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Journal overview

The Journal of Counselor Leadership & Advocacy (JCLA), a publication of Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International, provides professional counselors, counselor educators, and counseling students with research and evidence-based recommendations in topics that promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling. Through high-quality research, scholarship, and professional dialogue, the primary purposes of this peer-reviewed journal are to promote the development of leaders to serve in diverse counseling settings, bring awareness to professional and client advocacy initiatives, and provide a forum for discussing professional issues. JCLA welcomes empirical, theoretical, and conceptual manuscripts focused on leadership, professional and client advocacy, and professional identity for counselors, counseling students, and counselor educators. Because evidence-based practice is at the heart of the counseling profession, JCLA will occasionally publish exemplary scholarship related to evidence-based practice in counseling practice, supervision, and education.

JCLA is focused on promoting leadership and advocacy in all professional counseling settings and specialties (e.g., counselor education, school counseling, clinical counseling, and rehabilitation counseling). JCLA will publish articles in five categories:

· Leadership development – Research and conceptual/theoretical articles that address leadership development within counseling practice, supervision, or education.

· Professional advocacy – Research and conceptual/theoretical articles that address professional advocacy within counseling practice, supervision, or education.

· Client advocacy – Research and conceptual/theoretical articles that address client advocacy within counseling practice, supervision, or education.

· Professional identity – Research and conceptual/theoretical articles that address issues related to professional identity and professional identity development within counseling practice, supervision, or education.

· Evidence-based practice – Original research and grounded literature reviews that may advance the profession via exemplary evidence-based practice in counseling, supervision, or education.

JCLA will publish four major types of articles with a primary focus on the first two types:

· Research articles – original quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method research up to 30 pages in length including all references and tables.

· Theoretical/conceptual articles – theoretical or conceptual pieces, founded upon on evidence-based practice up to 25 pages in length including all references and tables.

· Research briefs – brief summaries regarding original quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research up to 15 pages in length including all references and tables.

· Special features – Editorial comments, profiles, or media reviews solicited by editor on case-by-case basis; at no time will special features comprise more than 20% of JCLA contents

Peer Review Policy: Manuscript submissions are subject to intial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymouse expert referees. Invited papers will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and sent for external review at the Editor’s discretion.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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