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Journal overview

Ranked as an 'A' journal in the Australian ABDC list (see here)

Current Issues in Tourism encourages in-depth discussion and critique of key questions within the subject. It offers a readable format for normal and extended length peer-reviewed papers, commentaries, letters, and reviews, all designed to spark off further debate. It contains both applied and theoretical work that addresses tourism inquiry, method and practice. Lively and rigorous, it welcomes contributions from the broad gamut of subjects that make up the stuff of tourism studies .
Current Issues in Tourism
is designed to be accessible to both new and experienced researchers and practitioners on a global basis. The principal aims of the journal are to: encourage the full range of approaches which are available to the study of tourism; bring together researchers from different subject backgrounds for interdisciplinary and postdisciplinary debate; develop the theoretical base on which the study of tourism is built; encourage reflection on prior research and theory, including issues of replication; provide a basis for the development of critical approaches to the study of tourism; disseminate new approaches, concepts, frameworks, methods, models and practices which may be developed in the study of tourism; and promote new research .

In addition to general papers, Current Issues in Tourism features four other sections - CIT Research Letters, CIT Research Notes, CIT Reviews and Current Issues in Method and Practice. To find out more about these sections, including how to submit material, please click here. The journal has introduced Current Issues in Asian Tourism (CIAT), which are regular specific issues dedicated to papers on tourism in Asia, as well as other themes issues.

The journal aims for a rapid turnaround of submissions and encourages short commentaries and rejoinders. In addition to normal length submissions the journal also welcomes extended peer-reviewed papers on a single topic that combine detailed literature reviews with substantive empirical research and/or policy analysis. Occasional special symposia issues will also be produced focusing on a special topic. In the ‘CIT Research Letters’ section, the journal is keen to encourage shorter pieces focussing on issues of the moment or early notice of research findings. We also welcome supplementary material in the form of video, audio, photographs, and additional information about data that is not otherwise included in the paper.

Peer Review Statement

Every article within the remit of the journal is peer reviewed anonymously (double anonymous peer review) by a minimum of two experts.

Statement of Inclusivity

Researchers and students of tourism are members of a broad human community and may thus experience societal and other prejudices that directly affect their ability to contribute to publish their research. Current Issues in Tourism supports and encourages universal participation in tourism studies and the social sciences overall, regardless of minoritised status. We affirmatively declare our support for an academic research community that is open to, and provides support and safety for every individual, regardless of ethnicity, cultural identity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, faith, or medical condition. We reject racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and any form of prejudice stemming from identity, religion, or citizenship. Eliminating these injustices is the only way to ensure that all people can benefit from participation in research and publishing, and we accept this task as integral to the social sciences and assessing and communicating the results of research. Such support includes ensuring that articles published in Current Issues in Tourism use appropriately inclusive language but requesting reviewers and editors to ensure that no paper that deals with issues associated with minoritised status is inappropriately excluded. Higher education institutions, professional societies and academic journals should never tolerate any form of harassment or minority exclusion and should have transparent procedures for addressing such harassment when it occurs.

"Current Issues in Tourism is one of the world’s foremost venues for the dissemination of innovative, scientific research related to all aspects of tourism. Now in its thirteenth year, CIT has proved its position as a world-class journal time and time again. The global breadth and high quality of articles that appear in the journal set it apart from other publications in the field. It has gained considerable visibility and is highly regarded among scholars involved in the social science of tourism for its erudite focus on timely issues that affect all tourism places and players. The impact and influence of Current Issues in Tourism has been felt for more than a decade. No doubt it will continue to provide enlightened scholarship for decades to come."

Dallen Timothy
, Arizona State University, USA

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