms of Fig. , we can see the trajectory of is analogous to that of though the latter one is a bit higher. Consequently, similar to the results acquired from the monthly data, model (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) has comparable fitting performance to that of the traditional one for the considered data.

4. Conclusions

In this article, we studied a special case of the GARCH-in-Mean model in Christensen et al. (Citation2012). Ergodicity conditions are discussed and by checking the listed conditions in Lemma A.1 of Jensen and Rahbek (Citation2004), we can show the QMLE for the considered model is asymptotically normal. Through the simulations and empirical studies, it is found that the estimation performs well and the model has comparable performance in data modeling as compared to the traditional one. Our results suggest that the model of Christensen et al. (Citation2012) can be useful because it provides an alternative way to study the GARCH-in-Mean effect.


The authors are grateful to the referees for their useful comments, which led to improvements in the presentation of the article. The first two and the fourth authors were supported by research grants from the Research Committee of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The third author's work was partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10971042).


Notes. (1) Number of replications =1, 000; (2) as indicated in Sec. 3.1, different error distributions are used.

The objective of the empirical studies is to compare the performance between the considered model and the traditional one, while it should be noted that Christensen et al. (Citation2012) has shown semiparametric GARCH-in-Mean models may be more practical when analyzing the real data.


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We make the following assumptions for model (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3).

Assumption 1

The i.i.d (0, 1) process {e t } satisfies , and has a continuous symmetric probability density function which is positive everywhere.

Assumption 2

The series {y t , h t } generated from model (Equation1.2)–(Equation1.3) are strictly stationary and geometrically ergodic for the considered parameter space Θ.

Lemma A.1 (Lemma 1 of Jensen and Rahbek, Citation2004)

Denote L T (ψ) as a function of the observations y 1,…, y T and the parameter ψ ∈ Ψ ⊆ R k . Suppose ψ0 is an interior point of Ψ. Assume L T (.): R k  → R is three times continuously differentiable in ψ and that:

(A1) as ;

(A2) as ;

(A3) max  i, j, k=1,…, p+2sup ψ∈N0)|∂3 L T (ψ)/∂ψ i ∂ψ j ∂ψ k | ≤c T .

Here, N0) is a neighborhood of ψ0 and . Then there exists a fixed open neighborhood U0) ⊆ N0) such that:

(B1) as T → ∞, with probability one that there exists a minimum point of L T (ψ) in U0) and L T (ψ) is convex in U0). Moreover, is unique and solves ;

(B2) As .

Before giving proof for Theorem 2.2, we need to state some expressions and several lemmas. Let symbol variables s 1, s 2, s 3 take values from symbol set {i, j, k}. In terms of (Equation2.8), it is not difficult to get the derivatives of the quasi likelihood function with respect to θ:

and , where

Note that ; then we have

Simple recursion gives

and hence


then we have the following lemma.

Lemma A.2

Let h t (θ), h t (β) be given as in (Equation5.9) and (Equation5.11). Note that h t 0) = h t 0) = h t , then we have and for any t, s

where and


Note that

and hence
namely the first equality holds. The second equality can be gotten analogously. It is known

Similarly, we can get , which together with (Equation5.12) implies the last two inequalities hold.

Lemma A.3

Define the processes

for m = 1,…, 4 (where ), then for each p ≥ 1 there exist β L and β U defined in Θ such that
where κ3 = (1 − β U )/(2 − β0 − β U ).


The above results can be gotten by using similar argument to that of Lemma 3 in Jensen and Rahbek (Citation2004).

By (Equation5.10), it is not difficult to get

and that
with κ1 being given in Lemma A.2. In fact we can easily get the above (5.15–5.17) by the following simple but useful equalities: Let {Z k , − ∞ ≤k ≤ t} be a sequence, then we have

Lemma A.4

With 0 < β L  ≤ β, β0 ≤ β U  < 1,

where κ4 = (2 − β0 − β L )/(1 − β0) and κ3 is given in Lemma A.3.


When β0 ≤ β, we know In terms of (Equation5.11), we have

When β ≤ β0, we know Similar to (Equation5.22), we have

which implies h t /h t (β) ≥ κ3 and hence it can be gotten

Further, in terms of Lemma A.2 and (Equation5.24), we have

which ends the proof of the first inequality. For other three inequalities, in conjunction with (Equation5.19)–(Equation5.21), they can be shown by analogous argument and hence we only give the detail for the last one. By definition,

When β ≤ β0, the inequality holds by (Equation5.24). Next, for β0 ≤ β, Lemma A.2 gives

The second equality can be explained by (Equation5.21). Provided β0 ≤ β, (Equation5.22) gives

and hence the last inequality follows.

Proof of Theorem 2.2

According to Lemma A.1, we just need to show the conditions A1–A3 hold. We consider condition A1 first. Recall . From (Equation5.1)–(Equation5.2), we know

Consider any non zero vector c = (c 1, c 2, c 3, c 4)τ, then we have

Let ℱ t−1: = σ(e t−1,…, e 1, y 0, y −1,…) be the information set up to time t − 1, then we know {W t } is a martingale difference with respect to ℱ t−1 and . Under Assumptions 1–2, it is not difficult to get

Consequently, we have


Furthermore, given any δ > 0, we have

The above limit can be explained by the fact: . By the martingale central limit theorem, see, for example, Theorem 35.12 in Billingsley (Citation1995) we deduce that , which means

Applying the double expectation formula we can get

which means condition A2 in Lemma A.1 holds.

For condition A3 of Lemma A.1, we just show sup θ∈Θ|∂3 L T (θ)/∂β3| is controlled by a positive ergodic sequence that has desired moments. Other cases can be easily proved by noting the fact: ∂ i h t (θ)/∂δ i  = 0, ∂ j h t (θ)/∂ω j = ∂ j h t (θ)/∂α j  = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3, j = 2, 3, and

which can be derived from (Equation5.10). Based on (Equation5.6)–(Equation5.8), we have

Then according to (Equation5.3)–(Equation5.5), it can be calculated that

We also have

Based on Lemma A.2 and Lemma A.4, it can be seen that

Note , in terms of Lemma A.2 and (Equation5.30)–(Equation5.33), then there exists a constant K such that

where and

From Lemma A.3, Lemma A.4, and (Equation5.35), we know w t (β) in (Equation5.36) is bounded by some ergodic w t that has desired moments. Hence, we have shown A3 in Lemma A.1 holds for the case of ∂3 L t (θ)/∂β3. Other situations can be proved by similar argument, which ends the proof of Theorem 2.2.

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