Journal overview

Ming Studies is the journal of the Society for Ming Studies, a non-profit academic organization devoted to the dissemination of knowledge about the Ming period in Chinese history (1368-1644). The society brings together scholars from North America, Europe and Asia, and convenes annually in conjunction with the Association for Asian Studies. Panels and roundtable discussions are regularly organized or supported. The Society also produces occasional research monographs and technical materials for Ming scholars.

Appearing twice a year, Ming Studies presents news of the field and book reviews along with significant articles of current scholarship on all aspects of Chinese society from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries. All articles are peer-reviewed, and should present original, innovative research and interpretation, making substantial contributions to the state of the field. Ming Studies occasionally devotes special issues to particular themes, often deriving from conferences or other collaborative research and scholarly activity. Recent examples have included work on the Ming founder Zhu Yuanzhang, the sixteenth century scholar-official Wang Shizhen, and Discourses on Disorder in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century China.

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Sarah Schneewind et al.
Paolo Santangelo
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Jun Fang
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Shiyun Wang
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