Special issues

Browse all special issues from Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.

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The Philosophy of Utopia
Volume 3, Issue 2-3, 2000 pages 1-ebi
Human Rights and Global Diversity
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2000 pages 1-ebi
The Challenge to Friendship in Modernity
Volume 2, Issue 4, 1999 pages 1-ebi
Feminism, Identity and Difference
Volume 2, Issue 1, 1999 pages 1-ebi
Pluralsim and Liberal Neutrality
Volume 1, Issue 3, 1998 pages 1-ebi
Volume 1, Issue 2, 1998 pages 1-ebi

Special issue information

CRISPP appears six times a year.

It consists of three general issues, containing a variety of submitted or commissioned articles, and three special issues devoted to a particular thinker, theory, theme or topic.

Recent and forthcoming special issues have covered Foucault, Utopianism, Pluralism and Liberal Neutrality, Human Rights and Global Diversity, Friendship, Altruism, Republicanism, Citizenship and Gender, Family Values and Social Justice, Immigration and Non-domination, Facts and Norms, Multiculturalism, Realism, Global Justice and Violence. These special issues are usually also published as books.

To propose a Special Issue please contact Richard Bellamy.