Pain in People with HIV

Created 17 Oct 2022| Updated 28 Mar 2023 | 11 articles

On behalf of the HIV Global Pain Task Force I am delighted to introduce this article collection for AIDS Care titled 'Pain in People with HIV'. Pain, and especially chronic pain, is increasingly recognized as a significant, common and burdensome co-morbidity among people with HIV. The HIV Global Pain Task Force was formed in 2019 with the goal of bringing together researchers, clinicians and people with lived experience to work toward collaborative solutions for the recognition and treatment of chronic pain among people with HIV, and the prevention of chronic pain among those not currently affected. The publication of this article collection represents one milestone in our mission. The issue begins with a manuscript describing our process to develop a research agenda for the field. Subsequent articles address advances in the epidemiology of pain in people with HIV, the intersection of chronic pain and opioid use, and finally new directions for treatment. We hope that this article collection stimulates thought and collaboration in the field and ultimately contributes toward the achievement of safe and effective therapies to reduce pain, minimize harm and increase quality of life in people with HIV.

Jessica Robinson-Papp, MD, MS for the HIV Global Pain Task Force

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