Aims and scope

The European Review of History - Revue européenne d'histoire is an international journal covering European history of all centuries and subdisciplines. It aims to create a forum for ideas across Europe, to encourage the most innovatory research, to make diverse historiographies better known and to practically assist exchanges between young historians.

The journal publishes either thematic issues devoted to the key historiographical debates of today or regular issues which are divded into three parts, each with its own distinct features:

  • Part I contains articles based on original research, which also consider questions of wider interest, whether of theory, historiography, methodology or comparison.
  • Part II consists of reviews and review articles, intended to spread knowledge of the latest work across Europe and thus to open up national historiographies.
  • Part III aims to help researchers practically, by providing information about grants, archives, university networks, centres of research, conferences and similar matters.

Thematic issues are guest edited but submitted to the same anonymous external refereeing process as regular issues.

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.