International Journal of Water Resources Development Top Cited Article

Created 01 Jan 2019| Updated 26 May 2023 | 2 articles

Each year, International Journal of Water Resources Development (IJWRD) recognizes the most highly cited paper in the previous year's Impact Factor window. The award is based upon Web of Science citations in the Impact Factor year to articles published in IJWRD in the preceding two years.

Prize winners receive a complimentary online subscription to the journal for one year. The winning paper is also made free to access for 12 months from the award date.

Browse the 2019 and 2018 winners below.

To find out more about the mission of International Journal of Water Resources Development, please see the journal's Aims & Scope. More information and guidance for prospective contributors can be found on the Journal's Instructions for Authors page.

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Originally published in International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume: 35, Number: 4 (04 Jul 2019)

Published online: 02 Feb 2018
  • 120 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric

Originally published in International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume: 34, Number: 3 (04 May 2018) Water resources research in China in the context of climate change and anthropogenic activity

Published online: 19 Mar 2018
  • 31 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric
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